Welcome to Back to School Night
Mark Wagner
Contact Information:
Phone: 351-8289 E-Mail:
Homework Website: http://webmail.nicolet.k12.wi.us/~mark_wagner
Educational Background
1986-89: Masters in the Art of Teaching of German: Marquette University
1984-86: Bachelor of Arts in German, Minor in History: Marquette University
Teaching Experience
1999-present Nicolet High School: German 1-5, Global History
1990-99 Dominican High School: German 1-5, American History
1989-90 BBS 11 Hannover Germany: Lehrassistent for English
1986-1989 Marquette University: German 1-4, Continuing Ed Program
Exchange Experience
1982 Hemsbach, Germany: High School Exchange
1986 Marquette University Immersion Program in Berlin and Hildesheim
1989 Chaperone: Marquette University Immersion Program
1989-90 Fulbright Year in Hannover, Germany
1992, 94 Lead Teacher for AATG Immersion Programs in Völkingen, Schramberg
1996,98 GAPP Exchange with Berufsbildende Schule 11 in Hannover
2000-08 Five GAPP Exchanges with Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Passau, Bavaria
German Opportunities at Nicolet
Your son/daughter has many opportunities to participate in German activities outside of the classroom. *-- denotes performance last year
* German Club: meets once a month, social events and service projects. No German needed. *--1000 Books Collected for Next Door Foundation
* W-AATG Pronunciation Contest: held in February, winners advance to a state-wide competition. *-- 5 First Place Finishes at State
* AATG National Test: written in January. *--National Grand Prize Winner
* DSSV Essay Contest: held in conjunction with the AATG test.*--2 Top Ten Winners
* Delta Epsilon Phi (German Honor Society): open to sophomores with 4 semesters of German study with an A- minus average in German and a B average overall. Social events are combined with service projects and attendance of German cultural events. Induction is held in November.
*--State Farm Service Learning Grant Winner 1/100 nationally
* German Day Competition at UW-Madison: held in April. Students participate in singing, spelling, poetry, skit and video competitions.
*-- 1st Place Finish in 2009 with a Perfect Score.
* GAPP Exchange with the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Passau, Germany:
held every two years. Features a one month study tour and family stay, with
attendance of classes in Passau, and hosting a German here at Nicolet.
*--20 students took part. Note 2010 is a Travel Year!!
* Congress-Bundestag Exchange: organized by the US Congress and the German Bundestag. It gives students the opportunity to spend a year in Germany, attend a Gymnasium and live with a German family. *--2 Winners in 2010.