Parasha Quiz - Bo 5768- תשס"חבא

1.Bo el Par'oh = "come to Pharaoh". Why doesn't the Torah say lekh el Par'oh = "go to Pharaoh"?

2. The locusts are described as covering the entire land – ve-kisah et eyn ha'aretz. Who is described in these terms in the Torah?

3. Aside from the plague of darkness, which other plague led to a darkening of the land during the day?

4. According to Rashi, what purpose did the plague of darkness serve?

5. The Torah obligates us to redeem firstborn donkeys. What is special about donkeys that we find such a unique rule applying to them? What can we learn from this rule?

6. Which plagues were brought about through a collaboration between Moshe and Aharon?

7. What do the insects yelek, hasil and gazam have in common?

8. What differences do we find between the plagues that God wrought directly and those that were brought by Moshe and/or Aharon?

9. What is the source of the concept that you should not pass up the opportunity to perform a mitzvah?

10. Which plague is referred to by the term ha-mavet – death?

11. About which plagues are we told by the Torah that they never existed before nor would they happen again?

12. The plagues of hail, locusts and darkness have a common thread. What is it?

13. What significance is there to the fact that the ten plagues took place on the earth, in the air and on the water?

14. Which plague was accompanied by a very strong wind?

15. Tefillin are referred to by the Torah as an ot – a sign or symbol. What other mitzvoth are referred to in this way, and what hints to this?


1. Because God is in every place, so it is impossible to leave His presence.

2. Bilam says this regarding the Children of Israel.

3. In the plague of locusts.

4. a. To kill those Jews who did not deserve to be redeemed without the Egyptians seeing.

b. To allow the Jewish people to investigate the homes of the Egyptians in preparation for borrowing valuables from them before they left.

5. When the Children of Israel left Egypt, they loaded their things on donkeys. We learn from here that God rewards every living creature who deserves it.

6. Only the plague of boils (shehin).

7. They are all different types of locusts.

8. The plagues that were brought by God affected animals as well as people.

9. From the passage "…and you shall guard the matzot" (12:17)

10. The plague of locusts.

11. The plague of locusts and the plague of the firstborn (see 11:6).

12. They were all brought about by Moshe.

13. The God of Israel controls the entire creation – as opposed to pagan gods who are understood to hold dominion over specific forces of nature.

14. The plague of locusts.

15. Shabbat and brit milah. The word Shabbat is made of the first letter of each of the words – Shabbat, Brit, Tefillin.

© Ezra Marom, 2007.