Time to Shine Small Funds
Final Report Form
Application Ref No
Project Name
Person Completing Form
Daytime Telephone Number
- Brief summary of activity funded by the Time to Shine Small Fund
- What have you done as part of the project over the last 12 months?
Has the project run as planned? What have you done differently?
(400 words max)
3. Small Fund expenditure – please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the expenditure to date and refer tothe original budget in your application. Leave blank any areas that do not apply. / Amount spent
/ Staff and Volunteer costs (e.g. salaries, training costs etc):
/ Operational/Activity Costs (e.g. equipment hire, venue hire, refreshments):
/ Office/overhead/Premises Costs: (e.g. rent, postage, telephone/fax, utilities):
/ Capital Costs (e.g. computers and other equipment, please include receipts for items purchased over £250):
/ Publicity Costs (e.g. designing and printing publicity materials):
/ Other (please detail):
/ TOTAL Project cost to date
- People who have directly benefited from the Time to Shine Small Fundduring the 12 months of the project.
Number ofsocially-isolated people aged 50 or overparticipating in the project
Number of volunteers aged 50+ who were involved in the management, design, delivery or evaluation of the project
Gender description of people aged 50+ who participated or volunteered
Number of men: Number of women:
Please describe the ethnicity of people aged 50+ who participate or volunteer:
Number of participants or volunteers aged 50+ who identify as LGBT
Number of formal volunteers aged 49 or under involved in the project
If possible, please indicate the total number of volunteer hours spent on this project
Number of people of any age who received light-touch support
(e.g. by attending a one-off activity)
What difference has the Time to Shine Small Fund made to the beneficiaries? (150-250 words)
Do you have any case studies to show impact on people’s lives? (If this helps, please use and attach the ‘Experiences and Outcomes template in Appendix 1)
- Time to Shine ‘Evaluation of Ageing Better’ questionnaires completed over the 12 months
Number of questionnaires completed ONLINE
Number of questionnaires completed ON PAPER (please call us so we can collect the completed paperquestionnaires from you; please remember to detach the ‘Consent’ forms and store these securely)
Number of FOLLOW-UP questionnaires completed ONLINE
Number of FOLLOW-UP questionnaires completed ON PAPER (please call us to arrange collection)
Have there been any issues with completing these questionnaires? Have there been any benefits from using them?
- What has been learnt in this project? What has worked? What hasn’t? For example in terms of community engagement and participation in activities; professional practice, planning and/or service development; informal partnerships and outcomes.
Can you provide a Test and Learn Case study?(Please use the template provided in Appendix 2)
- What difference has the Time to Shine Small Fund made to your organisation?
(150-250 words)
- Will the work continue beyond the life of this Time to Shine Small Fund? If so, please indicate in what way and what you have done so far to ensure this?
- Please send us any photographs, leaflets or press cuttings by post or e-mail them to quoting the name of your group and reference number.
Signature: Position:
Name: Date:
Please return a signed copy to the following address to ensure consideration on all future applications.
Leeds Community Foundation
First Floor, 51a St Paul’s St, Leeds LS1 2TE.
Interim Report for Time to Shine Small Funds – March 2016
Appendix 1.
Form to record participant or volunteer experiences and outcomes
Project name:This is the story of:
May we include this name when we share this story with others? Yes / No / Maybe – please ask
Form completed by: Date:
Contact details of the person filling in this form:
What was life like for you before becoming involved in the project? How did you feel?
Why did you get involved?
Who or what helped you? How did this help?
What has changed for you as a result of this project?
What is life like for you now? How do you feel?
What do you plan to do next?
What would you say to others who are thinking of getting involved?
Do you have anything else to add?
Thank you for sharing your experiences
ConsentI DO / DO NOT give permission for the Time to Shine team to use the information in this form (including quotes) for promotional purposes in order to share evidence of the impact that this project has made on the lives of people involved. Information may be shared with funders, commissioners, other partners and / or local, regional or national media.
Consent for the use of photos or images
Where possible we would like to use at least one image with each story. Please supply a photo or other image which represents your story and which could be used in our publicity materials or in local, regional or national media.
I DO / DO NOT give permission for this image to be used in Time to Shine publicity materials, including web-based materials
I DO / DO NOT give permission for this image to be used in local, regional or national media.
Your name:
Signature: Date:
Appendix 2.
Test and Learn examples to share
Project name:Form completed by: Date:
Contact details of the person filling in this form:
Which TTS indicator does this form link to?
□ Lessons for professional practice, planning and/or service development (indicator C)
□ Community engagement and participation in activities (indicator F)
□ Informal partnerships and outcomes (indicator M)
□ None of the above
Please outline the issue, situation or question will you explore in this Test and Learn example
What did you do?
What expectations did you have?
How did reality differ from your expectations? What was good? What was not so good?
Why do you think this happened? What information did you gather from others to support this?
What will you do differently next time?
Please list the key learning points (in about 100 words)
Are there any people / organisations in particular who would benefit from this learning?
Do you have anything else to add?
The information you supply in this form may be shared with the Time to Shine team and core partnership board, Leeds Older People’s Forum board, The Big Lottery, CIRCLE (the local evaluators for Time to Shine) and, where appropriate, Ecorys UK (the national evaluation team).
I DO / DO NOT give permission for the Time to Shine team to use the information in this Test and Learn example (including quotes) for promotional purposes in order to share learning from the project. Information may be shared with commissioners, delivery partners, other partners and / or local, regional or national media.
Your name:
Signature: Date:
Interim Time to Shine Small Fund Impact Report form