Icelandic Transport Authority / Flight training device/aircraft configuration difference list / FRD-014
Date: 18.07.2014


  1. Difference
  • Describe here the difference between the used Simulator (A) and your actually used aircraft (A/C), e.g. there might be a difference between the max takeoff weight on the SIM and the MTOW on the actual aircraft
  1. Characteristics / Procedure Changes
  • Is there an impact on flight Characteristics with resulting procedure change? If yes, then state YES, otherwise NO.
  1. Compliance levels
  • State here the compliance level dependent on the statement you made under flight Characteristics according to the definitions below (“Compliance levels“) e.g. if there was NO impact on flight Characteristics and NO procedure change the compliance level will most probably be level A for both, Training and Checking
  1. Note
  • Insert here a continual numbers for detailed explanations, which you give under “Notes” above, e.g. start here with Note 1. This Note must be explained in detail below under Chapter Notes which could read as follows: “Principles of operations and control of the system is the same for all a/c (Type) used within XXX (company)”







Level A differences


•Noinfluenceonprocedures (normaland/orabnormal)

•Differences inpresentation

•Differences inoperation.

Method: self-instruction via the operations manual or flight crew information.

Level A Training. Level A difference training is applicable to aircraft with differences that can adequately be addressed through self-instruction. Level A training represents a knowledge requirement such that, once appropriate information is provided, understanding and compliance can be assumed to take place. Compliance with level A training is typically achieved by methods such as issuance of operating manual page revisions, dissemination of flight crew operating bulletins or differences hand-outs to describe minor differences between aircraft. Level A training is normally limited to situations such as the following:

a. The change introduces a different version of a system/component for which the flight crew has already shown the ability to understand and use;

b. The change results in minor or no procedural changes and does not result in adverse safety effects if the information is not reviewed or is forgotten; or

c. Information highlighting a difference that, once called to the attention of a crew, is self-evident, inherently obvious, and easily understood.

LevelB differences

•No influence on flight characteristics

•Influence on procedures (normal and/or abnormal)

•Eventually differences in presentation and operation.

Method: flight crew information, computer-based training, system device training or special instruction by instructor.

Level B Training. Level B difference training is applicable to aircraft with system or procedure differences that can adequately be addressed through aided instruction. At Level B aided instruction is appropriate to ensure crew understanding, emphasize issues, provide a standardized method of presentation of material, or to aid retention of material following training. Level B aided instruction typically employs means such as presentations, tutorials, Computer Based Training (CBT), stand-up lectures, videotapes, or DVDs.


Level Cdifferences

•Influence on flight characteristics

•Influence on procedures (normal and/or abnormal)

•Eventually differences in presentation and operation.

Method: special instruction by instructor, a selected partial training on another FSTD or aircraft or a waiver because of previous experience, special instruction or training programme.

Level C Currency. Level C currency is applicable to one or more designated systems or procedures, and relates to both skill and knowledge requirements. An example would be establishment of INS currency, FMS currency, flight guidance control system currency, or other particular currency that is necessary for safe operation of a variant. Establishment of Level C for a variant with a flight management system (FMS) would typically require a crewmember to fly that variant within the specified period or re-establish currency. Currency constraints for level C typically are 90 days. However, some systems or procedures may require shorter time limits while others may be longer than the normal interval for proficiency checks, if the pertinent items are not always addressed by these checks. When level C currency applies, any pertinent lower level currency must also be addressed. Examples of methods acceptable for addressing level C currency are:

a. Crew scheduling practices resulting in a crewmember being scheduled to fly a variant with the pertinent system/procedure within the specified period;

b. Tracking of an individual crewmember's flying of variants to ensure that the particular system/procedure has been flown within the specified period;


Icelandic Transport Authority / Flight training device/aircraft configuration difference list / FRD-014
Date: 07.07.2013
STD Airplane Type, STD No, variant and registration / Compliance Levels
ATA Chapter / Difference / Characteristics / Proc. Changes / Training / Checking / Note
01 General / A:
21 Air Conditioning / A:
22 Autoflight / A:
23 Communication / A:
24 Electrical Power / A:
25 Equipment & Furniture / A:
26 Fire / A:
27 Flight Controls / A:
28 Fuel / A:
29 Hydraulic power / A:
30 Ice & Rain protection / A:
31 Instruments / Recorders / A:
32 Landing gear / A:
33 Lighting / A:
34 Navigation / A:
35 Oxygen / A:
36 Pneumatics / A:
49 APU / A:
52 Doors / A:
71 Power plant / A:


Applicant‘s Statement
I herewith confirm correctness of Flight Training Device/Aircraft Configuration Difference List. / (For official use only)
ICETRA Acceptance:
Name: / Signature of Postholder Crew Training / Organisation: / Date: / Date: