Thank you for agreeing to fill out this brief survey.

The Graduate Program in Public Administration at California State University Northridge  Channel Islands is conducting a survey on general issues related to life in Ventura County. This survey is not connected with the City of Ventura. We appreciate your willingness to spend a few moments filling out the questionnaire below. Your anonymity and confidentiality will be preserved. If you have any questions or concerns please feel to contact the Project Director, Dr. Matthew Cahn, (818) 677-3488, or email Dr. Cahn at .

Please circle the ONE most appropriate answer for each question.

This survey measures attitudes in a variety of areas for several research projects. The first section explores concerns about our current energy situation. In the following questions, please respond to what extent you agree:

1.That your electric bill reflects the true cost of producing electricity.

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree No opinion

2.The cost of energy has caused a financial hardship on your household.

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree No opinion

3.Strong government intervention is needed to prevent energy supply interruptions?

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree No opinion

4.At what price per gallon of gasoline would you consider looking for a transportation alternative?


5.Has your employer taken measures to use alternative energy sources?

Yes No Don’t know

6. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the idea of re-regulating the energy market in California?

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree No opinion

7. To what extent do you consider yourself to be aware of energy conservation methods?

Very aware Somewhat aware Somewhat unaware Unaware

8. To what degree would you be willing to pay higher purchase costs for energy efficient appliances and fixtures if you knew that they would save you money over the long run through lower energy costs?

Very willing Somewhat willing Somewhat unwilling Very unwilling No Opinion

9. To what extent do you feel others can conserve more electricity?

Very Much Somewhat Not at all

10. To what extent do you feel you can conserve more electricity?

Very Much Somewhat Not at all

11. To what extent do others feel you can conserve more electricity?

Very Much Somewhat Not at all

12. Which of the following energy saving steps have you taken in your home? Please mark all that apply.

__turned off lights and appliances when not in use

__adjusted your thermostat to the recommended settings

__closed the drapes whenever possible to reduce heat loss from windows

__installed caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows

__installed low flow shower fixtures and faucet aerators

__installed a water heater blanket

__insulated your attic and walls

__installed a programmable thermostat to better match your daily use patterns

__installed double paned windows

__installed compact fluorescent lighting

__purchased an energy efficient refrigerator or other energy efficient appliance

13. Where would you place the most importance on the feeling thermometer below: It is most important to:

(Preserve Natural Resources Most Important) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Reduce Energy Costs Most Important)

The Following Section explores the issue of alcohol treatment center siting:

14.To what extent do you believe public intoxication to be a problem in your community?

Large Problem Small Problem No Problem

15.Would you support treatment of publicly intoxicated people in an alcohol detox center over jail or arrest?

Strongly Support Somewhat Support Would Not Support

16.To what extent do you believe arrest and jail prevents acts of public intoxication?

Greatly Prevent Somewhat Prevent Does Not Prevent

17.What do you feel is the best location for an alcohol treatment center in your community?

Commercial-Retail Area Residential Area Industrial-Agricultural Area Not In My Area

18.Would a detox center affect your plans to live or frequent businesses in that area?

Strongly Affect Somewhat Affect Does Not Affect

The Following questions collect demographic data on the sample.

19.What is your gender?(A) male(B) female

20.What is your age?(A) under 25 years (B) 25-29 years (C) 30-35 years (D) 36-50 (E) 51-65 (F) 66 or over

21.Family Status:(A) married or partnered with children in the home

(B) married or partnered, no children in the home

(C) single with children in the home

(D) single, no children in the home

22.Which Ethnicity best describes you?

(A) white (B) African American (C) Latino (D) Asian/ Pacific Islander (E) American Indian (F) Other

23.Which of the following best describes your level of education?

(A) high school(B) some college (C) AA degree or certificate (D) BA/BS degree (E) graduate degree

24.Which of the following categories best describes your Household Income?

(A) under $30,000 (B) $30,001-$45,000 (C) $45,001-$60,000 (D) $60,001-$75,000 (E) over $75,000

25.Please list your city of residence (e.g., Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo):

Thank you for participating in this survey.