Grampian Diabetes Managed Clinical Network Newsletter December 2005
Welcome to Grampian Diabetes Managed Clinic Network Newsletter
In this issue we have news of a new Psychology resource; news of a new way of delivering diabetes education in the form of a DAFNE course for people with Type 1 diabetes; information about physical education and diabetes and coverage of the very successful launch of the Scottish Diabetes Buddy Service in the summer.
We will shortly have news of some really exciting developments - watch this space for further announcements in our next Newsletter! / DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating): DAFNE is a way of helping patients with Type 1 diabetes by providing the skills necessary to estimate the carbohydrate content in each meal and inject an appropriate dose of insulin. The aim of DAFNE is to help people lead as normal a life as possible, while controlling blood glucose levels, hence reducing the risk of long-term complications related to diabetes.
DAFNE is a structured teaching programme and involves attending a 5 day training course and follow up sessions.
Delivery of the course in Aberdeen is as part of a national experiment to assess the overall impact of this novel approach. Aberdeen is one of the 3 centres in Scotland participating in this pilot project, allowing us to deliver 12 courses over 2 years.
Psychology services for patients with diabetes
The extended diabetes team has a new member, with the addition of
Dr Andy Keen, a Health Psychologist, thanks to financial support from a pharmaceutical company,
Dr Keen’s major roles will be to help staff improve communication, negotiation and motivation skills, especially for assisting patients in making lifestyle changes, and to help them identify psychological issues which may be making it difficult for patients to carry out appropriate self-management. / Physical Activity and Diabetes
In a previous newsletter we discussed how important it is for all of us (health professionals included!) to undertake regular physical activity.
In the New Year (January 17th) we are running a full day course on exercise consultation in diabetes for primary and secondary care health professionals in Grampian. The course will be held at RGU at Garthdee and will be run by two of the UK's leading exercise scientists with a great deal of experience in this area.
An exercise class for patients with diabetes will be run for 6 weeks at RGU sports centre at Garthdee and if successful we hope to be able to roll similar classes out to other areas.
Launch of the Scottish Diabetes Buddy Service:
The 25th of August 2005 saw the Launch of The Scottish Diabetes Buddy Service. The service is available to all people living with or caring for someone with the condition. It is a friendly confidential non-Medical support service which compliments the advice given by Health Professionals diabetes.
The service is provided by specially trained volunteers who themselves cope with Diabetes in the local Area.
Many patients who have used the service have said that it is easier to talk to someone who also has diabetes to compare notes so to speak and that the service has had a significant impact on their ability to manage their diabetes.
Patients can be referred to the service through their GP or Medical team or at their own Request.
For further information Tel 01224 555379
Kate Michie the Scottish Diabetes Buddy Service Coordinator and Professor Andrew Morrice , Chairman of the Scottish Diabetes Group cut the cake at the launch of
The Buddy Service. / Competition Time!
If you work within the Diabetes community in Grampian, you should be familiar with the term SCI-DC Project. We are offering a prize of £10 to the person who writes or e-mails below with a 10-word explanation of what SCI-DC is! Closing date for entries is the 31st December 2005. A name will be drawn out of a hat at the beginning of January.
The next Newsletter will be available in January – watch this space for the answer and much more information on SCI-DC!
(Members of the MCN Team are not eligible to enter!)
MCN Team Office :-
Diabetes Centre,
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Old Building,
Woolmanhill Hospital, Aberdeen, AB25 1LD.
Telephone: 01224 555379