Board Meeting
Minutes from Meeting No: 6
Meeting place and time: Torsten’s office, 09:30 -11:30, 2008-02-18
KCECBoard chairman: Gunnar Landgren (GL)
KCEC BoardDirector: Torsten Fransson (TF)
Other KCEC Board Members:
- Yingfang He (YH), YHparticipated from point4b, 4d.
-Janne Wallenius (JW, Board member), JWparticipated from point 4
- Anders Hagfeldt (AH, Board member), AH participated from point 3, 4 i
-Bin Zhu (BZ), BZ participated from point 4f, 4h
The Center Scientific Secretary: Xiangrong Liu (XL)
Göran Lindbergh (GLI)
- Formalities
-Opening of the meeting:
Meeting was opened by GL at 09:30
-Selection of secretary for the meeting:
XL was appointed as secretary.
- Approval of minutes from last meeting.
- Review of the activities in the last period and discussion about 2007 annual report
-To show the draft version of 2007 annual report by XR for KCEC board discussion.
-The statistic for joint publications of programs should be put in “KCEC in numbers”.
-To adjust the display format and make more clear for KCEC in numbers regarding to education and research cooperation of individual programs.
-As agreed to add KTH-DUT center (the joint education and research center on molecular devices) in 2007 annual report.
- Discussion and suggestions of activities in the next period:
-KTH-CSC students:
a) XR/KCEC has submitted selected 2008 KTH-CSC candidates to KTH and wait for next procedure.
b) There are difficulties in new master students procedures, because new administrative office set up by national level, the old KTH system not function anymore, this made the selection of MSc students become more difficult by individual program. However, we can try to do in parallel to ask applicants who apply for KTH to send the applications in two copies, one to national office, and another directly to KTH.
-The suggestions about new activities for individual programs in KCEC and the cooperation with relevant industries
c) There are many activities can be continued to carry out, e.g. the joint master programs, summer school, joint applications for research and education projects from China and EU, exchange students and researchers between KTH and Chinese universities etc.
d) KCEC will explore the possibilities that industries willing to put money to educate the students who will be back to the industries to serve for them.
e) KCEC needs to share the common resources among all KCEC program coordinators and cooperative universities to extend widely the subjects cooperation in each individual Chinese university currently within the KCEC framework. On the other hand, for KTH side, to show also more outputs. In this way, it would enhance significantly the KCEC efficiency.
-The development of the joint center for nuclear and sustainable energy (CNSE)
f) Some uncertainties about CNSE last year due to EC-Asian Link project funding uncertain but now it is solved. BZ commented that in his part on Fuel cell and hydrogen programs joint with JW project have been running well, the NANOCOFC project three year contract and funding has been transferred to TU according to plan.
g) Regarding to joint PhD and Postdoc, JW reported that EC-Asian Link project will announce quite a number of Postdoc in KTH and KCEC website. In addition, this project also finance joint PhD and certain amount MSc students from TU and HarbinUniversity. This will be also joint efforts to be contributed from Fuel cell and Hydrogen programs.
h) There is a summer school will be planned in this year. BZ commented that Hydrogen and fuel cell summer school joint with this project will be integrated into the Hyforum 2008 inChina which has been already organized since last year.
-The discussions about financial support from KTH and relevant organizations
i) To try to get financial support into KCEC from KTH, the result well be known soon. More details should be discussed in the next meeting.
j) KCEC board will continue to search for funding to support joint research and education projects with Chinese partners, and to promote efficient activities for each programs in KCEC.
-k) XR will continue to find information about scholarship or other financial support programs regarding energyfield from Swedish and Chineserelevant organizations.
- Action Items
Number / Owner / Due date / Text / Status
5-1 / XR / 2008-02 / To modify2007 annual report according to comments from board meeting. / Finished
5-2 / XR / 2008-03 / To make a suggestion plan for KTH-China energy day. / In operation
5-3 / XR and projects leaders / Always / To try to findvaluable information about relevant research field from Chinese cooperative universities. / In operation
5-4 / XR and projects leaders / Always / To try to find information about scholarship from Swedish/Chinese industries and organizations / In operation
5-5 / The board members / Always / To continue to search for funding to support joint research projects with Chinese partners. / In operation
5-6 / XR / 2008-2 / To update KCEC website with new progress / Finished
5-7 / XR / 2008-2 / To make an analysis for programs in KCEC / Finished
The meeting was closed at 11:30am
Next meeting: 31, March 2008 (Monday), 15:00 at Torsten's office.