Mrs. Griesbaum – 432-3676Office: 152C, 6th and 7th hours
Units of Study
I. The World of the Entrepreneur
A. Definition
B. Why become an entrepreneur - rewards
C. Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
D. Advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship
E. Entrepreneurial opportunities, role of small business in the community
F. Self-assessment activities, building your skills
G. Oral presentation on famous past and presententrepreneurs (3 x 5 card)
II.Sources of New Enterprise Ideas
A. Examining different ways of going into business
B. Pros and cons of buying an existing business, new business, or a franchise
C. Analyzing the market
D. Studying the competition
III.Success and Failure in a Changing World
A. Identifying elements of success
B. Personal management and goal setting
C. Examining business failure
Research project on small business in the community – 1st quarter grade
IV. Beginning a Business Plan
A. Choosing your product or service
B. Developing your business concept – What, Who, Why, Where
C. Your history or background - resume
D. Goals for the business
E. Developing facility needs - selecting a location and space planning
F. Name and logo
G. Cash requirements - capital
H. Staffing - handbook
I. Requirements for government registration and regulation
J. Pricing structure
K. Insurance requirements
IV.Operating the Business
A. Marketing - Advertising and Personal Selling
B. Designing your own publicity
V.Using Financial Statements to Manage Your Business
A. Use of a business inventory simulation
B. Development of Income Statement, Bank Reconciliation, and Inventory Control Statement
A.Activities Done in Class
--Research from Various Articles – written or oral
--Activities prepared from various videos presented in class
--Participation and preparation – this includes class discussion and tardiness to class. Each tardy will result in a loss of points from the total for the quarter. Any student tardy more than 5 times in the quarter,will be reported to the administration for further action.
B.Quizzes - taken weekly on daily lecture and/or activities
C.Oral presentation on Famous Entrepreneurs
D.Research project on Small Business in the Community
E.Mid-term exam
F.“Sound City” Business Simulation – 2 quizzes
G.Development of the Business Plan – graded as a final project
H.Final Exam
Supplies Needed:
3-ring binder for note taking and handouts; pen and pencil
Arrive on time – no excuses
Be courteous at all times and treat “fellow employees” with respect.
Be open-minded during class discussion—you might learn something.
NO EATING OR SLEEPING IN CLASS – you will be asked to leave.
Give your best effort at all times.
DO NOT BRING ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO THE CLASSROOM. They will be confiscated immediately and returned to you at the end of the day.