This is Gary W. Ridge’s response to the closing of the website, based on evidence submitted to Hypermart. To the right of Mr. Ridge’s response, please find our response point by point. All these other websites claiming to be Southern Cherokee also have nothing to do with the Southern Cherokee Nation.


Subject: Re: trust / TOS Violation - Account Suspended [C02847328000000000]
I received the attached email.

I am Gary Ridge the elected Principal Chief of the Ridge was never elected as Chief, he was appointed
Southern Cherokee Nation located in Webbers Falls by General Council under false pretenses including his
Oklahoma, and owner of the trust account and websiteclaims to familial relationship to Major Ridge and belief
called Ridge was a Southern Cherokee.
The name Southern Cherokee Nation is registered by the This is partly so, the name is actually Southern
US Treasury Dept. to me GaryRidge with Federal ID Cherokee Tribal Nation. It is not registered to Ridge,
number 81-0551895, and has been registered to Gary it is registered to the tribe itself as per the IRS.
Ridge since 15 May 2002.
As you know and according to the IRS regulations the Not Ridge or anyone else can own an Indian tribe.
only authorized use of the name "Southern Cherokee All the incorporations all over the U.S. have no
Nation" is to the registered owner recognized by the connection to the Southern Cherokee.
US Treasury Dept.(IRS).
I will be happy to fax you a copy of the IRS form SS-4 His name was on it only as the person filing the app.
to show to whom the Southern Cherokee Nation name is It is registered to the tribal address at tribal house and
registered registered to the tribe, not personally to Ridge.
This is not the first time hypermart has suspended our This gentleman at Hypermart was involved the last
account on unsubstantiated rumors from individuals time it was shut down and can verify that the website
regarding our name and website.was not “hacked into” but rather shut down by
Hypermart. Andrew Light neverturned on a computer
The last time our site (cherokee) was illegally hacked in his life until 2 years ago. The Southern Cherokee
into by former members of our organization (Andrew are not an organization, they are an Indian tribe.
Light) of whom we had to go to FederalCourtDistrict The web site was not shut down until 2/28/05.
Court in MuskogeeOklahoma to disprove their rumors, The court case was filed on 1/28/05 and had nothing
hypermart allowed this to happen at a legal cost to us to do with the website other than the lies and criminal
of over $85,000.00. Phone calls to hypermart legal activities still being committed by Ridge and
went unanswered at that time and we were forced to hundreds of others in the name of Southern Cherokee.
open another account (trust) to restore our website The “us” is non-Indians, crooks and thieves without
although much of the original website was lost during morals or conscience to anyone but themselves
the transfer, again costing us more money to restore. and theirgreed. Where did the $85,000.00 come
from, Ridge? - the tens of thousands of people you
Andrew Light also filed falsified affidavits to the US and your band of cutthroats lied to and scammed to
Postal Service alledging Fraud, causing our offices tomake some believe these falsehoods as truth.
be raided by the US Postal Service. Again this proved As for falsified affidavits, we have evidence by the
to be false in Federal District Court in Muskogee , boxes full. The only thing federal court did was to
Federal District Judge Ronald White presiding. intimidate our lawyer and turn a bunch of
thieves and crooks out to keep on doing the same
Please quit listening to rumors and restore our site thing because of this kangaroo court. These Southern
immediately. Cherokee have sprung up all over the U.S. There are
thousands of people out there that have been
conned by these frauds. The tribe does not have
Thanking you in advance jurisdiction over most of these people. Thanks to
Mr. William Grimmer of South Bend, Indiana for
Respectfullydealing with seven of this kind of people. This is
seven convicted who were all brought in and can
GaryRidgebe connected back to Gary W. Ridge. Any evidence
Southern Cherokee Nationsent to the tribal office will be forwarded on to the
appropriate authority.