Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting (Regular) of Committee of the Whole, June 10, 2013 Page 12 of 12
The “Fifteenth Meeting” (Regular) of the Committee of the Whole was held at the Municipal Offices, 66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne on Monday, June 10, 2013 commencing at approximately 6:35p.m.
Mayor Vance Badawey presided with the following members in attendance:
D. Elliott
A. Desmarais Y. Doucet
F. Danch B. Kenny
R. Bodner B. Butters
Absent: W. Steele (due to vacation)
D. Barrick
R. Heil, Chief Administrative Officer
A. Molenaar, Deputy Clerk
D. Aquilina, Director of Planning & Development
R. Hanson, Director of Engineering & Operations
P. Senese, Director of Community & Corporate Services
T. Cartwright, Fire Chief
H. Hakim, Manager of Community Services
S. Thompson, General Manager and Director, Economic Development, Tourism and Marketing
D. D’Innocenzo, Recording Clerk
Also in attendance were interested citizens, members of the news media and Cogeco TV.
Councillor Bodner delivered the prayer.
Joel Longfellow sang O Canada.
Moved by Councillor A. Desmarais
Seconded by Councillor Y. Doucet
That the Agenda dated June 10, 2013 be confirmed as circulated.
The following items were identified for separate discussion:
Items 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17
With leave of council, item 5 was considered first among items requiring separate discussion. The minutes reflect the order of the agenda.
Moved by Councillor R. Bodner
Seconded by Councillor B. Butters
That Items 1 to 17 on the regular agenda be approved, with the exception of items that have been deferred, deleted or listed for separate discussion, and the recommendation contained therein adopted.
1. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Community Services – Special Events Division, Report No. 2013-17, Subject: Letter of non-objection to a liquor licence extension and relief of Noise By-law for the Canadian Corps Association during Canal Days
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. That the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne not object to application by the Canadian Corps Association to the AGCO for a special occasion permit as outlined in correspondence, dated May 13, 2013, and subject to the following conditions:
a) That on Friday August 2, 2013 the selling and serving of liquor to the said licensed outdoor area shall occur only between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and midnight and the outdoor area shall be cleared of patrons by 1:00 a.m. on August 3, 2013; and
b) That on Saturday August 3, 2013 the selling and serving of liquor to the said outdoor area shall occur only between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and midnight and the outdoor area shall be cleared of patrons by 1:00 a.m. on August 4, 2013; and
c) That on Sunday August 4, 2013 the selling and serving of liquor to the said outdoor area shall occur only between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and midnight and the outdoor area shall be cleared of patrons by 1:00 a.m. on August 5, 2013; and
d) That on Monday August 5, 2013 the selling and serving of liquor to the said outdoor area shall occur only between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and the outdoor area shall be cleared of patrons by 7:00 p.m. on August 5, 2013; and
e) Notwithstanding clause a, b, c and d above, the outdoor licensed area occupying shall be open only when West Street is closed in accordance with City By-law; and
f) The applicant shall provide police security during the hours of operation of the outdoor licensed area in accordance with the requirements of the City of Port Colborne Special Events Division and the Niagara Regional Police Service; and
g) The applicant shall not block or occupy any street with equipment relating to the Canal Days event or patio before 9:00 a.m. on Friday August 2, 2013 and must have all equipment and supplies related to the patio extension cleared from the streets no later than 10:00 p.m. Monday August 5, 2013
2. That Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne approve the Noise By-law exemption at the Canadian Corps, 70 West Street, Port Colborne, as requested in correspondence, dated May 13, 2013 on the condition that the previously determined and discussed sound proofing measures be maintained throughout the duration of the event.
3. Department of Corporate & Community Services, Community Services Division, Report No. 2013-21, Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council Request Regarding Grand Opening Celebration of Algoport at Lock 8 Park
Committee of the Whole recommends:
That the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne approve the request submitted on behalf of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council to host an official Grand Opening of the Algoport Skateboard & BMX facility at Lock 8 Park, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
4. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Community Services – Special Events Division, Report No. 2013-18, Canada Day & Flavours of Niagara Food, Wine & Music Festival Request for Road Closures and Noise By-law Exemption
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1. That Council hereby approves and authorizes the closure of the following roads for the purpose of controlling traffic for the Canada Day & Flavours of Niagara Food, Wine & Music Festival on Friday, June 28, 2013 beginning at 12:00 p.m. until Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.:
Steele Street from the southern limit of Sugarloaf Street to the southernmost limit of Steele Street.
Fielden Avenue from the south limit of Sugarloaf Street to the southernmost limit of Fielden Avenue.
Elm Street from the south limit of Sugarloaf Street to the southernmost limit of Elm Street.
2. That City Council hereby approves a Noise By-law Exemption for the purpose of facilitating the 2013 Canada Day & Flavours of Niagara Food, Wine & Music Festival on Friday, June 28, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until 11.59 p.m., Saturday, June 29, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until 11.59 p.m., Sunday, June 30, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. and Monday, July 1, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m.
6. Department of Community and Corporate Services, Community Services Division, Report No. 2013-20, Subject: St. Jean Baptist Festival – Third Annual Event
Committee of the Whole recommends:
1) That Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne approve the temporary closure to vehicular traffic sections of the following streets for the purposes of the Festival St. Jean Baptist.
Street / From / To / Date / Between the HoursDecew Street / Western boundary of Mitchell / Eastern boundary of Fares / Friday, June 21, 2013 / 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
2) That a Certificate of Insurance showing a minimum of $2,000,000 general liability coverage and the City of Port Colborne as an additional insured for the purpose of the event, be filed with the Clerk;
3) That staff support the Programme Chacun sa Chance with the 3rd Annual Festival St. Jean Baptist in accordance with City Policy.
4) That a temporary Noise By-law exemption be issued by the City Clerk for Le Centre Polyvalent des Aines Francophone de Port Colborne on Friday June 21, 2013.
5) Permission be granted to use the City logo on marketing and promotional material.
6) That the Francophone flag be flown at City Hall.
7) That a site plan is to be provided for review indicating the following: emergency access, locations of music stages, and type and location of food vendors.
8) That the City Clerk be directed to process the appropriate by-law for Council approval.
8. Department of Chief Administrative Officer, Port Colborne Historical & Marine Museum Division, Report No. 2013-3, Subject: Log Cabin Acquisition
Committee of the Whole recommends:
That Council approves the request by the Management Board of the Port Colborne Historical & Marine Museum for an advance of $20,000 to the Museum to be repaid over five years.
9. Department of Planning & Development, Report No. 2013-23, Subject: Parking Enforcement Contract
Committee of the Whole recommends:
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any and all contractual documents.
11. Department of Planning, Report No. 2013-32, Subject: Delegation from Butch Gordon – Birdie Golf Carts
Committee of the Whole recommends:
That Council receive this report for information purposes.
Miscellaneous Correspondence
15. Rachel Pearson, Conservation Outreach Programs Coordinator, Request for Proclamation Ontario Family Fishing Events, July 6 to 14, 2013
Committee of the Whole recommends:
That the period of July 6 to 14, 2013 be proclaimed as Ontario Family Fishing Events in the City of Port Colborne in accordance with the request received from Rachel Pearson, Conservation Outreach Programs Coordinator.
16. Town of Grimsby Re Review of the Niagara Region Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Study
Committee of the Whole recommends:
That the Town of Grimsby Re Review of the Niagara Region Water and Wastewater Service Delivery Study, be received for information.
(a) Tom Cartwright, Fire Chief, Re introduction of new recruits and their instructors
The Fire Chief introduced nine new volunteers to the Port Colborne Fire Department. The Mayor, Chief Administrative Officer and Fire Chief presented each new volunteer with a plaque welcoming them to the Fire Department.
(b) Joanne Ferraccioli, Health Services Coordinator, Dr. Jeff Remington, Dr. Amanda Bell, Re presentation of Healthy Living Poster, winning entry at National Competition
The Health Services Coordinator introduced Natalie Lidster and Yasmin Essaji, two of the designers of the winning entry for a Healthy Living Poster at the National Competition in Victoria, British Columbia. The Health Services Coordinator presented each student with a gift bag.
(c) Recognition of Staff Sgt. Tim Welychka on his retirement from the Niagara Regional Police Services
Mayor Badawey presented Staff Sgt. Tim Welychka with a plaque in recognition of his 25 years of service with the Niagara Regional Police on behalf of City Council, colleagues and the residents of Port Colborne. Mr. Welychka’s wife, Patty Welychka, was presented with a bouquet of flowers in appreciation of her support.
a) Payments Outstanding to Watters Environmental Group
Mayor Badawey advised that e-mail correspondence was received from Rob Watters of Watters Environmental Group. Mayor Badawey requested information from the Director of Planning and Development on the discrepancy on payments of invoices by Vale. The Director of Planning and Development advised that the City of Port Colborne, Ministry of the Environment and Inco agreed to a terms of reference for the Public Liaison Committee in 2000. Work performed by the Committee was to be paid by INCO as stated in the agreement.
The Director of Planning and Development advised that Vale should be made aware of the terms of reference for the Public Liaison Committee and that payments should be made on the work completed.
Moved by Councillor A. Desmarais
Seconded by Councillor Y. Doucet
That Vale be informed of the actual Terms of Reference for the Public Liaison Committee (PLC) wherein paragraph 8.a) states that "all City costs associated with hiring and compensating the Independent Consultant to the PLC will be paid by INCO".
That Vale be requested to continue onward to pay the outstanding amount owed to Watters Environmental for work performed under the Terms of Reference.
That the Ministry of Environment be copied on this correspondence and also be asked to pursue this request.
b) Ultimate Fishing Town Winners
Mayor Badawey advised that the City of Port Colborne won the $25,000 prize as one of winners of the Ultimate Fishing Town contest. Mayor Badawey thanked Kieran Wittmarie and Colleen VanKralingen for their efforts. The Port Colborne Conversation Club will use the funds on local fishing programs.
Regional Councillor Barrick advised that this year’s Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference was held Vancouver British Columbia.
Regional Councillor Barrick advised that Federal funding of $50,000,000,000 will be available for roads, bridges, water systems and housing.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference will be held in Niagara Falls in 2014 with over $5,000,000 in economic benefits generated for hosting the conference.
Regional Councillor Barrick advised that a presentation was made at the Region regarding the Region’s debt strategy. The presentation included a 2.7% budget guide which includes the Niagara Regional Police Services arbitration award.
a) Flowers on Main Street (Danch)
Councillor Danch advised that he discussed issues with missing hanger brackets and downed trees on Main Street with the Director of Engineering and Operations and that the department will look into repairing those items.
b) Golf Carts on Friendship Trail (Butters)
Councillor Butters advised that she has been informed of golf carts riding on the Friendship Trail on the weekends with nice weather. Councillor Butters requested Police presence on Empire Road to stop those riders as it is a safety concern for cyclists and pedestrians.
c) Debt Strategy for Region (Elliott)
Councillor Elliott requested a report from Director of Community & Corporate Services on the City’s debt. Director of Community & Corporate Services advised that a report was forthcoming. The Director also advised that the City is not debenturing any major projects in 2013 and large projects for 2014 and onward will be discussed in the near future, prior to a 2014 budget meeting.
d) Trail Crossing (Bodner)
Councillor Bodner requested an update on the trail crossing. Director of Engineering and Operations advised that the area has ongoing maintenance issues and would advise the appropriate staff to ensure that the sight lines are clear on the trail.
e) Empire Road Patching Crossing (Bodner)
Councillor Bodner advised the Director of Engineering and Operations of issues with the remaining rumble strips on Empire Road. Director of Engineering and Operations advised that the City roads foreman has been looking at patching material to soften the rumble strips.