Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI)
A Workshop on:
Writing to Connect
26 June 2015
Leeds University Business School
(Michael Marks Room, Michael Marks Building)

Aim of the workshop

A highly participative workshop using experiential exercises to stimulate learning and discussion. The workshop will address three challenges:

·  Engaging practitioners

·  Making academic writing accessible

·  Writing for impact

Intended audience

The workshop is aimed at doctoral students, early career researchers and faculty staff.

About the presenters

Stuart Delves

I have worked as a copywriter for over 25 years, firstly in advertising and since 1995 in the design and communication industry in Edinburgh. In 2002 I started to share my knowledge and experience by providing training and in 2004 set up Dark Angels with John Simmons and Jamie Jauncey. Trading as Henzteeth and Dark Angels I have run numerous in-house workshops (writing and presentation) and over 40 residential courses. The objective of all the training is to make communication effective, engaging and memorable. Clients include: National Museums Scotland, University of Edinburgh Business School, Arts Council Wales, National Library of Wales, British Council, Arts & Business Scotland, Royal Society of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, University of York, Kings College London, Penguin Books and National Library of Scotland.

Jamie Jauncey

Jamie Jauncey is a co-founder with Stuart Delves of the Dark Angels programme of creative writing in business courses. He has worked in the business world for more than 30 years as a writer and trainer, helping organisations and individuals to find their voices and tell their stories. He is co-author, with John Simmons, the third Dark Angel, ofRoom 121: a masterclass in writing and communication in business. He has also published five novels and sits on the board of the Edinburgh International Book festival, the world's largest celebration of the written word.


All confirmed participants will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire and summary of expectations before the workshop. The presenters would also like to view some samples of the kind of writing produced where possible.


09.45 / Coffee and registration
10.00-11.30 / Session 1
11.30-11.45 / Break
11.45-13.00 / Session 2
13.00-14.00 / Lunch
14.00-15.30 / Session 3
15.30-15.45 / Break
15.45-17.30 / Session 4
17.30 / Close

How to register for the workshop:

Please complete the online booking form at

Please also indicate in the additional notes section why you wish to be considered for a place.

How to get to Leeds University Business School:

The Michael Marks Building is number 13 on the interactive map.

Please contact if you have any further questions.