This check list provides a summary of approvals and licences you may require to operate a fixed food business, some are obtained directly through Council and others may require advice or approval from other agencies. Please read through the list and review the supporting information available on the links provided. We strongly recommend reviewing all information prior to submitting any applications.
Business planning, preparation and growth
provides essential information on planning, starting and growing your business in any industry.
Development Assessment
Before setting up a fixed food business you should check if a development application must be lodged with Council under Brisbane City Plan 2000. The application should seek all required approval for your proposed business.
Todetermine how your application will be assessed against the City Plan you can submit a property enquiry using PD Online. You can also view the City Plan online through this link. Further information and how to apply for a development approval can be found at Development Assessment Overview.
Building approval
Construction and renovations of buildings, including internal fit outs, may require approval from a building certifier. You can obtain information about building certifiers in your area from the Building Services Authority.
Business registration
- Business name registration is governed through Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC).
- Registering for an Australian Business Number (ABN) is completed via the Australian Business Register
Food business design
Food preparation areas are required to comply with the Food Act 2006. The Design, Construction and Fitout Guide provides details of the minimum specifications to comply with legislation, as well as necessary supporting documentation (such as plans) needed at the time of lodgement of the Food Business Design application form.
NB.If you plan to use a property with an existing kitchen and don’t intend to make changes, the site may already have an approved design. Please call 133BNE (133263) to check.
Food business licence
Businesses that serve and/or sell food require a licence *, which can be obtained by completing the licence application. The Food Business Licence Application Guide provides advice on licensing for businesses, charities and community organisations that operate food premises, mobile food vehicles, mobile food carts and catering businesses.
*Some exemptions apply- please see guide for detail.
Food safety program
The food safety program assists in understanding food safety, hazards and controls. This food safetyfactsheet gives advice on which food businesses must complete the program and how to contact an accredited program provider. After your program is complete, you need to notify Council of application so an audit can be scheduled in.
Food safety supervisor
A food safety supervisor adds an onsite level of protection for day-to-day food safety. A guideline has been created to help you understand why you need a supervisor and who is acceptable as one. Notify Council of your allocated supervisor through the application form.
Plumbing and drainage approval
Making changes to or installing plumbing and drainage related infrastructure generally requires Council approval. All work should be conducted by a licensed plumber. For commercial buildings often a hydraulic services design is required.This may need a private hydraulic consultant to be engaged to produce a design and submit the application to Council’s Plumbing Services Group (PSG) for assessment and approval. Fees and charges will apply.For details associated with PSG’s fees and charges please contact PSG on 3403 9750. More information is available through plumbing and drainage.
Trade waste permit
Premises which trade waste will be discharged into Queensland Urban Utilities’ (QUU) sewerage system must apply for and hold a trade waste approval. The Trade Waste Environmental Management Plan (TWEMP) describes standard terms and conditions for the discharge of trade waste. If you are a new business or amending a permit you will need to submit an application to QUU.
*NB. A trade waste permit is different from a plumbing and drainage approval, though they are complementary to each other.
Advertising signs licence
Council has rules about the type and location of any advertising signs for businesses. Depending on the type of advertising sign, you may need to submit an application to obtain a licence. The Advertising Signs Information Kit will help determine the type of advertisement you can display or if you require a licence.. Your signs will need to comply with the criteria and conditions outlined in the Advertisements Subordinate Local Law 2005.
Footpath dining permit
A food business that provides tables and chairs on public land or public property located along a road (footpath) for outdoor dining requires approval from Council. The Footpath Dining Permit Guide will help you to understand the Footpath Dining Local Law 2011 and give you advice on how to comply. For approval you will need to submit an application to Council.
Liquor licence
If you intend to sell or serve alcohol on the premises you will need to apply for a liquor licence. Complete an investigation into liquor licence applicationand submit to Council for approval. Further information on how to apply for a liquor licence can be found on Council’s website.
The checklist is designed to provide you with a broad overview of the types of approvals needed for a food business. It is a summary only and is subject to change.
For further information or assistance in applying for food business license or permits, please contact the
Business Hotline 133BNE (133263).