National Diploma in Educational Administration (Senior Management)
/ 7Credits
/ 248This qualification is expiring. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2012.
The National Diploma in Educational Administration (Senior Management) [Ref: 0527] recognises the skills, knowledge, and attributes required by principals and chief executive officers to lead educational institutions, and carry out research in educational administration. Holders of this qualification are able to demonstrate knowledge of policy issues and research, operations, people management and planning in educational administration, as well as research in the discipline of education. Electives provide flexibility in that credit can be gained for standards according to the needs of the individual. This qualification may follow the National Diploma in Educational Administration (Middle Management) [Ref: 0526].
Special Notes
Recommended: National Diploma in Educational Administration (Middle Management) [Ref: 0526].
Compulsory / Elective A / Elective Blevel 3 credits / - / 0-2 / -
Level 4 credits / 4 / 0-12 / -
Level 5 credits / 18 / 0-55 / -
Level 6 credits / 53 / 0-75 / -
Level 7 credits / 73 / 0-75 / 25
Minimum totals / 148 / 75 / 25
Requirements for Award of Qualification
Award of NQF Qualifications
Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.
Summary of Requirements
Compulsory standards
Elective A – A minimum of 75 credits as specified
Elective B – A minimum of 25 credits as specified
Detailed Requirements
The following standards are required
Education > Educational Administration > Operations in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5280 / Plan to access funds for an educational organisation / 5 / 4
5282 / Demonstrate knowledge of internal resource allocation methods for educational organisations / 6 / 4
9346 / Develop a client focus in educational organisations / 5 / 3
9596 / Demonstrate knowledge of legal obligations of educational organisations / 6 / 6
Education > Educational Administration > People Management in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5287 / Demonstrate knowledge of employment legislation and regulations in education / 6 / 4
9198 / Demonstrate knowledge of leadership theory in educational organisations / 6 / 3
9199 / Demonstrate knowledge of personal leadership style in an educational context / 6 / 6
9352 / Demonstrate knowledge of performance management in educational organisations / 7 / 7
9354 / Demonstrate knowledge of staff development in an educational organisation / 5 / 3
9357 / Demonstrate knowledge of performance appraisal in educational administration / 6 / 5
9360 / Carry out performance appraisal in an educational organisation / 6 / 3
9361 / Prepare for and participate in performance appraisal as an appraisee in an educational organisation / 4 / 4
Education > Educational Administration > Planning in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5275 / Develop a strategic plan for an educational organisation / 7 / 10
5283 / Demonstrate knowledge of the culture of educational organisations / 7 / 5
9185 / Review the organisation structure of an educational organisation / 7 / 5
9193 / Demonstrate knowledge of strategic planning in an educational organisation / 6 / 4
9196 / Develop, plan to implement, and review policy in educational administration / 7 / 3
9200 / Work with change management in educational administration / 7 / 8
9203 / Demonstrate knowledge of quality management in education / 6 / 6
Education > Educational Administration > Policy Issues and Research in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5274 / Identify contemporary educational issues, trends, and research / 5 / 3
9187 / Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical basis of educational administration / 6 / 4
9190 / Demonstrate critical reflective practice in educational administration / 7 / 10
9209 / Demonstrate knowledge of the New Zealand education system / 6 / 4
9210 / Demonstrate knowledge of politics in education / 7 / 6
9211 / Critically appraise and work with contemporary policy in education / 7 / 8
9212 / Demonstrate knowledge of, and work with, educational philosophy / 7 / 6
9213 / Develop and work with a personal philosophy of education / 7 / 5
9215 / Demonstrate knowledge of ethics in education / 6 / 4
Māori > Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu > Te Mātauranga Māori Whānui
ID / Title / Level / Credit3693 / Demonstrate knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in an education context / 5 / 5
Elective A
A minimum of 75 credits
Education > Educational Administration > Curriculum Management in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit10499 / Identify and analyse barriers to learning in a curriculum or school / 6 / 8
10500 / Develop an organisational plan for curriculum for an educational organisation / 7 / 8
10501 / Develop and manage a curriculum programme / 6 / 5
10502 / Monitor and report on a curriculum programme / 6 / 5
Education > Educational Administration > Operations in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5279 / Assess compliance with legislation and regulations covering property in educational organisations / 5 / 4
9344 / Demonstrate knowledge of the management information system of an educational organisation / 6 / 6
9345 / Develop office and administrative systems in an educational organisation / 6 / 12
9347 / Control document presentation in an educational organisation / 5 / 8
9348 / Demonstrate knowledge of information technology in educational administration / 4 / 2
9349 / Work with school support agencies in educational administration / 4 / 3
9350 / Demonstrate knowledge of equivalent full-time student targets in an educational organisation / 5 / 4
9351 / Demonstrate knowledge of working with industry training organisations in educational administration / 5 / 4
Education > Educational Administration > People Management in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5278 / Demonstrate knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of a school Board of Trustees / 6 / 4
5285 / Develop a programme for the training of a school Board of Trustees / 5 / 4
5286 / Establish a code of conduct for personnel in an educational organisation / 5 / 2
9207 / Demonstrate knowledge of tertiary governing bodies of educational organisations / 5 / 2
9353 / Develop a staff development plan for an educational organisation / 6 / 10
9355 / Practice self management in educational administration / 5 / 3
9356 / Develop networks within the context of educational administration / 3 / 2
9358 / Develop a system of performance appraisal for an educational organisation / 6 / 8
9359 / Plan for, and participate in, peer review in an educational organisation / 5 / 4
Education > Educational Administration > Planning in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit5273 / Identify and describe the information output needs of an educational organisation / 4 / 4
5276 / Prepare for a school assurance audit / 5 / 4
5277 / Prepare for a school effectiveness review / 6 / 5
5288 / Develop a programme for community consultation in an educational organisation / 5 / 3
9185 / Review the organisation structure of an educational organisation / 7 / 5
9195 / Develop an information technology plan for an educational organisation / 6 / 5
9201 / Build and maintain a relationship with the local community of an educational organisation / 5 / 3
9202 / Negotiate and manage inter-institutional relationships in education / 6 / 3
9204 / Describe and evaluate an academic quality management system / 7 / 6
9205 / Develop an on-going programme of self-review in an educational organisation / 4 / 3
10506 / Develop a strategic plan for the inclusion of overseas students in an educational environment / 7 / 10
Education > Educational Administration > Policy Issues and Research in Educational Administration
ID / Title / Level / Credit9191 / Plan to develop a research culture in an educational organisation / 7 / 10
9208 / Evaluate the equity performance of an educational organisation / 6 / 4
Māori > Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu > Te Mātauranga Māori Whāiti
ID / Title / Level / Credit3695 / Demonstrate knowledge of Māori methods of teaching and learning / 7 / 20
3697 / Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum planning for Māori / 5 / 10
3708 / Implement assessment techniques of and for Māori learning / 7 / 25
Māori > Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu > Te Mātauranga Māori Whānui
ID / Title / Level / Credit3706 / Demonstrate knowledge of Māori methods of conducting research / 7 / 15
3707 / Implement Māori methods of conducting research / 8 / 20
Elective B
A minimum of 25 credits
Education > Generic Education and Training > Research in Education
ID / Title / Level / Credit9186 / Conduct a research project in education / 7 / 24
9188 / Demonstrate knowledge of approaches to research in education / 7 / 15
9189 / Evaluate and interpret research reports in education / 7 / 10
9192 / Demonstrate knowledge of ethics in research in education / 7 / 10
Transition Arrangements
Version 3
Version 3 was issued to indicate that this qualification is expiring.
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
Previous version of the qualification
Version 2 was issued to take into account the review of Te Mātauranga Māori me te Whakangungu and Educational Administration standards.
Changes to structure and content
- titles of standards 3697, 3708, 9199, 9186, 9188, 9189 and 9192 updated;
- domain classification for standards 9198, 9199 and 10506 updated;
- title, level and credit of standard 3693 updated;
- compulsory credit reduced from 153 to 148;
- credit total decreased from 253 to 248.
NQF Registration Information
/Last Date for Assessment
Registration / 1 / September 1998 / December 2012Revision / 2 / May 2002 / December 2012
Review / 3 / February 2010 / December 2012
Standard Setting Body
National Qualifications Services
PO Box 160
Wellington 6140
Telephone04 463 3000
This certificate will display the logos of NZQAand the accredited organisation.
This qualification is classified according to the NQF classification system and the NewZealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below.
NQF Classification / NZSCEDCode / Description / Code / Description
275 / Education > Educational Administration / 080312 / Management and Commerce > Business and Management > Education Administration
Quality Management Systems
Providers and Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by a recognised Quality Assurance Body before they can register credits from assessment against standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and the moderation system are outlined in the associated Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) for each standard.
Prerequisite Diagram
NZQA National Qualifications ServicesSSB Code 130301 / New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018