Student Leadership
Senior Student Leadership Team 2016-2017
Application form /

Name / Tutor group

Position Applied For – Please Tick Box

Head Boy/Girl Sports Captain

Deputy Head Boy/Girl



What are your hobbies and interests?

Please detail any positions of responsibility that you have held before and any significant contributions or achievements within that role.

Describe yourself in 3 words

Notable achievements that I am proud of are….


I have contributed to our school community by….


How would you rate your effort, behaviour and achievement within class across all subjects?

Excellent Good OK Poor

What personal attributes will bring to the Student Leadership Team if you are appointed to a position of responsibility in the school?

As a member of the Student Leadership Team how could you share your work more effectively with all students throughout the school?

If applying for Head Boy/Girl please complete in detail

What do you think are the key challenges of being a Head Boy/Girl and how would you overcome these?

How will you effectively represent the thoughts, views and opinions of the whole student body?

If applying for position of Deputy Head Boy/Girl, please complete

What do you think are the challenges of being a Deputy Head Boy/Girl and how will you overcome these?

If applying for position of prefect please complete

·  What do you think are the key roles that should be undertaken by a prefect?

·  How would you ensure you were effective when in your role as a prefect?

If applying for the position of Sports Captain please complete

·  What do you think are the key challenges of being a Sports Captain?

·  How would you work to increase the number of DHS students actively involved in physical activity, sport and dance across the school

Signed:______Date: ______

Please return all completed application forms to Mrs Dedman by 3:15pm Thursday May 19 2016