The list of members/representatives of the members present during the meeting is annexed as Annexure – I.

At the outset, Chairman welcomed all the members present in the meeting. The minutes of the last DPCC meetings held on 15.5.2008 and 05.8.2008, were confirmed. The decisions as regards to various agenda items are as follows:-

AGENDA ITEM No. 1 : ATR of the previous meetings.

  1. Power of Inspection: MS, DPCC informed the Committee members, that the inspections are being carried out by the teams as decided by the DPCC in the last meeting held on 15.5.08 and the Committee decided to delete this from agenda, as no action is pending.
  1. Delegation of powers to Consent Management Committees: Status informed to the Committee and the Committee decided to delete this from agenda.
  2. Corporate membership of DPCC: Status informed to the Committee and the Committee decided to delete this from agenda.
  3. Installation of TOC analyzer: The Committee has discussed that there is a relation of TOC and BOD and therefore there is no need for specific standard for TOC. The Delhi Jal Board may be asked to install TOC analysers or BOD Biosensors at all STPs. However, the calibration of the equipment is required to be done. It is also desirable to connect the analysis results directly to web of DPCC.

The Committee has also emphasized to install TOC analysers or BOD Biosensors at all CETPs and they shall also be connected to the office of DPCC through web.

  1. Receipt of proposals from architects / consultants for DPCC office building: Committee was informed that a separate agenda has been placed, hence decided to delete this agenda.
  1. Award to meritorious units for safe handling, storage & disposal of hazardous waste in line with Hazardous Waste Rules, 1989: Committee was informed about the compliance of the decision of earlier DPCC dated 15.5.08. It was informed that M/s Pragathi Power Plant was given an award of Rs. 1 lakh, by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi. The Committee further decided to delete this item. During discussion MS, CPCB desired that online monitoring results of Thermal Power Plants of Delhi be connected to the web of DPCC as was being done in CPCB.

Action by: Sr.Scientist (Air)

  1. Sponsored Scholarships by DPCC in specific fields: Committeewas informed about the receipt of proposals from various institutes such as JamiaMiliaUniversity, IP University, SPA, JNU etc and a Committee set up for scrutinizing the said proposals. As reminders were issued to these institutes seeking proper proposals recently, Committee desired action to be complied within 3 months and inform the DPCC in the next meeting.

Action by: R & D Cell

  1. Health Impact of Pollution: Committee was informed about the progress made in pursuing to get the study done and the Committee decided to get the matter complied within three months and inform the progress in next meeting.

Action by: R & D Cell

  1. Special Compensation to Computer Operator: Committee was informed about the compliance of earlier DPCC decision dated 05.8.2008 and the Committee decided to delete this agenda.
  2. Special fee for Advocate Sh Prem Kumar: As earlier decision of the Committee was complied with, hence Committee decided to delete this agenda.
  3. Revised fee structure for the Advocates appointed by DPCC for the Hon’ble High Court and District Courts of Delhi: As earlier decision dated 05.8.2008 of the Committee was complied with, Committee decided to delete this agenda.
  4. Census of Industrial areas in Delhi: Committee was informed that a separate agenda has been placed, hence decided to delete this item.
  5. Installation of paper recycling plant at 50 Government Schools: As earlier decision of the Committee dated 15.5.2008 was complied with, Committee decided to delete this agenda.
  1. Payment of sitting fee to the members participating in various CMC/DPCC Board meeting: As earlier decision of the Committee dated 15.5.2008 was complied with, Committee decided to delete this item.
  2. Reimbursement of Rs. 32,566/- to Shri P.S. Pankaj, AEE: Committee decided to delete this item, as earlier decision of the Committee dated 15.5.2008 has been complied with.
  3. Upgradation of pay scale of Gr-II (DASS) Cadre & Stenographer Gr.II: As earlier decision of the Committee dated 15.5.2008 was implemented, Committee decided to delete this item.
  1. Making “Delhi Pollution Control Committee” as a “Delhi Pollution Control Board”: MS, DPCC informed the Committee members about the letter received from CPCB informing about the non existence of any legal provision. Committee decided to delete this agenda.
  2. Installation of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) in the Hospitals having 100 beds or more & for subsidy by DPCC: Committee was informed about the progress made with regard to installation of ETPs in hospitals with 100 or more bed capacity. As similar agenda has been placed separately hence Committee decided to delete this item.
  3. The introduction of pecuniary penalty in Water Act, 1974, Air Act, 1981, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules made there under: Member Secretary, CPCB informed to the Committee that MoEF is taking steps to establish Green Tribunal and once it is done the problem will be solved.

Action by: CMC

  1. Incorporation of date of construction in consent application form: Committee decided to delete this item as earlier decision of the Committee has been complied with.
  2. Levy of Diesel Cess / Fee in Delhi: Committee was informed by MS, DPCC about the status of collection of cess on diesel and the expenditure made out of the cess so collected. It was also informed to the Committee that the agenda for installation of automatic ambient air quality monitoring stations is placed separately.
  3. Enhancement of consent fee on W.B.P.C.B. Pattern: As separate agenda has been placed as agenda item No.4, the Committee decided to delete this item.
  1. Use of invertors in place of D.G. Sets by Cell Phone Operators: MS, DPCC informed the Committee members about the legal opinion that, if the DG set installed with the cellular tower meets the norms laid down, we can not insist on installation of invertors for control of noise pollution. Committee felt that this item be deleted.
  2. Use of Caustic Soda instead of lime for neutralization and precipitation / coagulation of metals in the waste water treatment: MS, DPCC informed to the Committee about the issuance of letters to all industrial associations and CETP Societies for insisting all its member units to use caustic soda instead of lime. Committee decided to delete this item.
  3. E-waste Management in Delhi: The Committee was informed about the progress made for E-waste management in Delhi. It was informed that meetings have been convened with recyclers at Roorkee and Manesar.

Action by: BMW Cell

  1. Toxicity in plastic toys: Committee discussed the matter and opined that matter be taken up once decision from Ministry of Consumer Affairs is received.
  2. . Online submission of applications for consent: M/s Srijan Webmatics made presentation before the Committee about the progress made till date on the subject.SS (IT) sought one month time to make the web design to facilitate the industry to file online application sitting at his convenient place.

Action by:IT Cell

27.2 Service Rules of DPCC: MS, DPCC informed the Committee members about the opinion of Department of Services and Law Department of GNCTD on the status of DPCC. As Law department opined that the DPCC is working on the delegated powers of CPCB, all the rules pf CPCB are applicable. MS, CPCB sought a copy of the letter sent to MoEF, GOI by the DPCC for urgent necessary action.

Action by: Admn. Officer

27.3 Capacity building in DPCC: Committee decided to delete the said item, as the necessary visit has made as per the earlier decision of the meeting.

27.4. Use of blended coal: MS, CPCB has informed that stack height is the only criteria at present to control SO2 by way of dispersion and necessary amendments are in consideration for future mega power plants which consists of FGD system. Committee decided to delete this item.

(i)Installation of wet scrubber: As reminder letter was issued to CPCB on the said issue, MS, CPCB promised to look into the matter and send the reply. Committee decided to take up the matter in next meeting.

Action by: Air Lab

(ii)Method of Coal Feeding: Prof. SK Singh, Head of Environmental Engineering, DCE to provide necessary inputs

Action by: Planning Cell

(iii)Utilization of treatment STP effluent: Committee decided to insist BTPS to take the treated waste water of Okhla STP instead of river Yamuna and use the same with some more treatment, if required.

Action by: Planning Cell

27.5 Status of CETP: Committee was informed that thetraining programme was conducted for operators of CETP as decided earlier. It was decided to conduct training programme to STP operators as well.

Action by: Planning Cell

27.6. Noise monitoring by DPCC: SS (Air) made a detailed presentation of the data and its findings of the monitorings done during the years before the Committee. MS, CPCB desired that during the future monitorings, site conditions also be indicated while finalizing the data.

Action by: SS(Air)

27.8 Pollution Control from Coal Fired Boilers: As IGL has expressed its inability to supply gas to all the industries, Committee decided to direct all the units using coal fired boilers to convert into oil fired immediately.

Action by: CMC

27.9Acceptance of statutory Audit Report: Sr. Accounts Officer informed the Committee about the time requirement of one more month to finalise the report, for the year 2005-06 for which the Committee agreed and desired the report in next meeting. With respect to the non receipt of cess reimbursement from MoEF, GOI; MS, CPCB has agreed to look into the matter to get the same expedited.

Action by : Accounts section

27.10(i) Replacement of physiochemical based treatment systems with biological wastewater treatment systems in five star hotels of Delhi: Committee was informed about the framing of guidelines for green hotels and it was decided to inform the same to all the members of DPCC.

Action by: CMC

(ii)Delegation of power to CMC (Green category units) for deciding the consent under air / water act to plastic / PVC manufacturing units in Delhi: Order of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi dated 07.8.2008 and an amendment in the Delhi Plastic Act dated 21.11.2008 was explained to the Committee. It was also informed that necessary action is being taken as per the amendment dated 21.11.08.

Action by: CMC

27.11Removal of upper ceiling limit of deposit amount of surplus funds investment with a single bank: As the decision of the Committee was complied, Committee decided to delete this item.

27.12Issue raised by MS, CPCB in earlier meeting held on 09.01.207.

(i)Source apportionment study: As MS, CPCB informed about the final stage of completion of the report on source apportionment, Committee desired to look at the findings of the said report in next meeting.

Action by: SS (Air)

(ii)Monitoring of ground water quality: As necessary action was taken, Committee decided to delete the said item.

The Committee was apprised about the direction of EPCA to continue the ambient air quality monitoring at 10 locations, twice a week, till automatic monitoring stations are put in place. The Committee agreed to get the same done as per the direction of EPCA.

Action by : SS (Air)

28Adoption of Assured Carrier Progression (ACP) Scheme: Looking at the non implementation of ACP scheme as per 5th Pay Commission and demotivating effect on the staff, Committee decided to constitute a Screening Committee to finalise the modalities as per 5th Pay Commission. Recommendations of the Screening Committee be placed before the Chairman, DPCC for final decision.

Action by: Admn. Cell

29Imposing penalty in case of non submission of consent application for renewal: MS, CPCB informed the Committee members that the unit can be closed down, in case of failure to submit application for renewal of consent after the expiry of its earlier consent. Committee decided to look into the issue once again, in next meeting, once the response is received from the CPCB.

Action by: CMC

30Cess Assessment: It was decided to issue a reminder to MoEF, GOI seeking exemption to assess cess in case of small units, where cess amount comes to very low.Matter be placed in the next meeting.

Action by: Planning Cell

31Management of Mercury Waste in Delhi: Committee decided to look into the report of the study by Dr. TK Joshi and submit the salient points in the next meeting.

Action by: BMW Cell

32Construction and demolition waste: It was decided to inform the Committee, once the consent application submitted by M/s IL&FS is decided by the BMW Cell.

Action by: BMW Cell

33Table Agenda dated 15.5.2008: Climate change & Rain water harvesting: Action be taken as per the Delhi Climate Agenda 2009-2012 and ATR be informed to the Committee in next meeting.

Action by: Planning Cell

Agenda No 2: Census of Industrial units in Delhi: MS, DPCC informed to the Committee members that a survey is being carried out by the Department of Industries, GNCTD and it was decided to wait for the findings/report of the survey before deciding on the survey by DPCC.

Action by: Planning Cell

Agenda No : 3:Incorporation of few details in the Common Consent Application Form under Air and Water Acts – reg.: Sh.Pankaj Kapil, EE, CMC – I explained to the Committee members about certain changes which are required to be made in the consent application form . Committee approved the amended form. Copy of the same is enclosed as Annexure – II.

Action by: CMC

Agenda No 4 :Enhancement of Consent Fee – reg.: As fees being collected by DPCC is very low, it was felt to adopt a fee structure which enhances the revenue of the office and accordingly, fee structure was modified and placed before the Committee, which has approved the same to be implemented from the date of the decision. Copy of the fee structure approved by the Committee is annexed as Annexure – III.

Action by: CMC/Enquiry Counter/SS(IT)

Agenda No 5 :SIIR Report regarding Assessment of Quantity and Quality of Effluent Generated in the Catchments Area of CETPs: Committee decided to go through the presentation to be made by M/s Shriram Institute for Research in the next meeting. However, M/s SIIR may be asked how the waste water which are not going to CETP can be diverted to the concerned CETP. Also, copies of of the inspection reports carried out jointly by Commissioner of Industries, DPCC and DSIIDC be procured from the Commissioner of Industries and be placed in next meeting.

Action by: Planning Cell

Agenda No 6 :Procurement Ambient Air Monitoring Stations: MS, CPCB explained to the members of the Committee about the status of ambient air monitoring stations and advantages & disadvantages of various monitoring techniques. Committee decided to get two open path monitoring stations at Airport and Delhi Secretariat, with 12 parameters notified in latest ambient Air quality standards with display facility, on the basis of the offer submitted by Opsis Sweden to CPCB in their latest tender on which CPCB issued the order. It was also decided to put four manual monitoring stations at such places so as to fill the gaps of monitoring stations of CPCB. Location of the manual monitoring stations, shall be finalized in consultation with CPCB and IMD. To cut short the process seeking the time constraint due to Common Wealth Games, it was decided to take services of NTPC & consider the bids of suppliers processed/ considered for the same work of CPCB & Rajasthan Pollution Control Board.

Action by: Air lab

Agenda No : 7: Re-constitution of selection Committee of DPC in respect of C & D Employees: Committee approved reconstitution of the selection committee, as proposed by the Administration. Future Committee will consist of MS, DPCC as Chairman of the Committee, DS, Env. Dept, GNCTD and Admn. Officer/Accounts Officer as members.

Action by: Admn. Section

Agenda No : 8: Appointment as a consultant of Shri Satish Mohan Lal (I.E.S.) Retired: The issue of appointment of Sh.SM Lal was apprised to the Committee and the Committee ratified the same.

Agenda No : 9:Installation of paper recycling unit at 100 GovernmentEco-ClubSchools & Colleges: Committee approved the scheme for installation of paper recycling units at 100 Government Eco-Club Schools & Colleges.

Action by: Accounts Officer

Agenda No : 10: Special fees of Sh. Videh Upadhyay / Mohan Rao, Advocates: Videh Upadhyay / Mohan Rao, being engaged as special advocates in the Court, Committee approved payment of special fees, as proposed by Legal Cell.

Action by: Legal Cell/Accounts Officer

Agenda No : 11: Withdrawal of the criminal complaint pending before the Metropolitan Magistrate in the mentioned cases: Chairman, DPCC opined that, the cases being in criminal in nature, can not be withdrawn and decided to get a detailed legal opinion and place the matter in next meeting.

Action by: Legal Cell

Agenda No 12 :Abolish of 10 posts of DEOs and merging the same posts into UDCs & provisions of 50 % promotion criteria for LDCs & UDCs to the post of UDCs and Head Clerk: MS, DPCC explained the issue to all the members that absence of timely promotion of the staff leads to demotivation and reduced efficiency. MS, DPCC expressed the need for abolishing all DEO posts (10 Nos.) and merging the same with the post of UDC. The Committee agreed to adopt the criteria of CPCB in toto for promotion of LDCs and UDCs to the post of UDC and HC respectively. Further since DPCC has adopted the service regulations of CPCB in the earlier meeting dated 01.12.2004, the Committee agreed to implement the service regulations of CPCB to all such posts and to finalise/amend the RRs accordingly, if it is not as per CPCB service regulations. However, while notifying the constitution of DSC/DPC suitable amendment be made.

Action by: Admn. Section

Agenda No 13: Provision of 25 % promotion & 25 % by conducting department test from Group ‘D’ employees to the post of LDCs: MS informed to the Committee members that though DPCC has adopted the service conditions of CPCB in its earlier meeting dated 01.12.2004, but to brighten the promotional aspects of Group – D employees of the office and in view of 6th Pay Commission recommendations, the following RR was suggested.