Stony Creek Association

Minutes –Regular Meeting March 1, 2016 (Unapproved)

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Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Stony Creek Association Executive Board was called to order at 7:30pm on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, at Willoughby Wallace Library by Dan Bullard, President.

Executive Board: Present: Dan Bullard, President Jake Greenvall

Christine Chiocchio Greg Ames, Treasurer

Jim Walker Nick Fischer, Tax Collector

Mark Richter Mike Infantino

Josh Brooks

Absent: Sandy Fischer, Ted Ells, Sam Kirby, Bob Babcock

Public: 6 members of the public


·  Motion made by Jim Walker, seconded by Mike Infantino to approve the minutes of February 2, 2016. All approved.

Legacy Theater Appeal:

·  Motion made by Josh Brooks, seconded by Jake Greenvall and approved to move the Legacy Theater appeal up on the agenda.

·  Public Comment:

o  (Please see the attached letter read aloud by Janet Weithas)

o  Public submitted a copy of the official Complaint (attached) as well as a letter written by Linda Reed in February 2014 (attached) which clarifies many of the issues surrounding the Legacy Theatre property.

o  The objective of the Plaintiffs is to get Legacy Theatre back to Planning and Zoning to apply for a special use permit which would include a public hearing.

o  Reminder from the public that ¾ of money spent on Legacy Theatre appeal has been from contributions and any agreement we come up with will need to be codified and reactive enforcement will need to be in place.

o  Trying to protect homes and lives of everyone in Stony Creek.

o  Question: how would further donations remain anonymous with FOI? Dan Bullard to find the answer.

o  Concern that this has been a lengthy process, Tenet Fit up application was filed in June 2014.

·  Dan Bullard clarified that the purpose of the meetings with the Legacy Theatre is to come to some agreement that can be taken back to mediation in court.

·  Josh Brooks clarified that this board did vote to continue this appeal earlier this year and is trying to save taxpayer money by having informal discussions without attorneys.

·  Greg Ames reported that the Legacy Theatre, SCA representatives and Plaintiffs are talking intensively at this point and they are making good progress. Patience would be appreciated in this process.

Treasurer’s Report:

·  Greg Ames presented the monthly report. Motion by Jim Walker and seconded by Mike Infantino to approve the Treasurer’s report for audit. All approved.

March 1, 2016

General Fund – Checking

Cash on Hand General Fund (Checking) 2/1/16 $13,787.79


Deposit Tax Receipts


Bills approved for payment 2/2/16 ($467.01)

Cash on Hand- Checking 3/1/16 $13,320.78

Money Market Account

Cash on Hand 2/1/16 $39,514.49


Interest received Jan. 31 2/29/16 $2.42

(Int. Rate 0.30%)

LESS ______

Cash on Hand – Money Market Account 3/1/16 $39,516.91

Total Assets March 1, 2016 $52,837.69

·  Greg Ames presented bills to be paid, totaling $4,013.43. Motion by Mark Richter and seconded by Mike Infantino to pay the bills presented. All approved.

o  To: Meagan M. DeJesus For: Services during February $200.00

o  To: Fasano, Ippolito & Lee For: Legal Services thru 2/16/16 $165.00

o  To: Hannah Purdy For: Reimbursement for Doggie Bags $152.25

o  To: Ferguson & McGuire For: D&O Liability Policy Premium $1,543.68

o  To: Andrew DaRos For: Snow Removal 1/24-2/15 $1,952.50

o  TOTAL $4,013.43

Tax Collector:

·  No report.

Legal & Zoning:

·  Planning & Zoning Agenda: nothing to report in Stony Creek.

·  Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda: nothing to report in Stony Creek.

Police & Traffic:

·  Mike Infantino and Sean Scanlon have asked the state about the crosswalk, have not hear back.

·  Dan Bullard gave Mike Infantino a letter from a concerned citizen about growth over the sidewalk across from Watrous Ave. on Rt. 146.

·  Mike Infantino and the Police Chief Halloran are doing a walk through next week.

·  Striping will be done at the triangle in the spring.

·  Mike Infantino attempted to have a shuttle for tourists and residents in Stony Creek. State did not approve.

·  Suggested that we look at mobile toilets again as there are many options for portable toilets that would be suitable for Stony Creek.

·  Public requested the Police and Traffic chair get an incident report from the Branford Police each month.

·  Public suggestion that when working on the crosswalk signs to include the Police Chief as well as the state.


·  No Report.

·  Christmas Tree suggestion (Please see the attached email from a Chris Woerner). Issue is that the tree is always too small or too big.


·  No report.

New Business:

·  Village District: Motion by Jim Walker, seconded by Mark Richter to forward recommendation of Betsy Wieland on to the First Selectman (See attached email).

·  Budget items to be discussed in April.

Motion made by Christine Chiocchio, seconded by Mark Richter to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:24pm. All approved

Respectfully Submitted,

Meagan M. DeJesus, Secretary

The next meeting of the Stony Creek Association Executive Board will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 7:30pm at the Willoughby Wallace Memorial Library.



Stony Creek Association email address:


Stony Creek Association, PO Box 3145, Stony Creek, CT 06405