Burlington Farmers’ Market

Carol Reed, Market Manager


2013 Rules of Operation

Burlington Farmers' Market Mission

Provide fresh, locally grown, seasonal food to area consumers, support SE WI Agriculture and provide a setting for a community-wide event.


§  provide access to fresh, tasty seasonal products,

§  increase awareness by consumers of what is grown locally,

§  and provide an opportunity for growers and customers to talk to each other and get to know each other’s needs and interests, and

§  provide a setting where growers, consumers, local businesses and sponsors of the Market with like minded goals can gather and share ideas

Board of Directors and Management / Phone / Email
Carol Reed, Market Manager / 262-210-6360 /
Chris Simon / President / 262-366-7851 /
Bob Willard / Vice-President / 262-534-2545 /
Jean Scherrer / Secretary/Treasure / 262-716-3476 /
Rose Skora / Member / 262-767-2905 /

David Spiegelhoff / Member / 262-763-5955 /

Burlington Farmers’ Market

2013 Vendor Guidelines

Revised: November 2012

Market Location:

Wehmhoff Square, Corner of Washington & Pine Streets, Next to the Library

355 N. Pine Street Burlington WI 53105

Market Dates & Times:

May 2 – October 31, 2013

3p.m. - 7p.m. May – September, the month of October vendors may leave at 6p.m. Set-up is expected to occur between 1p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Vendors must be set up and ready for sales at 3p.m. Take-down not before market close.

Producer Market

The Burlington Farmers’ Market is a producer only market. All products displayed for sale must be produced locally by the vendor who sells. Resale is not permitted. A “vendor” is defined as the business owner, immediate family member, or employee of the vendor. “Local” is defined as within a 75 mile radius of Burlington.

Allowable Products

Fresh fruits and vegetables, cider, flowers, herbs, potted plants, honey, maple syrup, soap, lotions, jams, preserves, grains, artisan breads, bakery, prepared foods, eggs, and meat are acceptable. Eggs, meats, dairy products, and processed foods must be processed, stored, displayed and sold according to state and federal guidelines. Vendors will submit a product plan with the application, indicating that season’s market intentions.

The market board reserves the right to inspect farms at any time to verify compliance with market rules.

 No live animals will be sold at the market.

Original art/craft created and sold by the artist

Food Safety

 All food vendors must follow Federal, State, Local Health Department laws, rules and licensing requirements.

 Processed foods must originate form a certified-licensed establishment, or processed in compliance with Wisconsin State Law. (Copies of Documents must accompany application)

Vendors are responsible for compliance with applicable city, county, state and federal regulations concerning health, licenses, packaging, labeling, taxes, weights and measures, signage, etc. All processed, baked, frozen, and canned food must be prepared in properly licensed facilities.

For information regarding licensing and food safety regulations contact Division of Food Safety; 608-224-4700


To sell at the farmers market, a vendor must annually complete a vendor application prior to selling at the market. This document verifies he or she is the actual producers of specified items which he or she intends to sell.

A new vendor must be approved by the Market Manager and Market Board, who will take into account the vendor’s application and product mix at the market in their decision.

 Seasonal stall fees are $200.

 Daily vendor/art and craft vendor fees are $25. per day

 Early renewal discount; deduct $20. from full fee of $200. must be paid in full and received by February 15, 2013

 Application ½ the full fee, or $100. must be paid by 3/1/2013 to hold your space

 All applications and fees must be received and paid in full by April 15, 2013. (Returning vendors only)

Recruitment for new market vendors for product(s) currently offered at the market will not begin until after 3/1/2013. If a market application has not been received by 3/1/2013 and the product(s) sold by a vendor would leave a void in the market, the market manager will actively start recruitment for replacement vendors for that product(s).

Stall Space

 Stall space is 10 by 10 foot area. Vendors may purchase more than one stall space. For more information, please contact market manager.

Tents are encouraged for product quality and overall market appearance, however they are not required.

 Limited power is available in designated areas and supplied at the market

 Generator use is allowed providing the sound level is minimal

 Booth space sharing is not allowed

 Limited street space available-contact market manager

 Participants renting space on daily basis may not always have same space


Signage identifying the business is suggested

Signs, boards, tags, or labels listing prices of all products for sale shall also be posted prior to sales. Producers should clearly label organic and non-organic products in the same display.

Vendors using the word organic anywhere in their labeling or signage must display their organic certification and name the certifying body.

Vendor Behavior

 Vendors and their employees shall conduct themselves in a pleasant and courteous manner to other vendors, customers, market management, the City of Burlington, and follow all rules of operation.

 Market vendors are required to park in either the municipal lot off of Washington Street, City parking garage or in non-restricted street parking. (Chase Banking and the Library lots are prohibited, vehicles will be ticketed. Pine Street, Perkins Blvd and Washington Street should be left open for consumer parking.

 Shade structures shall be secured to the ground via clearly-marked blocks, sandbags, or other heavy objects in order to prevent damage to products and injury to others.

 No pets allowed.

A stand or display that impedes access to other vendors shall be disallowed.

 Questionable product quality, labeling, and radical price cutting concerns are also subject to market manager and Board review.

The market operates in all weather conditions, in the event of severe weather the market manager may elect to close the market to insure the safety of all vendors and shoppers alike. At that time all vendors must abide with closing and begin packing up in a swift and safe manner.

 No Smoking

 Vendors must clean up their sales area before leaving each market day.

Rule Violation

The Market Manager will make every attempt to work with the vendor to comply with the market rules. Vendors will be informed of non-compliance of market rules in person as well as by letter. If a vendor receives a second letter (per season) regarding non-compliance, vendor will be terminated from the market and lose any fees paid for participation in the market.

Termination can be appealed to the Board of Directors

Duties of Market Manager

The market manager has full authority to enforce all rules

In addition, the Market Manager duties include:

 Managing volunteers at the market

 Managing market tent/EBT/ credit, debit card transactions

 Collecting vendor fees

 Recording attendance and a brief log of market events

 Managing conflict between vendors and/or customers

 Convening producers at the market for brief meetings if necessary

 Closing the market in the event of severe weather

Notification of Absence

Please contact the market manager prior to Thursday’s market if not attending.

Exclusivity / Redundancy; The Burlington Farmers Market does not offer or guarantee any exclusivity to any vendor for any product at any time. In our efforts to provide a wide mix of product offerings we will limit the number of vendors with redundant products. That being said, we do allow for duplicate products as space allows.


Spaces will be filled with preference being given to 1) returning vendors, 2) product mix, and vendors that commit to season booth rental. Early renewal is encouraged. Questions: contact market manager.

Credit/Debit Card

Credit/debit card use will be available at the market starting in 2013. Market Money tokens can be used for all purchases at the market and also purchased as gift cards. Payment to vendors for tokens returned to the market will be bi-weekly. All market vendors are required to accept Market Money tokens when presented to them for purchase of their products.

EBT (Electronic Bank Transfer-Quest Card)

Each vendor has to comply with USDA and Burlington Farmers’ Market guidelines for participation with EBT. Payment will be bi-weekly.

The market is a certified WIC market (fruits and vegetables only) vendors must also be certified through the Health Department. Contact or 608-261-8867 WIC Certificates must be displayed at the market.


ALL MARKET PARTICIPANTS MUST PROVIDE a current certificate of liability insurance for the duration of the market. Certificates must be received prior to May 1, 2013 and name the Burlington Farmers’ Market as additional insured.

Burlington Farmers’ Market

Application for Permission to Sell - 2013

Name: ______

City: ______

Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number: ______

E-mail address: ______

Are you W.I.C. Certified*: (Circle One) Yes No *training required to accept vouchers

2013 Vendor Fee Schedule
Please total in right column / Total
Full Season / 26 weeks
$7.69 per market / $200.00
Daily Fees / Must be received 1 week before participation date / $25.00
Early renewal / Must be received by February 15, 2013 / -$20.00
Total Fees paid for 2013

Please make all checks payable to Burlington Farmers’ Market

Recruitment for new market vendors for product(s) currently offered at the market will not begin until after 3/1/2013. If a market application has not been received by 3/1/2013 and the product(s) sold by a vendor would leave a void in the market, the market manager will actively start recruitment for replacement vendors for that product(s).

When do you anticipate marketing your product?
May / 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30
June / 6 / 13 / 20 / 27
July / 4 NO MARKET / 11 / 18 / 25
August / 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29
September / 5 / 12 / 19 / 26
October / 3 / 10 / 17 / 24 / 31

*events subject to change

For Manager's Use Date Received: ______Amount: ______Check # _____


Vendor Information (please print)


______ Include on BFM website

Farm or Business Name:

______ Include on BFM website


______ Include on BFM website

City, State, Zip:

______ Include on BFM website

E-mail Address:

______ Include on BFM website

Web Site Address:

______ Include on BFM website


Product(s) you intend to sell:

Please attach separate list if needed.

Please include any interesting facts about your farm, business that we can share on our website?



Hold Harmless Agreement:

In consideration for being permitted to participate in the Burlington Farmers’ Market, I agree to comply with the market rules, a copy of which I hereby acknowledge receipt. I also agree to hold harmless the City of Burlington, its officers, employees and agents, and the Burlington Farmers’ Market Board, its officers, employees and volunteers from any and all liability for property damage or personal injury that may occur from any cause whatsoever including negligence as a result of my participation in the market.

The Burlington Farmers’ Market Association also has my permission to publish, electronically or via print media, any photos taken at the market, for the purpose of promoting the market, and vendor information as indicated by checked boxes above.

I have read, understood and agree to abide with all of the Vendor Guidelines.

Signature: ______Dated: ______

Printed Name: ______

Please submit completed Permission to Sell and Vendor Application together with payment to: Burlington Farmers’ Market c/o Carol Reed 417 Herman Street, Burlington WI 53105