Squad Selection Declaration Form 2018 Rev:01
AddressEIR Code
Tel No.
Parent/Guardian E-mail
(For players under 18 years)
Age & D.O.B (for those under 18yrs)
Foreign Player Eligibility / A separate form needs to be completed -Foreign Player Eligibility Form 2018
If an Irish player has beenplaying polocrosse overseas when did the player return to Ireland (provide month, year, country and club played with):
I would like to be considered for the following Squads (put an X in all relevant boxes).
Open Squad / Player / Coach / ManagerU21 / Player / Coach / Manager
U16 / Player / Coach / Manager
European Challenge / Player / Coach / Manager
We are beginning the World Cup 2019 Selection Process now so if you would like to express an interest in participating please put an x in this box:
Please read the Squad Contract, sign the declaration at the end of the document and return the completed document
Please note specific information regarding training, kit, tours etc will be provided by each Squad.
The IPA has a commitment to develop polocrosse in Ireland that includes increasing the accessibility, enjoyment and standards of play for all members as well as developing the game at U16, U21 and Open levels.
This document outlines the process for selection for all Squads, including the requirements for players and the training provided for each squad.
While the IPA is open to applications from all players, please read this document carefully to ensure that you know what is expected from you should you be accepted into a Squad.
Guiding principles for all Squads
- Being selected is an honour
Being selected for a Squad is an exciting time – your potential to represent your country has been recognised and you will be part of a dedicated team of experienced coaches and managers and have access to specialist training sessions. Your coaches and managers, and all the supporting IPA members, are volunteers who have the best interests of you and Irelands polocrosse at heart. You are expected to respect their time and efforts by ensuring that you respond promptly to communications and participate in Squad activities, and that you conduct yourself in a manner that befits a Squad member.
- Reciprocity and legacy
The IPA membership has a history of generosity in supporting fundraising efforts for Squads. As a Squad member, you will have access to additional training from some of the country’s best coaches, and we expect you to actively seek out ways in which you can give back to the sport and its non-Squad members, i.e. we expect you to demonstrate and participate in both the Squads’ and your personal legacy to the sport. There are many ways you could do this – such as mentoring another player, coaching, offering to take on additional goal judging or umpiring duties or walking horses.
- Squad training
The coaches and managers will arrange as many training opportunities as possible – including team-building, on-foot, strategic and tactical analysis and discussion, and mounted activities. They will also arrange both inbound and outbound tours as agreed with the IPA board. They will provide feedback on your performance, including working with you to define areas in which you and/or your horse can improve. You are expected to commit to Squad activities as designed by your coach and manager, and to discuss with them any issues/problems that may limit your involvement as soon as possible.
- Horse Welfare
Horses fitness should be suitable for the level of polocrosse for which they will be competing in, refer to the IPA horse welfare code of practice.
Integrated squad training
Although each Squad will have its own training programme, where possible the aim is to organise at least one integrated training day each year. This will be an opportunity to provide more general training (such as sports psychology, stick skills, match analysis) in a cost-effective way, to ensure consistency of the training approach and for Squad members to better integrate and support each other.
The number and type of tours will be balanced across the Squads in a set cycle based on the World Cup dates. With the integration of the Squads under one umbrella, the IPAwill be able to notify Squad members of the coming year’s activities much further in advance.
I confirm that I have read the Squad Contract and that;
- I commit to attend and participate in Squad/Tour* training and activities (including fitness, discussion groups, social media, fundraising and legacy activities as determined by your coach/manager).
- I have informed my club of my application.
- I meet all the eligibility criteria as laid down in Section 56 International (non-Irish) player §ion 59 Registration of Players of the IPA Handbook.
- I understand that failure to comply with the terms of the Squad contract may result in my place in a Tour/Squad being terminated and/or being ineligible for future Tours/Squads.
Are there any special considerations or circumstances that the squad management need to be aware of that may impact your support or performance within squad activities? / Yes /No
If yes – please provide details:
For players under the age of 18 years to be countersigned by Parent/Guardian on behalf of the player
Signed (Player)Parent/Guardian Counter Signature (if applicable)
A signed copy of this application form can be sent to the below email address.
This form is to be returned by Dec 15th2017 to the IPA Admin:
*Within any Squad a team will be selected for each Tour; you may be de-selected or wish to not put yourself up for selection for a Tour and retain your place in the Squad, dependent on the individual circumstances