A.  Name. The name of this committee is National Association of Residential Property Managers Political Action Committee. The name of said organization may be abbreviated as "NARPM PAC" when permitted by applicable law.

B.  Purpose. NARPM PAC shall be organized and operated primarily for the purpose of collecting contributions to support candidates for public office who are endorsed by the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM) and to support or oppose national issues that impact the lease and management of single family properties.

C.  Public Laws. NARPM PAC funds shall not be used for any purpose prohibited by federal, state, or local laws. NARPM PAC shall be organized and operated according to the laws of Virginia and any other laws that govern political action committees and that are applicable to NARPM PAC.

D.  Mission. NARPM PAC seeks to improve public policy by effectively involving NARPM members and other supporters of the property management industry in political and governmental affairs. NARPM PAC actions and public positions shall support and be consistent with the then current policies and mission of NARPM.



A.  Contributions to NARPM PAC. Contributions to NARPM PAC may be made by NARPM Professional, Associate, Support Staff, or Affiliate Members and by NARPM’s executive and administrative personnel and the families of each. Unsolicited contributions from others may be accepted at the discretion the NARPM PAC Treasurer. NARPM PAC may refuse any contribution, with or without reason, and will set forth in writing to any requesting contributor that the contribution has not been accepted.

B.  Recognition. The NARPM PAC Board of Trustees may determine recognition and award programs for contributors.

C.  Deposits; Allocation of Funds. All contributions to NARPM PAC shall be maintained by NARPM PAC in one or more separate, segregated funds in one or more designated depositories. All expenditures by NARPM PAC in furtherance of the purposes of NARPM PAC shall be made from those funds and no other source.

D.  Contributions by NARPM PAC. NARPM PAC is authorized to make contributions to persons and organizations as determined by the Board of Trustees.



A.  General. The supervision and control of the activities and funds of NARPM PAC shall be vested in the NARPM PAC Board of Trustees. The basic policies with respect to the expenditure or distribution of all contributions shall be set and implemented by the Board of Trustees. These policies are subject to approval by the NARPM Board of Directors.

B.  Voting Rights. All members of the Board of Trustees, except the NARPM Executive Director and NARPM Governmental Affairs Director, shall be voting members. The NARPM Executive Director and the NARPM Governmental Affairs Director shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Board of Trustees.

C.  Appointments. The NARPM President, NARPM President-Elect, NARPM Treasurer, and Chairman of the NARPM Governmental Affairs Committee shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees, provided that they must meet all qualifications for membership of the Board of Trustees as stipulated in these bylaws.

The NARPM Board of Directors shall appoint up to eight but not less than six additional members of NARPM who meet the qualifications for membership of the Board of Trustees as stipulated in these bylaws to serve as members of the Board of Trustees.

After the initial appointments by the NARPM Board of Directors, nominations will be determined by the NARPM PAC Nominating Committee. Nominations will be presented to the NARPM Board of Directors by the Governmental Affairs Director and the Nominating Committee Chair at the first meeting of the year.

D.  NARPM PAC Nominating Committee. The NARPM PAC Nominating Committee shall meet prior to the first NARPM PAC Board of Directors meeting each year, or whenever necessary to fill a vacancy, to develop a nomination list. The committee will be comprised of five members: The Current NARPM PAC Chairman, current NARPM PAC Vice Chairman, current Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman, NARPM Governmental Affairs Director (non-voting), one additional trustee selected by the NARPM PAC Board of Trustees, and one additional non-trustee member of NARPM that is selected by the NARPM PAC Board of Trustees.

E.  Qualifications. Voting members of the Board of Trustees

1.  Must maintain professional membership in good standing in NARPM.

2.  Should have an active interest in the political process and try to be knowledgeable of political activity in the community.

3.  Must not have a political party conflict of interest. They cannot serve as an elected or appointed leader (including but not limited to an officer, precinct chair, platform committee member) for a political party committee on the local, state, or national levels.

4.  Must not be actively campaigning for political office.

5.  Should have an appreciation for the importance of NARPM PAC.

F.  General Board Composition. The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of NARPM members from at least four separate regions. At no time shall a majority of the trustees be from a single region. Support Staff and Affiliate members of NARPM are not eligible to serve as trustees.

G.  Term. The term of each voting member of the Board of Trustees shall be two years except for the initial appointments half of which will be for one year. Each voting member of the Board of Trustees may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms, not including terms as an ex-officio member. A person who has served for three consecutive terms may be reappointed to the Board of Trustees after being off the Board of Trustees for at least one full year.

H.  Removal of Trustees.

1.  Removal by NARPM PAC. A member of the Board of Trustees will automatically be removed from membership upon loss NARPM membership or failure to attend two consecutive meetings without justifiable reason as determined by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. A member may also be removed with or without cause as follows:

a.  A motion to remove the member shall be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Email shall be considered an acceptable format to fulfill the written requirement.

b.  A special meeting of the Board of Trustees to consider the motion shall be held not less than forty-eight hours nor more than thirty days from the time the motion was received by the Chairman. The subject of the motion to remove shall not vote on said motion.

c.  A vote of two-thirds of the members present at the special meeting, excluding the member proposed to be removed, provided there is a quorum, shall be sufficient to approve the motion to remove the member.

2.  Removal by NARPM. The NARPM Board of Directors may remove a member of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote of those present at any regular or special meeting of the NARPM Board of Directors.

I.  Duties. The members of the Board of Trustees shall serve without compensation. In addition to other powers and duties set forth in these Bylaws, the Board of Trustees shall determine the procedures for collection and distribution of funds, collect funds, and direct disbursements for administering NARPM PAC and for activities as described in Article II.

J.  Legal Compliance and Defense. NARPM PAC is specifically authorized to retain legal counsel and accountants, at the expense of NARPM PAC, to assist in compliance with the law, to defend any suit or claim against NARPM PAC, and to assist in any suit brought forth by NARPM PAC.

K.  Principal Office. The principal office of NARPM PAC shall be located at the Primary Headquarters of NARPM at 638 Independence Parkway, Suite 100, in Chesapeake, Virginia unless otherwise determined by the NARPM PAC Board of Trustees.

L.  Committees. The Board of Trustees may have such committees as it deems necessary and desirable for carrying out its purposes and objectives. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall appoint the chairman and members of such committees.

M.  Vacancies. Any vacancies that occur during the year may be filled in accordance with Article III (C) of these Bylaws. The appointee shall serve until the completion of the unexpired term.



A.  General. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. Whenever NARPM PAC may hold an incorporated status, the Chairman shall also serve as the President of the Corporation. In addition, the Board of Trustees may provide for such other officers, as it may deem necessary or appropriate. The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at its Annual Meeting and shall serve for a term of one year commencing immediately upon election or until their successors have been elected and are qualified to take office. The NARPM Executive Director shall be the Treasurer of NARPM PAC, and the Governmental Affairs Director, as appointed by the NARPM Executive Director, shall be the Assistant Treasurer of NARPM PAC.

B.  Duties of Officers. The duties of the officers shall be such as are designated from time to time by the members of the Board of Trustees. In addition:

1.  The Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board of Trustees.

2.  The Vice Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board of Trustees in the absence or at the request of the Chairman and shall approve any operational expenses not previously approved by the Trustees prior to disbursement.

3.  The Treasurer shall serve as Custodian of Records and perform such duties as are assigned by the Chairman and may delegate in writing these duties to members of the staff at his discretion.

4.  The Assistant Treasurer shall be the custodian and supervisor of all funds in accordance with procedures established by the Treasurer.

a.  Subject to the determination of the Board of Trustees, the Assistant Treasurer shall

i.  Have general supervision, direction, and control over the financial accounts and records of NARPM PAC,

ii.  Have the power to receive contributions and make expenditures, and

iii.  Have other such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees or these Bylaws.

b.  The responsibilities of the Assistant Treasurer shall include

i.  Keeping full and accurate accounts,

ii.  Presenting periodic financial statements to the Board of Trustees and NARPM Board of Directors,

iii.  Preparing, signing, and filing all reports to governmental authorities required by law or directed to be filed by the Board of Trustees, and

iv.  Reporting all actions taken by the Board of Trustees to the NARPM Board of Directors.

c.  The Assistant Treasurer may delegate in writing specific responsibilities, including those listed above, to the Controller, as appointed by the NARPM Executive Director.

C.  Succession of Officers. Officer vacancies shall be filled as follows:

1.  If a vacancy occurs in the position of Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall immediately become the Chairman and shall serve in such office until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, when there shall be a vote of the Board of Trustees to confirm or reject the Vice Chairman as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. In the event that the Board of Trustees chooses to reject the Vice Chairman as Chairman, the Board of Trustees shall, at the same meeting, elect another trustee to the Chairmanship and fill any other vacancies of the officers.

2.  If a vacancy occurs in the position of Vice Chairman, a new Vice Chairman shall be selected at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.

3.  If a vacancy occurs in the position of NARPM Governmental Affairs Director, a member of management staff as determined by the NARPM Executive Director, shall serve as Acting Assistant Treasurer until such time as the vacancy in the position of NARPM Governmental Affairs Director is duly filled by the NARPM Executive Director, at which time the new NARPM Governmental Affairs Director shall assume the office of Assistant Treasurer.

4.  If a vacancy occurs in the position of NARPM Executive Director, the Assistant Treasurer shall serve as Acting Treasurer until such time as the vacancy in the position of NARPM Executive Director is duly filled by the NARPM Board of Directors, at which time the new NARPM Executive Director shall assume the office of Treasurer.

D.  Removal of Officers. Officers may be removed from office with or without cause as follows:

1.  A motion to remove the officer from office shall be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. If the Chairman is the subject of the motion to remove, the motion shall be submitted to the Vice Chairman.

2.  A special meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held not less than forty-eight hours nor more than thirty days from the time the motion was received by the Chairman (or Vice Chairman if appropriate) to consider the motion. If the Chairman is the subject of the motion to remove, the Vice Chairman shall preside over the special meeting. The subject of the motion to remove shall not vote on said motion.