Research in Dublin City University

DCU is a research-intensive institution that creates knowledge and translates it into innovations for economic and societal benefit. It has over 10,800 students on 80 degree programmes with an academic staff of 440 in its Faculties of Business, Engineering & Computing, Humanities and Social Sciences and Science & Health. It is recognised nationally and internationally as Ireland’s “University of Enterprise” and is ranked among the world's best young universities – in 2015 rising to 75th in the prestigious Times Higher Education '100 under 50'.

In addition to over 700 research students, DCU has approximately 500 academic researchers. Competitively won research funding is approximately €35 million per annum, and DCU invests considerable amounts of its resources to develop research infrastructure and support key programmes.

Key Research Areas

To ensure that DCU research increases its real-world impact, DCU focuses on priority areas where it has recognised strengths and where society is facing significant challenges. These areas form the focus of four Research and Enterprise Hubs

•  Health Technologies, and the Healthy and Ageing society

•  Information Technology and the Digital society

•  Sustainable Economies and Societies

•  Democratic and Secure Societies

The outward-facing activities of the four Hubs are reinforced by resources from three cross-cutting platforms:

·  The Science and Technology Enhancement Platform (STEP) links key areas of science and technology and ensures best use of existing resources. It enables development of infrastructure that is critically important for future research in core science and engineering disciplines and in addressing several key societal challenges.

·  The Societal Impact Platform helps incorporate societal perspectives into research and to increase public engagement.

·  The Business Innovation Platform provides expertise in particular areas of business processes as required by enterprise partners and supports the hubs in bridging the gap between research and innovation.

Employing the matrix structure of the four Research and Enterprise Hubs, combined with the three cross-cutting platforms, DCU creates productive teams to make the best use of its expertise and facilities and interact fruitfully with external collaborators.

DCU strategic plan 2012-17: ‘Transforming Lives and Societies’

Plans for the development of research and innovation are based on the DCU Strategic Plan 2012-2017: Transforming Lives and Societies, and are detailed in the research strategy document ‘A fresh vision for research and innovation at DCU’. This document summarises the University’s goals for research and innovation and outlines the activities that will ensure the fulfilment of the vision that by 2017 DCU will be recognised internationally as a research-intensive University of Enterprise with a focus on translating knowledge into benefits for society and the economy.

Supports for DCU Postdoctoral Researchers

A wealth of supports exist for DCU Postdoctoral Researchers, including specific staff in the following units who are dedicated to supporting research staff:

·  Research Support

·  Invent (Innovation and Enterprise Centre)

·  Research and Enterprise Hubs

·  Graduate Studies

·  Human Resources

·  Training & Development

·  The International Office

·  Finance Office

Research and Innovation Support

Established in 1997, and led by the Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI), Research and Innovation Support (RIS) is responsible for the development of a vibrant research environment in DCU and supports word-class research on campus through the formulation, communication and implementation of the University’s research policy and strategy. RIS sustains the research and innovation activity of the University by supporting staff in identifying sources of funding, provision of coaching to develop funding bids and links with enterprise, and management of pre- and post-award stages of grant awards. Please see the Research and Innovation webpage for further information: Specifically, the Research Support webpage will provide further information in relation to the supports available to researchers:


Invent is DCU’s Innovation and Enterprise Centre and works with both DCU researchers and external companies to identify opportunities for partnership, and promote innovation, knowledge transfer and commercialisation of DCU innovations, industry sponsored PhD programmes, student placements and industry sponsored post-doctoral fellowships. Invent also provides business incubation facilities, entrepreneurship training programmes and a range of supports for start-up technology businesses. DCU Postdoctoral Researchers receive advice and support with technology transfer activities, Intellectual Property protection and commercialisation and INVENT also provides expert support on technology transfer, commercialisation and engagement with enterprise. Please see Invent webpage for further information:

DCU Human Resources

DCU Postdoctoral Researchers are fully supported by DCU Human Resources, who provide appropriate and specific advice and assistance with employment contracts, relocation, employment permits, visas, and salary / tax related issues, etc.

The DCU website hosts a HR for Researchers page containing HR and employee information specifically for the research community, and includes information regarding Policies, Benefits, Relocation advice and links to external Research sites.

The staff handbook was developed by the Human Resources Department with a view to providing new and existing staff with an overview of the University in terms of governance, policies, procedures, its work/life balance incentives and physical layout.

Further information about specific support provided can be found at this link:

Policies & Procedures: HR Policies & Procedures, Maternity Leave Policy for Research Staff, Research Policies, Out of Hours/Lone Working Policy, IUA Research Salary Guidelines, Research Funding Information,

European Charter for Researchers & Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers

Benefits & Welfare: Health care, PRSI & Tax, Annual leave, Researcher Development Program

Relocating to Ireland: DCU Researchers Relocation Booklet , DCU Staff Handbook

Other Links: Research and Innovation Support, Finance Office, Researchers Support System, Research Centre List, Researchers Mobility Portal, European Researcher Mobility Portal, Expertise Ireland.

DCU Research Career Framework

DCU is a major research institution that has gained worldwide recognition for the work of its researchers. In order to continue to assure internationally competitive research, DCU has developed a structured career path within the University for researchers. The Research Career Framework will ensure that DCU remains a University of first choice for top class research and researchers into the future.

The Research Career Framework is designed to attract and retain the best researchers to DCU, provide significant professional development and offer the best opportunities in terms of a wider career path.

Guiding Principles:

The Research Career Framework provides for three defined levels within the research career path with continuous professional development at each level. The intended outcome of this development is to support the Principal Investigators (PI’s) in delivering excellence in research at DCU. In addition, participating researchers are facilitated in developing a set of valuable and transferable skills that enhance their own career opportunities.

The Research Career Framework consists of three levels:

• 1st Level – Post Doctoral Researcher - up to a maximum of 4 years in duration

• 2nd Level – Research Fellow up to a maximum of 4 years in duration

• 3rd Level – Senior Research Fellow - up to a maximum of 4 years in duration

Overall, a researcher can have up to a maximum of 8 years in total on the Research Career Framework, but no more than 4 years at each of the three levels.

Senior Research Fellows who successfully complete Level 3 will be strongly placed to secure a longer term position outside of the Framework as a senior researcher or an academic in DCU or alternatively, other positions in industry or the wider public service.

Further information about the DCU Researcher Career Framework is available at the following link:

Training & Development

DCU provide career development training opportunities for Postdoctoral staff via the DCU Researchers’ Career Development Programme. DCU Training and Development host a range of courses covering categories including professional development, personal effectiveness and computer skills with a full programme of ~20 courses specifically designed for researchers. A full listing can be found on the Training and Development webpage:

The International Office

The International Office supports and assists non-EU students and staff and prospective students and staff in the transition from their home country to life and study in Ireland, and works in conjunction with other units in the University. Further information on the supports provided can be found on the International Office webpage:

DCU Research Activity & Expenditure

·  EU FP7 (2007-2013)

·  Total No. of FP7 Awards 92

·  No. of Coordinator Awards 50

·  No. of Partner Awards 42

·  Total Value of FP7 Awards >€36 Million

·  Awards included full range of awards including MSCA ITN’s, MSCA RISE, MSCA IF’s, Coordination & Support Actions, Industry-Academia etc.

·  EU H2020 2014

·  Total No. of H2020 Awards in 2014 17

·  No. of Coordinator Awards 6

·  No. of Partner Awards 11

·  Total Value of H2020 2014 Awards €8.75 Million

·  Awards included MSCA ITN’s, MSCA IF’s, RIA, IA, ERC

Research & Training Programmes


Over the period 2007-2015 DCU has been involved in a number of research and training programmes including 9 Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks (6 as coordinator) and hosted 24 individual Marie Curie fellowships and 15 Erasmus programmes.

During FP6 DCU coordinated one Early Stage Training Fellowships, One Research Training networks, 3 Individual Fellowships, and were involved in Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses.

Two structured PhD programmes (T3, NBIPI) have been successfully completed in DCU


In line with EC policy to build a European Research Area (ERA), DCU has embraced the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training and provides structured doctoral training based on these Principles.

Here is the link to the list of the programmes:

DCU currently runs 14 structured doctoral programmes and pathways, including EXTATIC - Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme, BioAT: BioAnalysis & Therapeutics, is involved in 5 MSCA ITN’s (2 as coordinator) and 11 Erasmus programmes (2 as coordinator) and hosts 6 MSCA IF’s.