Appendix D
Application integrity check.A small amount of additional information transferred with an application message and used to provide a proof to a recipient of message content integrity. When the Integrity Check is computed, it may be computed over more than just the message itself (e.g. sender and receiver identifiers) and hence used to provide additional proofs (e.g. delivery to the intended recipient and/or authentication of the sender). The type of proof offered depends on the algorithm used to generate/verify the Application Integrity Check. A cryptographic checksum and/or use of a shared secret may be required to provide a proof of origin (authentication of the sender).
ATS message handling serviceservices (ATSMHS).An ATN application consisting ofPprocedures used to exchange ATS messages in store-and-forward mode over the ATN such that the conveyance of an ATS message is in general not correlated with the conveyance of another ATS message by the service provider.
ATS message handling system (AMHS).The set of computing and communication resources implemented by ATS organizations to provide the ATS message handling service.
Protected mode Controllerpilot data link communication (PMCPDLC). A means of communication between controller and pilot, using data link for ATC communications, which includes a means for the application user to verify the integrity and the correct delivery of each individual message.
3.4.4 The ATN shall make provisions whereby only the controlling ATS unit may provide ATC instructions to aircraft operating in its airspace.
Note.— This is achieved through the current and next data authority aspects of the controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC or PM-CPDLC) application entity.
3.4.23 The ATN shall be capable of establishing, maintaining, releasing and aborting peer-to-peer application associations for the controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC or PM-CPDLC) application.
3.4.25 The ATN shall be capable of establishing, maintaining, releasing and aborting application associations for the ATS message handling serviceservices (ATSMHS) application.
………………. Controller-Pilot Data Link
Communications (CPDLC or PM-CPDLC) Application
Note 1.— The CPDLC application, comprising an airborne and ground component, provides capability for data link communications between ATS units and aircraft under their control and/or aircraft about to come under their control. The CPDLC application has the capability to establish, manage, and terminate CPDLC dialogues for controller-pilot message exchange and for ground message forwarding.
Note 2. The PM-CPDLC application supports in addition to the standard CPDLC functions a means for the application user to verify the integrity and the correct delivery of each individual message The ATN shall be capable of supporting the following CPDLC or PM-CPDLC application functions:
a)controller-pilot message exchange;
b)transfer of data authority;
c)downstream clearance; and
d)ground forward.
Note.— The technical provisions for the CPDLC and PM-CPDLC applications are defined in Doc 9705 — Manual of Technical Provisions for the Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN), Subvolume II.
……………….. ATS Message Handling
ServiceServices (ATSMHS) application
Note.— The ATS message handling serviceservices (ATSMHS) application comprises a main function named the ATS message service function. . The ATS message service function enables ATS messages to be exchanged between service users through the provision of generic message services. The ATSMHS application includes the definition of AFTN/ATN and CIDIN/ATN gateways. The ATN shall be capable of supporting the ATS message service of the ATS message handling serviceservices application (ATSMHS).
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