- Personal Details
Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms …...... ……..Date of Birth: …………………………………….…
Full name: ...... National Insurance No: ......
Address: ...... Nationality: ......
...... Sex: Male Female
County: ……………………….. Postcode: ......
Tel No: ...... …...... Mobile: ...... …......
Email: ......
Emergency Contact Details:
Name of Next of Kin / Guardian: ..………………………………………………………………………………………….
Address: if different from above......
- Apprenticeship Details
Please tick the BOX to indicate the Apprenticeship you are applying for:
AgricultureAnimal Care Active Leisure and Learning
(Amenity Hort/Sports Turf)
ButcheryEnvironmental ConservationGamekeeping
Forestry/ArboricultureEquineCustomer Service
Business and Administration
How did you hear about us?…………………………………………… Availability to start date: ………………….
- Additional Support for Learning and/or Disability
Do you have any kind of learning difficulty or disability which could affect your apprenticeship? Eg, physical disability, hearing or visual impairment, dyslexia or health problem.
I have a learning difficulty: Yes: No:I have a disability: Yes:No:
If ‘yes’, please provide details: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
so that we can plan and secure appropriate support for you.
or tick the box if you would like someone to contact you to discuss your needs.
- Transport
Do you hold a driving licence? FULL M/CYCLE PROVISIONAL NO
Do you have your own transport? YES NO Date of licence if applicable: ......
- Career ambitions, hobbies and interests
- Eligibility
Have you completed Year 11 at school?
If no, do you intend to return to full-time education after the summer vacation?
Are you attending a full-time college or university course?
Have you graduated or do you hold a Degree
Have you been a permanent resident in the UK or EU for the last 3 years?
If no please give the date of entry into the UK: …………………………
If no, are you an asylum seeker?
- Qualifications
Last school attended: ......
Last college attended: ......
Date of leaving/expected end date: ......
Please give details of the qualifications you have taken or due to take, from GCSE onwards – include any
Qualifications that may be relevant to your career aspirations. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Subject / Date taken/due to be taken / Level / Actual or predicted Grades
- Work Experience
Please give details of any work experience or jobs you have had, including part-time and/or voluntary work. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Position (Please indicate whether this was work experience or paid employment) / Company / From / ToSigned: ...... Date: …......
- Data Protection
The information you provide on this application form will be retained by Kingston Maurward College for reference. It will not be made available to any third party organisations except those who have direct involvement with the facilities of college courses.
Last updated 08.04.11 / S Bishop