Curriculum Vitae, M. Misaghian. Page 1 of 5
Manouchehr Misaghian
Department of Mathematics
Johnson C. Smith University
Charlotte, NC28216
(704) 378 1157 (O)
(704) 846 0208 (H)
(704) 378-1213 (Fax)
- May 2000, Ph.D., Mathematics, the University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Dissertation: “Theta correspondences attached to (U (1), U (2)).”
- 1994, M. S., Mathematics, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette.
- 1976, M. S., Mathematics, Tehran University, Iran.
Thesis: “Strongly non-invertible elements and Jacobson Radical in a Ring.”
- 1974, B. S., Mathematics, Tehran University, Iran.
Professional Experience:
- August 2000-Present,Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC, 28216.
- Abstract Algebra
- Topics in Algebra
- Topics in Analysis
- History and Foundation of Mathematics
- Linear Algebra
- Modern Geometry
- Multi variable Calculus
- Precalculus
- Finite Mathematics
- College Algebra
- Advising and directing students for their senior investigative papers.
- Member of the University’s Mellon Community of Scholars Faculty Career Enhancement Program.
- 2006-Present. Item writer, American Colleges Testing Center (ACT), Iowa City
- August 2001-Present, Part time faculty member, Department of Mathematics, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Linear Algebra
- Discrete Mathematics
- Calculus (I, II, III)
- Calculus for business
- 1994- May 2000, Department of Mathematics, the University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Teaching Assistant
- Analysis Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam. Preparation Class.
- Undergraduate Analysis
- Undergraduate Abstract Algebra
- Calculus for Business
Assisting in the following Graduate level courses: - Algebra
- Real Analysis
- Complex Analysis
- Graph Theory
- Discrete Mathematics
Full responsibility, Lecturing, for:
- Elementary Functions using TI-85 graphing calculator. (3-times)
- Basic Algebra using TI-82 graphing calculator (2-times)
- Summer 1996, Rater, American Colleges Testing Center (ACT), Iowa City.
- 1992-1994, Department of Mathematics, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette.
Discussion Leader
- Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- 1991-1992, Mathematics Researcher, Center for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Iran.
- 1991-1992, Part-Time faculty, Department of Mathematics, National University of Iran, Iran.
- Foundation of Geometry
- Multi variable Calculus
- 1984-1992, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, IsfahanUniversity of Technology, Iran.
- Calculus I, II, III
- Set Theory
- Linear Algebra
- Foundation of Geometry
- Complex Variables
- 1981-1984, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Academy of Marine Sciences, Iran
- Calculus I, II
- Statistics I, II
- Introduction to Probability
- Vector Analysis
- 1983-1984, Head of Mathematics Department, Academy of Marine Sciences, Iran
- 1982-1984, Member of Hiring Committee, Academy of Marine Sciences, Iran
- 1982-1984, Committee Chair for Academic Publications, Academy of Marine Sciences, Iran.
- 1976-1980, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Ahwaz University, Iran
- Calculus I, II, III
- Real analysis
- Statistics I
- Statistics for Biology
- Number Theory
- Non-Euclidean Geometry
- 1977-1979, Colloquium Chair, Department of Mathematics, Ahwaz University, Iran.
- 1974-1976, Mathematics Instructor, Abureihan Correspondence College, Iran
- 1973-1974, Mathematics Teacher, AlborzHigh School, Tehran, Iran
Honors and awards:
- 2006, SIT LUX Teaching Achievement award in recognition of Scholarly Research and Publication
Professional Activities:
- Contact organizer of a special session on “Groups, Representations, and Character Theory”, to be held by American Mathematical Society Annual Joint Meeting, San Diego, CAUSA, January 2008.
- 2007-Present, Item writer for ACT (American Colleges Testing)
- Invited attendee, PittsburghSupercomputingCenter, Summer Workshop, 2007
- 2007, Presented a paper at AMS joint annual meeting, New Orleans, LA
- 2006- Present, Editorial Board member of ANTARCTIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS (
- 2006- Present, Advisory Board member and reviewer for Scientific Journals International (SJI).
- Invited attendee, PittsburghSupercomputingCenter, Summer Workshop, 2006
- 2005-Present, Developing mathematics Materials/courses for Bioinformatics courses/Program, supported by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Grant number TRA060005P.
- 2006, Presented a paper at AMS joint annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- 2005- Present, Zentrablatt Math. Reviewer.
- Invited attendee, The 2005 Bridging Research & Teaching Workshop, WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, Missouri, June 20 to June 24, 2005.
- Invited Speaker, Special session on Lie Groups and their Representations, AMS Central Section Meeting, Madison, WI, fall 2002.
- Invited Speaker, Special session on Number Theory, AMS Central Section Meeting, Lawrence, Kansas, March, 2001.
- Colloquium, North DakotaStateUniversity, Fargo, ND, July 28th, 2000.
- Presented a talk at AMS Joint Meetings in Washington, D. C. January 2000.
- Invited attendee IAS/PARK CITY MATHEMATICS INSTITUTE Summer Session, 1998 fully supported by PCMI
- Invited attendee DifferentialGeometryCollege at InternationalCenter for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), TriesteItaly, and 31st October. -30th November 1989 fully supported by ICTP.
- 1992-, Member of the American Mathematical Society.
- 1986-Present, Member of the Mathematical Association of America.
- 1972-1994, Member of the Iranian Mathematical Society.
- 1991-1993, Member of the Iranian Statistical Society.
- 1990-1992, Substitute member of the Iranian Mathematical Society Executive Board.
- 1991-1992, Committee Member, Mathematics Contests for Undergraduates, Iranian Mathematical Society.
- 1990-1992, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Mathematics Culture, and Thought, published by Iranian Mathematical Society.
- 1987-1992, Editor-in-Chief, Peik-e-Riazi, a quarterly Journal of Mathematics published by the Mathematics Department, Isfahan University of Technology.
- 1987-1990, Member of the Advisory Board of Nashr-e-Riazi, an expository mathematical journal published by the Iranian University Press.
- 2006. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Twisted Structure of U (2) and its representations”, preprints.
- 2006. Manouchehr Misaghian, “The Representations of the Heisenberg Group over a finite field”, to be appear in JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory & Applications.
- 2005. M.R. Darafsheh and M. Misaghian, “Construction of the Irreducible characters of the Heisenberg group and a similar special group”, preprint
- 2005. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Gaussian Prime Numbers”, to be appear in,Journal of MathematicsCulture, and Thought, Iranian Mathematical Society.
- 2005. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Theta-correspondences attached to (U (1), U (2)) ramified case”, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 111, Issue 2, April 2005, Pages 287-317
- 2005. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Theta-correspondences attached to (U (1), U (2)) unramified case”, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 111, Issue 2, April 2005, Pages 257-286
- 2005. Manouchehr Misaghian, “The representations of norm one elements group of the quaternion division algebra over a local field”, to be appear in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Volume 35 #3, pp 953-976 (2005).
- 1992. Manouchehr Misaghian, Persian translation of the “Uses of Infinity,” by Leo Zippen, published by the Iranian University Press.
- 1991. Manouchehr Misaghian, “An Introduction to Quadratic Surfaces,” Instructional booklet published by the Mathematics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- 1990. Manouchehr Misaghian, “How can we draw a Polar Curve?” Instructional booklet published by the Mathematics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.
- 1987. Manouchehr Misaghian, “The Endomorphism Ring of a Regular Module,” Proceedings, the 2nd Algebra Conference, Kashan, Iran.
- 1987. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Frontiers of Modern Mathematics,”Journal of MathematicsCulture, and Thought, No.5, pp. 80-88, TehranIran.
- 1976. Manouchehr Misaghian, “Regular and -Regular Rings,”Tehran Journal of Mathematics, No. 2, pp. 23-34.