February, 2008
Dear Friend,
“Make new friends, but keep the old,….one is silver and the other gold.” As this well- known song goes, Girl Scouting provides us a great opportunity to make new friends and keep the old. Whether you have a long and storied association with Girl Scouting and the Girl Scouts of Washington Rock Council or your time with us is just beginning, we welcome you with open arms. Over the past 50 years businesses and individuals alike have befriended Girl Scouting and our council, embracing everything we stand for. Those lasting friendships have truly been worth their weight in gold to the tens of thousands of girls who have benefited from Girl Scouting. There is still room for new friends to come aboard and experience the satisfaction of an association with an organization such as ours.
The Girl Scout program promotes
- girls’ personal growth and leadership development,
- the development of skills, self-confidence and competence, and
- our ability to reach one in every seven girls in our three county area,
This is done in partnership with caring adults who assist in designing and executing activities that empower girls.
The money raised through the Girl Scouts of Washington Rock Council’s Silver and Gold Dinner will help to provide:
•8,000 girls with another year of outstanding program opportunities
•1,300 girls with the experience of summer resident camp at Camp Lou Henry Hoover and 800 girls with a summer day camp experience,
•3,000-plus adult volunteers with the training and tools to be effective and dedicated partners in the growth of these young women
Your contribution will be part of the evening’s highly popular and successful Silent Auction. We welcome gifts of any size and value as every dollar raised ensures that all girls have an opportunity to achieve the outstanding benefits that Girl Scouting has to offer.
Past donations have included: health and beauty products, sports memorabilia, jewelry, art work, dinner and theater tickets and food baskets.
To donate to the Silent Auction - complete the enclosed Silent Auction Donation form including a description of the item or items you wish to contribute and return by fax or mail to the Girl Scouts of Washington Rock Council at the address listed below by April 11, 2008. The forms will be used to generate an acknowledgement letter that you may use for tax donation purposes.
Questions? Please contact Ross Blacker at the Girl Scout office, 908-232-3236 ext. 1209.
Thank you in advance for your support of our area’s children.
Donna M. Dolce, CEO