February 25, 2010
February 25, 2010
Ms. Cronin reviewed with the committee a possible mechanism for funding to finance the high upfront costs of renewable/sustainable energy improvements. She explained that the systems typically appreciate and add value to a property. She felt this would fulfill energy goals and provide job creation in the area.
Representative Murphy thanked Ms. Cronin for the information, but stated concern that similar projects were met with opposition.
Representative Fournier stated that he would like the County Attorney to review the program and suggested Ms. Cronin speak with Carolyn Lewis, Economic Developer, further on this loan program.
Mr. Bliss reviewed the monthly GAT report. He pointed out that Otsego County is projected to be below GAT by 3,524. He explained that many haulers deliveries are down compared to 2009. The construction and demolition deliveries are also down. Mr. Bliss suggested that this is likely due to the recession and the closing of various businesses. Mr. Bliss reviewed the recycling report. He pointed out that the cost per ton is $114.69, which is about $28.00 higher than the MOSA tip fee for waste. He reviewed the current system for the handling of recyclables, pointing out that there is a high cost to maintaining the 14 drop off locations. Mr. Bliss stated that the committee may want to consider reducing the number by seven. An RFP would provide alternatives that may save some of the expense. He also reviewed the costs involved if the County were to handle the recyclables on its own. The estimated start up costs would be about $500,000.
Representative McCarty suggested that the cost could be lowered if used equipment were purchased to get started.
Mr. Bliss discussed a proposal from WRE to limit subsidized garbage deliveries to 500 tons. No action was taken on this request.
Mr. Bliss stated that Fred Plautz is expected to present Bassett Hospital’s composting initiative to the committee in the near future.
Mr. Bliss informed the committee that the 2009 MOSA shortfall penalty payment was adjusted to $41,000 with the recycling credit.
Dennis Heaton, MOSA Executive Director, explained to the committee that MOSA is currently evaluating its budget for possible overhead reductions. He expects that by the time the counties begin working on their 2011 budgets, they should know what the transfer and disposal costs will look like. No one facility will be targeted for the disposal contract. Mr. Heaton explained that their goal is to discontinue hauler subsidies, some repairs have been done to the southern transfer station, the MOSA board has agreed to open the northern transfer station to commercial traffic and that at this point there have been no adjustments in credit terms. He stated that MOSA is looking into recycling, but is not considering a disposal facility at his point. They do not foresee a need for bonds. He suggested that MOSA be competitive rather than force people into the system with flow control. MOSA already has some equipment necessary to handle recyclables so the investment would be less than the county’s anticipated cost. Mr. Heaton also pointed out that MOSA is evaluating the budget impacts of a reduced bag fee.
Mr. Bliss informed the committee that he expects a draft amended service agreement within the next week or two.
Mr. Heaton suggested a meeting with himself, Mr. Bliss and the contractor responsible for damages to the recycling building at the southern transfer station.
Ms. Sullivan informed the committee that Care Environmental was awarded the Household Hazardous Waste contract for the Town of Bethlehem, which includes eight other municipalities. She stated that the award has been challenged and that Otsego County is not obligated to go with them. At this point there is no funding for a 2010 event, but if money becomes available they will need to select a vendor.
Mr. Fickbohm gave the committee an update on the various agriculture programs, including the Agricultural Environmental Management Program, Upper Susquehanna Coalition Grazing Advocate, Graze NY and Agriculture non-point source grants.
Mr. Fickbohm also gave the committee an update on the various flooding and storm water related projects, including Oneonta Storm water program, Part C projects, Butternut Creek, Part B projects and Canadarago Lake. He stated that a new dam will not fix the flooding problems on Canadarago Lake, but he will know more when the report is complete.
Mr. Fickbohm informed the committee that he will be looking for a resolution to set up a reimbursement mechanism through DEC for work completed by the Soil and Water Conservation District related to natural gas drilling. He gave an update on the status of grants, legislative days, Mohawk River Basin Coalition funding, potential buffer programs, watershed scale stream assessment training, Water quality Coordinating Committee and other trainings.
Mr. Bliss requested approval for the renumbering of agricultural districts under the consolidation plan.
Representative Powers moved for approval. Seconded, McCarty. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.
Mr. Bliss reviewed information regarding the formation of a gas drilling task force.
Representative Murphy stated that he contacted Tioga County and found a lot of their information could be beneficial to Otsego County and the coordination of efforts by various organizations.
Representative Fournier stated concern over the coordination responsibilities and the range of entities involved.
Mr. Bliss discussed the status of road preservation. He stated that they are working on the language and informed the committee that it may not be in the form of a law.
Mr. Fickbohm stated that agreements have shown to be more effective than laws, regarding the repair of roads.
Representative Murphy informed the committee that an analysis of the Meadows Building has found that wind energy is not a viable option and stated concerns that there is not adequate action to reduce energy costs.
Representative Murphy moved for approval to apply for a solar power and energy efficiency program through Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance (MEGA) which may help toward saving on electric. Seconded, Powers. Total: 4; Ayes: 3; Absent: McCarty. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 9:15 a.m. in the EMS Training Room at The Meadows