Lab 9: Sorting algorithms

Exercise 1 Use a Mergesort Technique
Problem statement:

One of the advantages of mergesort is that it can easily be adapted to sort a linked list of values. This is because the algorithm retrieves the values from the two lists being merged in the order that they occur in the lists. If the lists are linked lists, then that algorithm can simply move down the list node after node. With heapsort or quicksort the algorithm needs to move values from random locations in the array so they do not adapt as well to sorting a linked list.

Write a program that sorts a linked list of integers using mergesort. The program will read the integers into a linked list and then sort the linked list using mergesort. This will require additional linked lists, but you should use linked lists, not arrays, for all your list storage.

Learning Objectives:

The learner will be able to:

Write a program that sorts a linked list of integers using mergesort.

Exercise 2 Double Hashing
Problem statement:

Make the changes to quicksort, as described in Programming Project 4 of Chapter 13.

Learning Objectives:

The learner will be able to:

Rewrite the quicksort function so that there is no recursive calls.


Typical Computer Lab setup


Microsoft Visual C++

Classroom Configuration:


Lab Procedures:

Complete the following tasks:Exercise1
  1. Write a program that sorts a linked list of integers using mergesort.

  1. The program will read the integers into a linked list and then sort the linked list using mergesort. This will require additional linked lists, but you should use linked lists, not arrays, for all your list storage.

Complete the following tasks: Exercise2
1.Implement the ordinary quicksort function from Section 13.2 to ensure that you understand the algorithm.
2.Review pages 502-504 (discussing how a function can be a parameter).
3.Create a header file, quick2.h, for this version of the quicksort function. You don't have to write much of this file. Just use the version provided by your instructor and add your name and other information at the top. NOTE: This header file contains only one prototype (for the quicksort function) and its documentation. It does not have any class declarations.
4.Create a file named quick2.cxx. This file should contain the implementations of the flexible quicksort function that is described in the header file. Make sure that you read all of the discussion below which describes special aspects of the programming.
5.Create a file named makefile. This is a makefile for the assignment. The file should contain targets for qtest2.o, qexam2.o, qtest2 (an executable file) and qexam2 (another executable file). The source codes qtest2.cxx and qexam2.cxx are available from your instructor. Your makefile should also include "all" and "clean" options. Include your name in a comment at the top.
Complete the following tasks: Exercise2
Use double hashing to re-implement the hash table from Figure 12.4 on page 596.


Answers to Lab Exercises


// FILE: merge.cxx
// An interactive test program for the mergesort function
#include <iostream.h> // Provides cout and cin
#include <stdlib.h> // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS, size_t
// PROTOTYPES of the functions used in this test program:
void mergesort(int data[ ], size_t n);
// Precondition: data is an array with at least n components.
// Postcondition: The elements of data have been rearranged so
// that data[0] <= data[1] <= ... <= data[n-1].
// NOTE: If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then new_handler is called.
void merge(int data[ ], size_t n1, size_t n2);
// Precondition: data is an array (or subarray) with at least n1+n2 elements.
// The first n1 elements (from data[0] to data[n1-1]) are sorted from smallest
// to largest, and the last n2 (from data[n1] to data[n1+n2-1]) are also
// sorted from smallest to largest.
// Postcondition: The first n1+n2 elements of data have been
// rearranged to be sorted from smallest to largest.
// NOTE: If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then new_handler is called.
int main( )
const char BLANK = ' ';
const size_t ARRAY_SIZE = 10; // Number of elements in the array to be sorted
int data[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Array of integers to be sorted
int user_input; // Number typed by the user
size_t number_of_elements; // How much of the array is used
size_t i; // Array index
// Provide some instructions
cout < "Please type up to " < ARRAY_SIZE < " positive integers.";
cout < "Indicate the list's end with a zero." < endl;
// Read the input numbers
number_of_elements = 0;
cin > user_input;
while ((user_input != 0) & (number_of_elements < ARRAY_SIZE))
data[number_of_elements] = user_input;
cin > user_input;
// Sort the numbers and print the result with two blanks after each number
mergesort(data, number_of_elements);
cout < "In sorted order, your numbers are: " < endl;
for (i = 0; i < number_of_elements; i++)
cout < data[i] < BLANK < BLANK;
cout < endl;
void mergesort(int data[ ], size_t n)
// Precondition: data is an array with at least n components.
// Postcondition: The elements of data have been rearranged so
// that data[0] <= data[1] <= ... <= data[n-1].
// NOTE: If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then new_handler is called.
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
size_t n1; // Size of the first subarray
size_t n2; // Size of the second subarray
if (n > 1)
// Compute sizes of the subarrays
n1 = n / 2;
n2 = n - n1;
mergesort(data, n1); // Sort from data[0] through data[n1-1]
mergesort((data + n1), n2); // Sort from data[n1] to the end
// Merge the two sorted halves
merge(data, n1, n2);
void merge(int data[ ], size_t n1, size_t n2)
// Precondition: data is an array (or subarray) with at least n1+n2 elements.
// The first n1 elements (from data[0] to data[n1-1]) are sorted from smallest
// to largest, and the last n2 (from data[n1] to data[n1+n2-1]) are also
// sorted from smallest to largest.
// Postcondition: The first n1+n2 elements of data have been
// rearranged to be sorted from smallest to largest.
// NOTE: If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then new_handler is called.
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
int *temp; // Points to dynamic array to hold the sorted elements
size_t copied = 0; // Number of elements copied from data to temp
size_t copied1 = 0; // Number copied from the first half of data
size_t copied2 = 0; // Number copied from the second half of data
size_t i; // Array index to copy from temp back into data
// Allocate memory for the temporary dynamic array
temp = new int[n1+n2];
// Merge elements, copying from two halves of data to the temporary array
while ((copied1 < n1) & (copied2 < n2))
if (data[copied1] < (data + n1)[copied2])
temp[copied++] = data[copied1++]; // Copy from first half
temp[copied++] = (data + n1)[copied2++]; // Copy from second half
// Copy any remaining entries in the left and right subarrays
while (copied1 < n1)
temp[copied++] = data[copied1++];
while (copied2 < n2)
temp[copied++] = (data+n1)[copied2++];
// Copy from temp back to the data array, and release temp's memory
for (i = 0; i < n1+n2; i++)
data[i] = temp[i];
delete [ ] temp;


The Function's Specification
The student will be writing a function with this specification:
void quicksort(
void* base,
size_t n,
size_t bytes,
int compar(const void*, const void*)
Precondition: base is a pointer to the first component of an array with at least n elements. The component type of the array may be any type at all, and the parameter bytes must be the number of bytes in each component of the array. The fourth parameter, compar, mustbe the name of a function that can compare two elements of thearray. The two arguments of compar are pointers to two elements inthe array, and the return value of compar indicates which of the two arguments is largest, as follows:
-- a negative return value means that the 2nd argument is larger
-- a zero return value indicates that the arguments are equal
-- a positive return value means that the 1st argument is larger
Postcondition: The elements of the array have been rearranged so that they are in order from smallest to largest.
This specification includes several new items that you haven't seen before, such as the third parameter (which must be the number of bytes required by one component of an array) and the fourth parameter (where the actual argument must be a function that you write and make available to the quicksort function).
How a Program Can Use the Flexible Quicksort Function
In order to understand the flexible quicksort function, you should start by fully understanding how a program can use this function to sort any kind of array. For example, the function can sort an array of integers, or sort an array of strings, or sort an array of doubles... The steps required in the program are as follows:
  1. The program must declare a comparison function that compares two elements from the array. For example, suppose that the program wants to sort an array of integers. Then that program must declare a comparison function that can compare two integers, as shown here:
  2. int compare_ints(const void* ptr1, const void* ptr2)
  3. {
  4. // NOTE: *ptr1 is the first integer, but since ptr1 is a void
  5. // pointer, we must use the notation *((int *) ptr1) to refer to
  6. // this first integer. Similarly, *((int *) ptr2) refers to the
  7. // second integer. This comparison function works by subtracting
  8. // the second integer from the first, and returning the result.
  9. // This result meets the requirements listed above (for example,
  10. // it is negative when the second argument is larger than the
  11. // first.
  12. return *((int *) ptr1) - *((int *) ptr2);
  13. }
Notice that compare_ints has two parameters that are declared as void pointers. This means that in the prototype, we are not going to tell the compiler exactly what ptr1 and ptr2 are pointing to. But, as the implementor of this function, we know that ptr1 and ptr2 are actually pointing to integers. In particular:
*((int *) ptr1) is the integer that ptr1 points to, and
*((int *) ptr2) is the integer that ptr2 points to.
The return value of compare_ints tells us whether the two integers are equal (return value of zero), or the first integer is bigger (return value is positive), or the second integer is bigger (return value is negative).
  1. Once you have your compare_ints function in place, the program you can declare an array of integers, and use quicksort to sort the array, as shown here:
  2. int my_numbers[4000];
  3. ...code to put 4000 numbers into the array my_numbers...
  4. // Now use quicksort. Note that the array my_numbers is the first
  5. // argument (but we need to cast it to void* to match the quicksort
  6. // prototype). The second argument is the number of elements in the
  7. // array. The third argument is the number of bytes in each array
  8. // component (obtained by using the predefined sizeof operator).
  9. // The fourth arguement is the comparison function listed above.
  10. quicksort((void *)my_numbers, 4000, sizeof(int), compare_ints);
Some Macros for the Flexible Quicksort Function
Suggest to the students that they declare these "macro definitions" at the top of your implementation file:
#define element(i) (base + ((i)*bytes))
#define assign(x,y) (memcpy((x), (y), bytes))
#define less_than(x,y) (compar((x),(y)) < 0)
The macros act sort of like functions, allowing you to easily access and manipulate elements of the array (even though you don't know the data type of that array!) You may use the macros in any place that has access to the quicksort parameters (base, bytes, and compar). Here is what the macros will do:
  1. For any index i in the range 0 to n-1, element(i) provides a pointer to element i of the array.
  1. If x and y are pointers to elements, then assign(x,y) makes the element that x points to be a copy of the element that y points to (sort of like *x = *y).
  1. If x and y are pointers to elements, then less_than(x,y) will be true if x's element is less than y's element.
Programming Techniques Inside the Partition Function
There are several programming techniques that students will find useful in their new implementation of the partition function.
  1. The partition function will need parameters for base, n, bytes and compar. It also needs the pivot_index as a reference parameter. Just like the earlier version, the partition function sets pivot_index equal to the index where the pivot element ends up.
  1. Within your partition function, you will need to declare memory that can hold a copy of the pivot element (from the [0] element of the array). You'll also need some memory to use as a temporary location during the swapping of two elements. I suggest that you allocate dynamic memory for these two purposes by using the malloc function from malloc.h. The correct syntax for the allocation is:
void *pivot = malloc(bytes);
void *temp = malloc(bytes);
After these statements, pivot is a pointer to some memory that you can use to hold a copy of the pivot element, and temp is a pointer to some memory that you can use temporarily during the swapping of two elements.
  1. Example code to copy the [0] element to the memory that pivot points to:
assign(pivot, element(0)); By the way, you could also use base instead of element(0).
  1. Example code to swap element i with element j using the temporary memory location:
assign(temp, element(i));
assign(element(i), element(j));
assign(element(j), temp);
  1. It is a bad idea to always use the [0] element as the pivot (see the analysis on page 601). A better idea is to select a random element, somewhere between index [0] and index [n-1], and swap this randomly selected item with the [0] element at the start of the partition. Here's the code to do this, using the rand function from stdlib.h:
size_t random_index = rand( ) % n;
assign(temp, element(0));
assign(element(0), element(random_index));
assign(element(random_index), temp);
After the swap, the partition can proceed as usual, using the new element from index [0] as the pivot.
  1. When the partition finishes, it must return the pivot and temp memory to the heap. The correct syntax for the returns are:
free (pivot);
free (temp);
Notice that you are using free instead of delete. The reason is because the memory was originally allocated with malloc instead of new.
Using Insertion Sort When the Array Gets Small
When the array reaches 15 or fewer elements, tell the students they should call an insertion sort to finish the work. They may use the implementation of insertion sort shown here:
void insertion_sort(
void* base,
size_t n,
size_t bytes,
int compar(const void*, const void*)
void *new_item = malloc(bytes);
size_t i;
size_t j;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
{ // Insert element i into the right place
assign(new_item, element(i));
for (j = i; (j > 0) & (less_than(new_item, element(j-1))); j--)
assign(element(j), element(j-1));
assign(element(j), new_item);
free (new_item);

1Lab Handout for IT327

Data Structures