Long Term Overview:Year 1 2017-18
Subject Area / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2English – Quality texts / Writing about Ourselves – Children Like Me
Amazing Grace
Giraffes Can’t Dance / Lost and Found
The Snowman / Traditional Tales / Handa’s Surprise
Monday’s Child (poem) / Information texts about space and space travel.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar / Green Eggs and Ham
Poles Apart
Fidgety Fish
Mathematics / Number Place Value Measures (weight, time and lengths) Shape Time Fractions
Science / Ourselves, the human body,
Seasonal Changes. / Animals including humans
Seasonal Changes. / Seasonal Changes
Materials / Seasonal Changes
Materials / Living Things - plants
Seasonal Changes / Living Things - plants
Seasonal Changes
RE / The Natural World / Christianity Unit 1 and Christmas / Weddings in different faiths / Christianity Unit 2 and Easter / Islam Unit 1 / Islam Unit 2
Computing, including e-safety & Safeguarding / e-safety: Cyber-bullying / How computers work: recognise common uses of technology beyond school.
e-safety: Social Media / e-safety: Discerning use of the Internet
Instructional writing - write simple instructions for game or everyday activity. / Programming BeeBots– links with position, ¼ turns and direction / iPad app Splatter / Technology hunt / iPad app Book Creator / Programming BeeBot – links with Geography map skills
Geography/History / History
Time and chronology related language (writing about ourselves) / Geography
Using world maps
Name, locate and identify the 4 countries and capital cities of the UK
Use vocabulary related to human and physical features / History/Geography
Punchdrunk Project / History/Geography
Punchdrunk Project / History
Significant historical events and figures - the first moon landing / Geography
Map skills (linked to trip to Sydenham Woods and Horniman Gardens)
Art/DT / Self-portraits – Picasso / Drawing – different types of pencil shading. (The Snowman)
Exploring saltdough
Designing a boat (Lost and Found) / Exploring paint mixing
Colour wheel / Painting techniques
Van Gogh
Cooking – Handa’s fruit / Designing space suits
Drawing – pencil control / Represent objects using paint and pencil skills.
Cooking – celebration food
Music / Exploring sounds using tuned and untuned percussion / Dynamics – controlling sounds using symbols
Singing / Beat and pattern – keeping a steady beat and grouping beats / Tempi – playing as a group in a given tempo
Responding to different tempi using a variety of stimuli / Pitch – understanding and recognising changes in pitch
Representing pitch pictorially / Performing as a group and as a soloist
Listening to others and waiting your turn
Using the ‘thinking voice’ to know when to play
Indoor PE / Dance / Gymnastics / Dance / Dance / Gymnastics / Gymnastics
Outdoor PE / PEN - Athletics / PEN - Athletics / Ball Games: throwing, catching, passing, kicking / Ball Games: throwing, catching, passing, kicking / Ball Skills: throwing, catching, passing, kicking / Ball Skills: throwing, catching, passing, kicking
PSHCE, including Safeguarding British Values/Equality / New Beginnings
Learning muscle: Have a go & Be curious
Different backgrounds of British people – diversity
Black History Month (Amazing Grace) / Stonewall
NSPCC workshop: Speak Out, Stay Safe! (every other year)
Learning muscle: Be co-operative & be resilient
Stonewall (equality) / Going for goals
Learning muscle: Keep improving
Same sex marriages (equality) / SRE: development and growth, identity and self-esteem, thinking about others as well as ourselves
Learning muscle: Concentrate / Drugs education
Learning muscle: Enjoy learning
NASA scientists – Margaret Hamilton, Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson / Changes
Learning muscle: Use your imagination