Dear Livingston Resident:
Livingston Township is conducting a public input process for the development of a Memorial Park Master Plan. The survey below will help us determine what priorities are important to you for future planning of Memorial Park including: the Oval, the gazebo, Memorial Pool, the fields and sports courts and undeveloped areas surrounding the library and former Court House, as encompassed in the attached sketch. Your input is very valuable in this process.
Please take a few moments to fill out the survey and feel free to include any additional comments, questions, or concerns you may have. Return to:
Engineering Department
357 South Livingston Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039
Or Email:
1. On average, about how frequently do you or other members of your household use or visit Memorial Park? (Refer to the attached map for park location.)
Several Times per Week Once per Week Once per Month
Seasonal Rarely or Never
2. Overall, how would you rate the condition of Memorial Park?
Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor Unsure/I Don’t Know
3. Are there any specific reasons that have kept you from visiting Memorial Park this past year?
Location is not close to my home. It does not contain the facilities I need.
No interest / Boring. Lack of sidewalk/trails in and to the park. Accessibility issues at the park. Other. Please explain.
4. What do you like most about Memorial Park facilities? Please explain.
5. What do you like least about Memorial Park facilities? Please explain.
6. What new or improved facilities would you like to see at Memorial Park? Please feel free to add your own suggestions.
Walking and Biking Trails with Bike Racks or Nature Trails
Outdoor Fitness Equipment (i.e. Pull-Up Bars, Rope Climbing, Hurdle Stations, Balance
Beam, Parallel Bars, etc.)
Off-Leash Dog Areas
Increased Sports and Recreation Fields (i.e. Bocce Ball Court, Horse Shoes, Volleyball
Courts, Disc Golf, Soccer Fields etc.)
Community Gardens or Orchards
Additional Playground Equipment and Play Areas for Toddlers or School-Aged Children
Indoor Activities for Teens / Teen Center
Park Shelters and Picnic Areas with BBQ Grills and Benches
Accommodations for the Physically Challenged
Increased Technology (i.e. Wireless Internet Access, Webcams, etc.)
Permanent Restrooms
Additional Landscaping / Shade Trees
Open Lawn Areas for Recreation
Security / Patrols / Increased Rules Enforcement
7. What should be the number one priority for Memorial Park? Please explain.
8. How many persons are in your household? ____ People
9. Please indicate the number of persons in your household within each age category:
Under 5 years 15 – 19 years 55 – 64 years
5 – 9 years 20 – 34 years 65 and over
10 – 14 years 35 – 54 years
10. Please indicate your age: ____ and Sex: Male or Female
Please use the space below for any additional comments, suggestions, or concerns you would like us to be aware of in planning Memorial Park. We appreciate your input!
Contact information (optional):
Thank you for completing the survey!
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