Arma Dei Academy Carline Policies
- Morning Drop Off Policy
Use of cell phones or other electronic devices is STRICTLY PROHIBITED during carline drop-off .
Arma Dei Academy must conform to an approved traffic study that was required by Douglas County when the school was constructed. This plan is subject to change as opportunities to optimize the process are identified and implemented. Vehicles must follow the paths illustrated below for Morning Drop Off.
ALL exiting vehicles turning east (left) onto Wildcat Reserve Parkway must exit from the southwest corner of the property and allvehicles turning west (right) onto Wildcat Reserve Parkway must exit from the southeast corner of the property. All vehicles entering the property must do so at the southwest corner.
Students may be dropped of between 7:55 and 8:10. Parents of students arriving after 8:10 will be required to escort their students into the building. Past an 8:15 arrival, parents will escort their students into the building and sign in tardy students.
At least three faculty members or parent volunteers must be present during morning drop off to assist the students out of cars and direct traffic as necessary.
Upon entering the property, all drivers must circle the building in a clockwise direction and proceed to the drop off zone in the front of the building.
Do not attempt to pass a vehicle that is unloading in front of you! Please be patient and wait until the unloading is complete and then proceed to the appropriate exit point.
Drivers must stay in their vehicles to avoid delays and for safety purposes.
If a parent or guardian would like to walk their student to the front of the building, they must park in the patio parking lot on the west side of the church and escort their student across the front side walk to ensure their student safely crosses the high traffic area.
II. Afternoon Pick Up Policy
Use of cell phones or other electronic devices is STRICTLY PROHIBITED during carline pick-up.
Arma Dei Academy must conform to an approved traffic study that was required by Douglas County when the school was constructed. This plan is subject to change as opportunities to optimize the process are identified and implemented. Vehicles must follow the paths illustrated below for afternoon pick up.
ALL exiting vehicles turning east (left) onto Wildcat Reserve Parkway must exit from the southwest corner of the property and all vehicles turning west (right) onto Wildcat Reserve Parkway must exit from the southeast corner of the property. All vehicles entering the property must do so at the southwest corner.
At least three faculty members or parent volunteers must be present during afternoon pick up to assist the students into cars and direct traffic as necessary.
Upon entering the property, all drivers must circle the building in a clockwise direction and proceed to the pick up zone in the front of the building. Drivers should pull as far forward as possible to the coned off area when picking up a student(s); paying attention to faculty or volunteers directing traffic. Please hang the family name placard on the rear view mirror for easy visibility.
Do not attempt to pass a vehicle that is loading in front of you! Please be patient and wait until the loading is complete and then proceed to the appropriate exit point.
Once pick up starts at 3:30 PM, drivers must stay in their vehicles to avoid delays and for safety purposes.
If a parent or guardian would like to walk in to meet their student at the front of the building, they must park in the patio parking lot on the west side of the church and then escort their student across the front side walk to ensure their student remains safe.
Any student not picked-up by 3:45 PM will be taken by a faculty member to the receptionist and asked to call his or her parents. Since emergencies occur without warning, Arma Dei Academy will allow students to be picked up late twice per semester. For all other instances, a $20 ‘Late Pick Up Fee’ will be assessed each time for each child.