Community Wide Scheduling
6.05 Enhancements
Important 6.05 DTS’
SCH 8651
This enhancement encompasses the changes made to the Schedulers Desktop and theGroup Booking desktop to accommodate the ability to enter free text providers in
the correct format.
In order for this field to work properly, you will need to set “Allow Free Text Providers” within the first tab of the Access Dictionary to Yes.
SCH 8240
This enhancement encompasses the changes made to the Schedulers Desktop and theGroup Booking Desktop to accommodate the ability to accept ICD-10 codes.
SCH 8218
This enhancement encompasses the changes made to the Schedulers Desktop and theGroup Booking Desktop to allow users access to the EMR.
All of the modes except for the Meeting Mode, now have an EMR button to accessthe EMR while in the process of booking, editing, and viewing appointments.
SCH 7740
This enhancement has added the 'Switch Account Copy Visit Diagnosis' and 'Switch
Account Copy Visit Reason' parameter fields to the Customer Defined Parameters
dictionary. These fields have been added to control the flow of the Visit
Reason and Visit Diagnosis information when switching to a new account via the
Switch Account routine. When these fields are set to 'Y' (yes), this
information will flow to the new account. When these fields are set to 'N' (no)
or simply left blank, this information will not flow to the new account.
This enhancement impacts the following routines and functions:
-Copying and pasting appointments to a new visit through the Appointment Book
and Resource modes.
-Duplicating appointments onto a new visit.
-Booking regular and pending appointment sets.
-Booking regular and pending appointments.
-Booking appointment series.
SCH 7690
This introduces the ability to book resourcescompletely in a certain sequence. There are cases in which one resourceshould be completely utilized before any other resources are booked. A newfield has been added to the SCH Resource Groups Dictionary. The ResourceBooking Sequence field is located in the lower right hand corner of the screen.This is a multiple field in which resource can be listed in the order in whichthey are to be booked completely before the system moves on to book the nextresource in sequence. The system will work as usual if leaving this fieldblank. The appointment load will be distributed amongst the resource equally.
From a users standpoint, this enhancement is applicable to the First Available
Search method in which the system will look to primary resource group on theappointment to determine if values are present in the Resource Booking Sequence
field. If there are, the system will fill the first resource completelybefore moving onto the second, third, etc. resources. If a user prefers theSearch and Find Times booking method in which a picklist of time slots isdisplayed, the system will list the resources in the order in which they arelisted in the Resource Booking Sequence field. Any resources that are notlisted in this new field will display after the sequenced resources inalphabetical order.
The same logic used for booking single appointments will be applied toappointment sets and series. If any appointment within a set has resourcesthat are sequenced in the primary resource group, the system will book thefirst resource completely before moving onto subsequent resources. Ifbooking a series of a specific appointment, the system will check for anysequenced resources in the primary resource group and book the resourcescompletely in the order in which they are listed.
Users will not be warned if they manually book a resource that comes after aresource listed at the top of the new Resource Booking Sequence field. Forexample, resources Examination Room 1, Room 2 and Room 3 are listed in thisorder within the Resource Group dictionary. Room 1 should be filledcompletely on any given day before Rooms 2 and 3. If a user decides to bookan appointment in Room 3 while they are still slots available in Room 1 and 2,they will not be warned.
The system only looks at the primary resource group (first listed) on anappointment type to determine the booking order. If there are multipleresource groups needed for an appointment type, the resource group thatincludes resources that should be booked in a specific sequence should belisted first within the appointment Type Dictionary.
SCH 7332
This enhancement has added a new field to the Search For Alias appointment
screen to display the mnemonic, name, start time and duration of the resources
found for an appointment. This will make the routine more convenient for users
as they will now have access to more information about an appointment.
SCH 7324
Previously, in the CS platform users did not have the ability to
create a canned text entry that contained stop code like Magic had
SCH 7309
With this enhancement we will add “M” and “R” to the Patient Type lookup in the Letters/Forms Table in order to add the ability to trigger letters and messages based on the booking of single or batch reservations/meetings.
SCH 7295
This enhancement introduces the Quick Find footer button to the Community Wide Scheduling Application in the Client Server platform.
The new footer button will be available in the Department, Waitlist and the Appointment Book modes. Users will have the option to either enter a full or partial last name, or full or partial last name, (comma) full or partial first name or just a comma and full or partial first name. Or they can search the list of appointments displayed by appointment time.
Within the Waitlist Mode, the only option will be Patient Name since the time displayed on the Wait list is the time that the appointment was added to the waitlist.
Upon entering the patient name and clicking on the OK button, the system will search the list of patients currently displayed in the mode the user is in. If there is a single match the green highlight bar will go directly to that patient appointment. If there are multiple appointments for the same patient or multiple patients with the same last name, a pop up screen will display. The user can click on the patient appointment they wish to go to and the system will then highlight the selected appointment. If there are no matches, the system will issue a warning, No visits match the name entered.
If entering a time in the Time field, the system will highlight the appointment that is at that exact time or later within the Department or the Appointment Book modes.
SCH 7239
This enhancement will give customers the ability to restrict a resource's profiled time slot to only allow the booking of certain patient types. For example, a user may want a specific resource to only do IN patients in the morning and CLI and REF patient types in the afternoon.
SCH 7091
Previously, in the CS platform the Appointment Type Dictionary didn'thave a Book Minutes field like the Magic platform has.
This issue was corrected. Now to standardize the platforms, the BookOn field has been added to the Appointment Type Dictionary.
SCH 7082
The following three parameters have been added to the C/S Community WideScheduling toolbox parameters:
1) Update Location for PRE Accounts:
This parameter accepts the values of Y (yes) or N (no). Leaving this parameterblank assumes the value of No. Setting this parameter to yes will allow usersin Scheduling to update the location on a Pre-registered CLI, POV, RCR, REFpatient type account. This is not applicable to PRE SDC, PRE IN OR PRE IN(obs)account types.
2) Update Service Date for PRE SDC, IN, RCR Accounts:
This parameter accepts the values of Y (yes) or N (no). Leaving this parameterblank assumes the value of No. Setting this parameter to Y will allow users inScheduling to update the service date on a PRE SDC, RCR, IN or IN(obs) AccountType.
3) Always Use Earliest OR Management Date:
This parameter accepts the values of Y (yes) or N (no). Leaving this parameterblank assumes the value of Yes which is the current functionality in the ClientServer platform. The value of Y in this case will automatically default intothis parameter. This parameter is only accessible if the System Typeparameter is set to CWS/ORM or ORM only. If the system type is CWS only, thisparameter is not accessible and irrelevant.Keeping this parameter set to yes will allow the system to look at appointmentsbooked on a given account and if any of those appointments happen to be a casebooked in the Operating Room Management Application, the earliest of these ORMAppointments will be the determining factor of the accounts service date.
SCH 7049
This enhancement introduces the new Resource Order field to the Resource Group
Dictionary. This will allow you to enter the resources in the order in whichthey are to appear from left to right when the resource group is selected inthe Appointment Book mode.
SCH 7043
Previously, users were unable to highlight a pending appointment andduplicate that pending appointment for the patient.
This issue was corrected. Now, users have the ability to highlight apending appointment and duplicate that pending appointment.
SCH 7014
This enhancement introduces new functionality which will allow sites to customize the information that displays on the bottom of the following booking modes:
A new Customer Defined Screen Type has been created for this purpose. The SCH
PROC CDS type is built in the MIS Screens dictionary and can include View type queries as well as other types of queries used in the SCH APPT and or the PT SCH and PT REG types of CDSs. The MULTI type of query is the only exception. Responses to Multi Type queries will not display in the Process CDS so it is not advisable to use these in the Process CDSs.
Once the CDSs are created in the MIS application they may be attached in a variety of dictionaries in the Scheduling Application which will determine which CDS will display and where.
The hierarchy is described below:
Patient Mode:
The system will first look to the Access Dictionary in the Display Preferences tab. If there is a CDS defined in the Patient Mode Process Customer Defined Screen field, this is the CDS that will display in this mode for the users in the selected access group.
If this field is left blank, the system will then check for a CDS in the Customer Defined Parameters, CDS Map dictionary, Default Process Customer Defined Screens, Patient field. If this field is also left blank, the system will function as it did prior to this enhancement and display the standard blocks of data on the bottom of the Patient mode.
Department Mode:
The system will first look to the Customer Defined Parameters, CDS Map dictionary, Process CDS field for any individual departments. If there is a CDS defined this is the CDS that will display when the particular department is selected in the Department mode.
If this field is left blank, the system will then check for a CDS in the Customer Defined Parameters, CDS Map dictionary, Default Process Customer Defined Screens, Department field. If this field is also left blank, the system will function as it did prior to this enhancement and display the standard blocks of data on the bottom of the Department Mode.
Resource Mode:
The system will first look to the Resource Schedule Dictionary, General tab. If there is a CDS defined in the Resource Mode Process Customer Defined Screen field, this is the CDS that will display when accessing the selected resource in the Resource mode.
If this field is left blank, the system will then check for a CDS in the Customer Defined Parameters, CDS Map dictionary, Default Process Customer Defined Screens, Resource field. If this field is also left blank, the system will function as it did prior to this enhancement and display the standard blocks of data on the bottom of the Resource mode.
Waitlist Mode:
The system will first look to the Resource Group Dictionary. If there is a CDS defined in the Wait list Mode Process CDS field, this is the CDS that will display when accessing the selected resource group in the Wait list mode.
If this field is left blank, the system will then check for a CDS in the Customer Defined Parameters, CDS Map dictionary, Default Process Customer Defined Screens, Wait list field. If this field is also left blank, the system will function as it did prior to this enhancement and display the standard blocks of data on the bottom of the Wait list mode.
Meeting Mode:
The system will first look to the Other dictionaries, Reservations and Meetings dictionary. If there is a CDS defined in the Meeting Mode Process CDS field, this is the CDS that will display when accessing the selected Reservation/ Meeting in the Meeting mode.
If this field is left blank, the system will then check for a CDS in the Customer Defined Parameters, CDS Map dictionary, Default Process Customer Defined Screens, Meeting field. If this field is also left blank, the system will function as it did prior to this enhancement and display the standard blocks of data on the bottom of the Resource mode.
SCH 7013
Previously, in the CS platform users were unable to book a batch of meetings / reservations as users under the Magic platform were able to.
This issue was corrected. Now, in CS users will have the ability to book a batch of meetings /reservations in the Scheduler Desktop.
SCH 7012
Introducing the ability to restrict letters to certain departments, two new fields have been added to the Programs Dictionary. The new fields are under the Department Access heading. The first field accepts the value of either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE so that in the next field one or more departments can be included or excluded from those departments.
The values added in these fields will be compared to the user’s access. This will determine whether ornot the user has access to the program in question.
For example, if there is a Program Type of Letter, Appt Form or MS Word Doc that includes the department of Behavioral Health, only users with access to the Behavioral Health department will be able to print or queue this letter on demand or print and re-print it from the print queue.
SCH 7011
This enhancement has added the feature where the header and body informationwill be cleared out when a new Patient, for example, is selected from the MPI.The same is true for the other modes such as: Resource, Resource Group,Department, Meeting and Appointment Book.
Reference the testing notes section to test this enhancement through all modes.
SCH 7000
This project has added a new parameter to define a delay for automatically marking appointments as No Show. The new field is labeled "No Show Appts After" and is located in the Scheduling Toolbox in the parameters. If no value is defined in this field, then the midnight run will No Show the appointment automatically on the most current midnight run.
SCH 6989
Previously, users were unable to set a patients birthdate as a required field in the Custom Required Fields Dictionary.
This issue was corrected. Now, users have the ability to set the patients birthdate as a required field in the Custom Required Fields Dictionary.
SCH DTS 6987
Previously, in CS users were unable to enter free text providers at the Provider field when booking an appointment.
This issue was corrected. Now, users with the correct access have the ability to enter free text providers when booking appointments.
SCH 6914
Previously, a "Book Appointment?" message would display before booking anappointment for a patient.
This message has now been removed from all booking processes.
SCH 6664
This enhancement will change the way that menu buttons are displayed when a user
does not have access to them. Previously, the buttons were simply disabled.This is being changed so that if the user does not have access to a button, thenit will be removed from the desktop.
SCH 6300
Two resource schedule element dictionaries have been added to the standard. The
first dictionary that has been added is the Enter/Edit Day Schedule Elementsdictionary, which allows the users to create MWF(Mon-Wed-Fri), TR(TUE-THU) typeDay elements. The second dictionary that has been added is the Enter/EditFrequency Schedule Elements dictionary, which allows users to create Every Xperiod and X in the Month frequency elements. These elements have to be createdusing a specific naming convention. For every period elements the user needs touse the following: "EVERY 2ND", "EVERY 3RD", "EVERY 12TH". For month elementsthe user needs to use the following: "MON 2ND", "MON 3RD", "MON 12TH".
SCH 6290
Custom Elements have now been added to the standard for Resource Schedule