Describe a Place
If the place is nice here are some words:
admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fine, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, sightly, splendid, statuesque, stunning, sublime, superb, symmetrical, taking, well-formed, wonderful
Geology and Geography Terms
Aeolian landforms are formed by the wind and include:
- Barchan
- Blowout
- Desert pavement
- Desert varnish
- Dune
- Dreikanter
- Erg
- Loess
- Dry lake
- Sandhill
- Ventifact
- Yardang
Coastal and oceanic landforms include:
Coastal and oceanic landforms.
- Abyssal fan
- Abyssal plain
- Archipelago
- Atoll
- Arch
- Ayre
- Barrier bar and barrier island
- Bay
- Baymouth bar
- Beach and raised beach
- Beach cusps
- Beach ridge
- Bight
- Blowhole
- Channel
- Cape
- Calanque
- Cliff
- Coast
- Continental shelf
- Coral reef
- Cove
- Cuspate foreland
- Dune system
- Estuary
- Firth
- Fjard
- Fjord
- Geo
- Gulf
- Headland
- Inlet
- Island, Islet
- Isthmus
- Lagoon
- Machair
- Marine terrace
- Mid-ocean ridge
- Ocean
- Oceanic basin
- Oceanic plateau
- Oceanic ridge
- Oceanic trench
- Peninsula
- Ria
- River delta
- Salt marsh
- Sea
- Sea cave
- Seamount
- Shoal
- Shore
- Sound
- Spit
- Strait
- Strandflat
- Stack, and stump
- Submarine canyon
- Surge channel
- Tessellated pavement
- Tidal marsh
- Tide pool
- Tombolo
- Volcanic arc
- Wave cut platform
Erosion landforms
Landforms produced by erosion and weathering usually occur in coastal or fluvial environments, and many appear under those headings as well.
- Badlands
- Bornhardt
- Butte
- Canyon
- Cave
- Cliff
- Cuesta
- Dissected plateau
- Erg
- Exhumed river channel
- Flatiron
- Gulch
- Gully
- Hogback
- Hoodoo
- Homoclinal ridge
- Inverted relief
- Lavaka
- Limestone pavement
- Monadnock
- Mesa
- Natural arch
- Pediment
- Pediplain
- Peneplain
- Potrero
- Ridge
- Roche moutonnée
- Rock formations
- Strike ridge
- Structural bench
- Structural terrace
- Tea table
- Tepui
- Tessellated pavement
- Truncated spur
- Tor
- Valley
Fluvial landforms
Fluvial landforms include:
- Ait
- Alluvial fan
- Anabranch
- Arroyo and (wash)
- backswamp
- Bar
- Bayou
- Bench
- Braided channel
- Cave
- Cliff
- Cutbank
- Crevasse splay
- Confluence
- Drainage basin
- Drainage divide
- Endorheic basin
- Esker
- Exhumed river channel
- Floodplain
- Fluvial island
- Fluvial terrace
- Gorge and canyon
- Gully
- Natural levee
- Marsh
- Meander
- Oxbow lake
- Point bar
- Plunge pool
- Rapid
- Riffle
- River
- River delta
- River island
- Rock-cut basin
- Shut-in
- Thalweg
- Towhead
- Shoal
- Spring
- Stream
- Stream pool
- Swamp
- Valley and Vale
- Wadi
- Waterfall
- Watershed
- Yazoo stream
Impact landforms
Landforms created by extrerrestrial impacts include:
- Central peak
- Complex crater
- Cratered landscapes
- Ejecta blanket
- Impact crater
- Simple crater
Karst landforms
Karst landforms include:
- Abîme
- Calanque
- Cave
- Cenote
- Cockpit karst
- Doline
- Foibe
- Karstfenster
- Karst valleys
- Limestone pavement
- Mogote
- Polje
- Scowle
- Sinkhole
- Tower karst
- Turlough
- Uvala
Lacustrine landforms
Lacustrine landforms include:
- Beach and raised beach
- Carolina bay
- Dry lake
- Endorheic basin
- Lacustrine plain
- Lacustrine terraces
- Lake
- Oasis
- Oxbow lake
- Parallel Roads of Glen Roy
- Playa lake
- Pond
- Proglacial lake
- Salt pan (salt flat)
Mountain and glacial landforms
Mountain and glacial landforms include:
- Arête
- Cirque
- Crevasse
- Corrie or cwm
- Cove (mountain)
- Dirt cone
- Drumlin and drumlin field
- Esker
- Fjord
- Fluvial terrace
- Glacial horn
- Glacier
- Glacier cave
- Glacier foreland
- Hanging valley
- Hill
- Kame
- Kame delta
- Kettle
- Monadnock
- Moraine and Ribbed moraines
- Moulin (geology)
- Mountain
- Mountain pass or col
- Mountain range
- Nunatak
- Proglacial lake
- Outwash fan and outwash plain
- Pingo
- Rift valley
- Roche moutonnée
- Sandur
- Side valley
- Summit
- Trim line
- Truncated spur
- Tunnel valley
- Valley
- U-shaped valley
Slope landforms
Slope landforms include:
- Alas
- Bluff
- Butte
- Cliff
- Cuesta
- Dale
- Defile
- Dell
- Doab
- Draw
- Escarpment (scarp)
- Flat (landform)
- Glen
- Gully
- Hill
- Knoll
- Interfluve
- Mesa
- Mountain pass or col
- Plain
- Plateau
- Ravine
- Ridge
- Rock shelter
- Scree
- Strath
- Summit
- Terrace
- Terracettes
- Vale
- Valley
- Valley shoulder
Tectonic landforms
Landforms created by tectonic activity include:
- Dome
- Faceted spur
- Fault scarp
- Graben
- Horst
- Mid-ocean ridge
- Mud volcano
- Oceanic trench
- Pull apart basin
- Rift valley
- Sand volcano
Volcanic landforms
Volcanic landforms include:
- Caldera
- Complex volcano
- Crater lake
- Cryovolcano
- Geyser
- Guyot
- Lava dome
- Lava flow
- Lava lake
- Lava plain
- Lava spine
- Lava tube
- Maar
- Malpais
- Mamelon
- Mid-ocean ridge
- Pit crater
- Pseudocrater
- Shield volcano
- Stratovolcano
- Subglacial mound
- Submarine volcano
- Supervolcano
- Tuya
- Vent
- Volcanic cone
- Volcanic craters (not impact craters)
- Volcanic dam
- Volcanic field
- Volcanic group
- Volcanic island
- Volcanic plateau
- Volcanic plug
- Volcano
Landforms, alphabetic
- Abîme
- Abyssal fan
- Abyssal plain
- Ait
- Alas
- Alluvial fan
- Anabranch
- Arch
- Archipelago
- Arjte
- Arroyo and (wash)
- Atoll
- Ayre
- Badlands
- Bar
- Barchan
- Barrier bar
- Barrier island
- Bay
- Baymouth bar
- Bayou
- Beach
- Beach cusps
- Beach ridge
- Bench
- Bight
- Blowhole
- Blowout
- Bluff
- Bornhardt
- Braided channel
- Butte
- Calanque
- Caldera
- Canyon
- Cape
- Carolina bay
- Cave
- Cenote
- Channel
- Cirque
- Corrie or cwm
- Cliff
- Coast
- Complex crater
- Complex volcano
- Confluence
- Continental shelf
- Coral reef
- Cove
- Cove (mountain)
- Crater lake
- Crevasse splay
- Crevasse
- Cryovolcano
- Cuesta
- Cuspate foreland
- Cutbank
- Dale
- Defile
- Dell
- Desert pavement
- Desert varnish
- Dirt cone
- Dissected plateau
- Doab
- Doline
- Dome
- Drainage basin
- Drainage divide
- Draw
- Dreikanter
- Drumlin
- Drumlin field
- Dry lake
- Dune
- Dune system
- Ejecta blanket
- Endorheic basin
- Erg
- Escarpment (scarp)
- Esker
- Estuary
- Exhumed river channel
- Faceted spur
- Fault scarp
- Firth
- Fjard
- Fjord
- Flat
- Flatiron
- Floodplain
- Fluvial island
- Fluvial terrace
- Foibe
- Geo
- Geyser
- Glacial horn
- Glacier cave
- Glacier foreland
- Glacier
- Parallel Roads of Glen Roy
- Glen
- Gorge
- Canyon
- Graben
- Gulf
- Gully
- Guyot
- Hanging valley
- Headland
- Hill
- Hogback
- Homoclinal ridge
- Hoodoo
- Horst
- Impact crater
- Inlet
- Interfluve
- Inverted relief
- Island
- Islet
- Isthmus
- Kame delta
- Kame
- Karst
- Karstfenster
- Karst valley
- Kettle
- Knoll
- Lacustrine plain
- Lagoon
- Lake
- Lava dome
- Lava flow
- Lava lake
- Lava plain
- Lava spine
- Lava tube
- Lavaka
- Levee, natural
- Limestone pavement
- Loess
- Lacustrine terraces
- Maar
- Machair
- Malpaís
- Mamelon
- Marine terrace
- Marsh
- Meander
- Mesa
- Mid-ocean ridge
- Mogote
- Monadnock
- Moraine
- Moulin
- Mountain
- Mountain pass or col
- Mountain range
- Mud volcano
- Natural arch
- Nunatak
- Oasis
- Ocean
- Oceanic basin
- Oceanic plateau
- Oceanic ridge
- Oceanic trench
- Outwash fan
- Outwash plain
- Oxbow lake
- Pediment
- Pediplain
- Peneplain
- Peninsula
- Pingo
- Pit crater
- Plain
- Plateau
- Playa lake
- Plunge pool
- Point bar
- Polje
- Pond
- Potrero
- Proglacial lake
- Pseudocrater
- Pull apart basin
- Raised beach
- Rapid
- Ravine
- Ria
- Ribbed moraines
- Ridge
- Riffle
- Rift valley
- River
- River delta
- River island
- Roche moutonnée
- Rock formations
- Rock shelter
- Rock-cut basin
- Salt marsh
- Salt pan (salt flat)
- Sand volcano
- Sandhill
- Sandur
- Scowle
- Scree
- Sea
- Sea cave
- Seamount
- Shield volcano
- Shoal
- Shore
- Shut-in
- Side valley
- Sinkhole
- Sound
- Spit
- Spring
- Stack and stump
- Strait
- Strandflat
- Strath
- Stratovolcano
- Stream pool
- Stream
- Strike ridge
- Structural bench
- Structural terrace
- Subglacial mound
- Submarine canyon
- Submarine volcano
- Summit
- Supervolcano
- Surge channel
- Swamp
- Tea table
- Tepui
- Terrace
- Terracettes
- Tessellated pavement
- Thalweg
- Tidal marsh
- Tide pool
- Tombolo
- Tor
- Tower karst
- Towhead
- Trim line
- Truncated spur
- Tunnel valley
- Turlough
- Tuya
- U-shaped valley
- Uvala
- Vale
- Valley
- Valley shoulder
- Vale
- Vent
- Ventifact
- Volcanic arc
- Volcanic cone
- Volcanic craters
- Volcanic dam
- Volcanic field
- Volcanic group
- Volcanic island
- Volcanic plateau
- Volcanic plug
- Volcano
- Wadi
- Waterfall
- Watershed
- Wave cut platform
- Yardang