Metro Hockey League
January 14, 2013, 6:45PM, Board Meeting
Halsey Hall Room – Metrodome
Attendees: Bruce Krueger (Treasurer), Dina Preston (Scheduler), Terri Morawiecki (Secretary), Steve Spock (D1), Pat Jackson (D2), Greg Nagan (D2), Casey Whelan (D3), Don Strom (D6), Sharon Morgan (D6), Jay Condon (D8), Hank Wuertz (D10), John Lawson (D10)
- Determine short list of Wes Barrette Award nominees.
o The short list was distributed to board members
o The board discussed during the January meeting, with voting scheduled in February.
o The listed is confidential and should not be shared outside of the board.
o Any additional nominees can still be suggested before next month’s meeting.
§ Action: If you have additional nominees, please send to Dina
o Action: Dina will update the list for next meeting.
2. Determine short list of Made It Happen Award nominees. The short list was distributed to board members
o The board discussed during the January meeting, with voting scheduled in February.
o The listed is confidential and should not be shared outside of the board.
o Any additional nominees can still be suggested before next month’s meeting.
§ Action: If you have additional nominees, please send to Dina
o Action: Dina will update the list for next meeting.
- Review all details for Play-downs; schedule, volunteers needed, etc.
· Greg Nagan distributed the initial schedule/brackets for play-downs
· Games have been added for National play-downs
· Ice is scheduled and set with Schwan’s
· Bruce suggests having Duluth participate in the “A” tournament
- Action: Bruce will bring this to Butch to review and approve. He will forward details to Greg
· We will seed 6 “B” teams
· Greg will update the American “B” schedule
· Greg will distribute to D2 for volunteers
· Greg suggests that all board members come and volunteer as well as participate as ambassadors for the MHL board
· Play-down cost is $350; there is an additional fee for the State Tourney.
· Trophies needed for “B” National playoff: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
· A, B American, and 16 only need one trophy per level
· Greg needs board assistance on Friday night, 3/1. Don, Bruce, and Casey agreed to be there to assist as needed.
· Action: Agenda item for next month: We need to discuss at the February meeting the play-down and state tournament district hosting, and confirm this with each district that will take on this role. We need to finalize and provide clarification on what district will be hosting. The board was not certain on this during this meeting.
- Start reminding coaches that Feb. 4th is the deadline for Select Game nominations.
· Jay is working with Tom on coordinating player nominations.
· The board is encouraged to notify their teams at their district meetings.
- Review all details for Select Game.
· Everything is on track with D10 for the Select Game.
· The photographer is no longer in business that we used last year. We still need to find a photographer.
- Action: John will follow up to find a new photographer.
· Action: Dina will plan on coordinating the roses for this year. If Dina needs help, Hank will assist.
· Jerseys have been ordered.
· Ice is set for practice on the 19th. A room is scheduled for registration and after-party festivities.
- Review any problems/issues so far this season.
· Pat needs to sit in on a second hearing on 1/15. She has noticed more game misconducts this year.
- Update on exhibit for Play-downs, Expo, and State Tourney.
· As an update to our work on developing some sort of exhibit for Play-downs, the Expo, and the MNH State Tourney, we’re leaning towards creating a display showing a map of MN with each community noted that hosts a JG program. We would than ask each association to provide a “page” of info on their program that would somehow display all these pages. Obviously, we have not yet determined all the details.
- Other items?
· There was some disappointment expressed to Dina and Pat for cancelling the mid-season tournament for the “B” National level.
- If we decide on this structure next year and want to do a mid season tournament, this ice needs to be scheduled in May/June of this year.
- This format/level should be a discussion at the End of Season Business Meeting.
- It was agreed that the MHL Board dropped the ball on this. We want to work ahead to not let this happen again.
- Action: Don has agreed to call each of the seven teams to ask for feedback and be proactive on keeping them involved for next year. Don will provide feedback at the February meeting.
· It was suggested to review the District 5 Board position representation at next month’s meeting. We need someone more dedicated to participating in board meetings and duties.
· Bruce’s budget update:
- Coaches’ clinic – more coaches than what we budgeted for, however the expenses at the Super Rink increased.
- The board meeting dinner expense was over than what we originally planned.
- Bruce has a request into MN Hockey for budget $ increase.
- Bruce will need to update budget numbers for ice.
- Action: Greg will submit to Bruce final ice cost figures.