1. Open PowerPoint
  2. Create Blank Presentation
  3. Go to Format, Slide Layout and choose a blank slide
  4. Add a second slide (Ctrl/M) to act as a work space and go to Format, Slide Layout and choose a blank slide
  5. Go to File, Page Setup and change orientation to Portrait
  6. Look at the bottom of the screen and click on Autoshapes.
  7. In Autoshapes create a long black rectangular shape with rounded edges

  1. Stretch it so that there is only a little white showing around the frame
  2. Create another autoshape, this time use regular square with sharp edges. Color it whatever color you would like.
  1. Next, create a small button shape with rounded edges to put

the first interactive icon in (It’s actually a hyperlink)

  1. After it’s drawn right-click on the button, then click Order, Bring to Front so that it doesn’t go behind the other shapes
  2. If you change the color make it the same for all the buttons
  3. Copy the button and paste 11 more in the iPod (12 altogether) (Spread them out as evenly as possible)
  4. Make another button for the “home” button and put it at the bottom of the iPod

  1. You will now start creating links to web “apps” that resemble those on a real iPod. See the attached list for ideas. Then go to #14 to start making the links.
  1. Create the first icon by doing the following:
  2. Go to Google or Bing images to find icons to represent the first “app” or link you want
  3. Copy and paste the icon onto your iPod slide
  4. Crop and resize the icon image so that the button shows behind it
  1. When the icon is on the button then you can create a hyperlink for that icon
  2. Go to the Internet and find the website you would like the button to link to
  3. Copy the address or URL (Right-click on it to copy)
  4. Go back to your PowerPoint iPod
  5. Click on the icon image
  6. Click on the hyperlink tool (earth with a chain link icon- see below)
  7. In the Address area click and press “Ctrl/V” to paste the address in (right click/paste does not work here)
  8. Click OK
  9. Now press F5 to try out the iPod so far
  10. Click on the first button to see if the link works
  1. Continue to find learning links, create icon images and make hyperlinks in this same way

Have fun creating your Virtual iPod!
