Friends of Mayer (FOM )
Board of Directors Meeting
September 19, 2017, 6:30 PM
Mayer Library
Board Members Present:
Sandy Baccam-Treasurer
Katie Edmonds–EC/ELI Teacher Rep
Melissa Kaeser–V.P. Fundraising
Tara Konecny-Secretary
Millie Mast– V.P.Sponsorship
Deni Mayer–Volunteer Chair
Rory Murchow–ELII/MYP Teacher Rep
Natalie Patterson–Benefit Chair
Julie Schulhof–Beyond the Classroom
Roona Shah– V.P.Communications
Erika Vogel- President
Julie Zwick– V.P.Community
Board Members Not Present:
Olivia Lopez– Asst.Treasurer
Melissa Seiler–Bulldog Heroes
Nisha Hazra–Walk-A-Thon Chair
Call to Order and Thanks: Meeting was called to order by Erika Vogel at 6:39 pm. A thank you was made to Julie Schulhof for organizing the BooHoo/Yahoo Breakfast. The event was a had good attendance and was a success. The EC Teacher representative Katie said that the teachers felt good that they could send their apprehensive parents off to a place to meet people and make friends while the youngest students at Mayer were adjusting. A Thank You was also made to Tara K. for formatting an email that allowed a link to import electronic calenders for a FOM email. Another Thank You went to Roona S. for her diligence, and patience with the Bulldog Blast.
Treasurer’s Report: Sandy B. presented an updated list of actual and budgeted of expenses:
o Chromebooks purchased for all of the new middle schoolers
o Reimbursement procedure explained – There is a form to submit any needed reimbursement. More documentation is better. Save all receipts for an event or activity and process them at once
Erika V. explained an overview of FOM activities and fundraising efforts for FOM for new parents attending the meeting, including the activities that raise money for the school and the community outreach events.
Pledge Drive: Update from Melissa Kaeser for the Pledge Drive. Theme is “Hands Together for Mayer.” The goal this year is to raise $400,000. The dates are October 16-November 17th.
· Goal is 100% participation at any level, always emphasizing the value in small donations and appreciating any larger donations
· Pledge drive sustains current programming and insulates from future cuts
A discussion about the ways we can send our appreciation to donors:
Ideas include
· Thank you on website (no $ amounts displayed, opt-out option available)
· Thank you board at front entrance
· Thank you emails sent to donors, not a tax letter so no amounts displayed
· Banner outside
· Raffle weeks 2 and 4 to receive prizes
o Time in the Awesome Room, leftover t-shirts, front-row seats at talent show
· Swag ideas like the previous year’s car stickers, keychains, etc.
· Possible “Mayer at the Movies” event for first families to donate
o Millie M. noted that we may be doing a bowling event at a sponsor bowling alley. Rory M. mentioned that the older students really crave social interactions and that earning either of these events would be perfect incentives to give to the MYP students to encourage them to donate.
Pledge Drive Communication Overview:
· Week 1 – What does the Pledge Drive fund?
- Letter and pledge form sent home in folders.
- Giving Levels: $180; $450; $800; $1,800; $3,600
· Week 2 – Spotlight on Parents
- Weekly email will share parents’ perspective – we will solicit selfies of parents / kids, plus 1 – 2 paragraph quote on what Mayer has meant to them
o Volunteers will be solicited through the teacher representatives.
- Email will feature 3 photos / quotes, plus a call-to-action to donate and updated statistics; Other stories will be featured on the website
· Week 3 – Spotlight on Teachers
- Weekly email will share teachers’ perspective – we will get photos of teachers in action (parent photographer to take) and then ask teachers for 1 – 2 paragraph quote
o Katie (EC), Suzanne (EL1), TBD (EL2), Rory (MYP)
o Take pictures of teachers in action – will use a sponsor photographer, we have several that have donated their services to Mayer.
- Email will feature 3 photos / quotes, plus a call-to-action to donate and updated statistics; other stories will be featured on the website
· Week 4 – Spotlight on Students
- Weekly email will share students’ perspective – drawings/letters of “why I love Mayer”. They will be semi-anonymous – e.g., “L, age 7”
o Teachers will solicit from their students
- Email will feature 3 photos / quotes, plus a call-to-action to donate and updated statistics; other stories will be featured on the website
· Week 5 – Final Push
- Email featuring Danielle, Jill, Karen
Fall Fest: Jen Jones presented an update for the planning for the Fall fest. This event has grown over the past few years and is very popular. The goal of the event is to make parents aware of FOM, recruit volunteers, have fun, and showcase some of our corporate sponsors.
The board gave feedback about what worked and what didn’t from the past years event. There was not a great flow to the event so would like assistance on how to stage the event. Suggestions were made that anywhere we expect a line to form to have information booths to have people with access with FOM info or sponsors booths so there is good foot traffic to anyone who is making the effort to set up booths. Also, it was recommended to not put the sponsors outside of the main area to keep attendees and students close and visiting the sponsor booths.
Groups that are likely coming and will have a presence include:
Girl Scouts, Cirq Esteem, FOM, Mayer Spirit Wear, Paintbrush Art, White Tiger, Menchie’s, LSF, Sitter City, Right at School
Volunteers will be needed – would like to utilize MYP if possible.
Room Parents: Update from Julie Zwick about Room Parents – She held a meeting this past week. Explained the role in disseminating information for everyone is excited to be room parents
Community Outreach/Beyond the Classroom: Activity at Chicago Wolves is confirmed for November 12th. In addition, the 1st Mom’s night out is at Birch Road Cellars on 11/16/17. Julie S. said the parent’s Meet and Mingle is set for Oct 5th. This is the night before Fall Fest it will be at Broken English Taco Pub, free for parents and appetizers included, happy hour pricing for cash bar. The event will go out in the Bulldog blast this week.
Bulldog Heroes: Lots of events on the calendar from Melissa S. 27th of October and 30th of December soup kitchen volunteer activity with Care for Friends Meal at Church of our Saviour. There will be an approximately 10 adults and 10 kid max. Share our Spare events are also planned for 25 volunteers. This is a place that collects baby product donations. FOM will have a sort at the warehouse – 10/14/17. November will have the Food Drive, December, the Blanket Project. Random Act of Kindness week in February ideas are being discussed for things to specifically do that week. Drive week is 4/16/18-4/20/18 and Earth Day Clean up on 4/22/18.
Sponsorship: Millie M. gave an update on sponsorship. They need someone to serve as a Sponsorship Coordinator, someone who will just communicate with sponsors and foster the relationships and talents of the sponsors for Mayer’s needs. Sandy B. did this last year and they are looking for someone who can follow in her footsteps because this was very helpful. Sponsorship is reviewing things with sponsors to make sure they are all set for the end of their sponsorship year. Also, Erika and Millie are going to meet with Danielle and Karen about updating sponsor benefits to make sure we are on the same page for what we offer new sponsors in the new year.
Bulldog Ball (formerly called the Mother-Son Dance) is October 20th but now it is that male students at Mayer can bring anyone they want. A meeting is planned on Friday for formal planning for logistics.
Reminder that FOM Board members who would like to volunteer should reach out to Sarah Latham who is coordinating upcoming school tours.
Official meeting ADJOURNED at 8:02pm
Mark Sassower from LSC attended to give an update for Principal Search
He discussed that there was a purposeful lack of emails from the search committee since school started so that Danielle, who is Interim Principal, could take on the role of Principal (she has all rights and responsibilities of Principal) without a lot of questions/issues about her interim status or the search over taking the needs of the new school year. However, the search is very active and is moving forward. The search committee is in absolute support of current administration while still interviewing and looking for principals. Any questions that come up to FOM about the Principal Search or issues/concerns about the process and due diligence of the committee can be directed to Mark or fellow LSC members. He is more than willing to sit down for discussions (without disclosing any confidential information) to members of the community. Reminders that LSC meetings are also open to the public. FOM members are encouraged to attend.