What it is about: 3 Day Tuberculosis Academy especially for residents, fellows, doctoral students and post-docs.

A forum for young clinicians and researchers in the field of tuberculosis to exchange ideas and to learn from each other under expert guidance and mentorship.

Where: Chisinau, Rep. of Moldova

When: May 03 (arrival) – May 07 (Departure) 2015

The program includes:

Keynote lectures on:

- Collaborative TB research in Europe

- Emerging tuberculosis drug-resistance

- Pediatric tuberculosis

- Non-tuberculous mycobacteria infections

Reviews (provided by participants) on:

- Immunology

- Microbiology

- Molecular biology

- Epidemiology

- Public Health

- Clinical management of TB

Special features:

- How to plan a research project

- How to get funded

- How to write a manuscript

- How to give a winning presentation

- Clinical pearls

- Hot topics on the international research agenda


Sofia Alexandru (Rep. of Moldova)

Victor Botnaru (Rep. of Moldova)

Dumitru Chesov (Rep. of Moldova)

Valeriu Crudu (Rep. of Moldova)

Liliana Domente (Rep. of Moldova)

Josè Dominguez (Spain)

Rodica Gramma (Rep. of Moldova)

Lorenzo Guglielmetti (France)

Constantin Iavorschi (Rep. of Moldova)

Valeriu Istrati (Rep. of Moldova)

Beate Kampmann (UK)

Christoph Lange (Germany)

Ekatarina Norok (Rep. of Moldova)

Elena Romancenco (Rep. of Moldova)

Morten Ruhwald (Denmark)

Doina Rusu (Rep. of Moldova)

Claudia Schacht (Germany)

Martina Sester (Germany)

Timo Ulrichs (Germany)

Valentina Vilc (Rep. of Moldova)

Dirk Wagner (Germany)

Coordination committee:

Prof. Rodica Gramma (USMF, Moldova)

Ass. Prof. Dumitru Chesov (USMF, Moldova)

Prof. Christoph Lange (Research Center Borstel, Germany)

TBnet secretariate: Mrs. Cordula Ehlers ()

Application is restricted to physicians and/or scientists in training who are members of the TBnet. A maximum of 20 participants will be able to attend the course (5 from the Republic of Moldova: one per research area each).

If the number of application exceeds 20 by the deadline of February 20, participants will be selected according to their area of interest, nationality and age in order to allow young colleagues from different nations to particpate in the course.

Hotel board including breakfast and dinner plus a maximum of 400 Euros to cover the cost of travel will be provided.

Applications will be considered until January 20th 2015. All applicants will be informed by the end of February 2015 about their application.

TBnet Academy 2015

4-6 May 2015; Chisinau, Moldova

Application Form for the Free Fellowship Grant


Date of birth:




Position (student, resident, fellow, doctoral student, post-doc):

Date of University exam and/or status of clinical training:

Speciality (clinical, microbiology, molecular biology, epidemiology, immunology, public health, other _ up to 3 areas possible):

TBnet member since:

Motivation statement (500 word max.):

Please return UNTIL February 22nd 2015 to