MQP policies – Prof. Billiar


All MQP projects that I advise must be A, B, and C term of senior year (1/3 unit credit per term). Under extenuating circumstances a team may edit the written portion in D term for 1/6 unit credit, but this is not advised in general.

Design component

The BME MQP must meet the capstone design requirement for ABET accreditation. Thus, your project and written report must include the formal design process described in Engineering Design by Dym and Little (John Wiley and Sons, 2004).

Each team must keep a design notebook with numbered pages that is signed and dated after each entry. The notebook is to be turned in to me at the end of the project and remains property of WPI BME. The notebook will aid in demonstrating that the design component of the project has been fulfilled.

The MQP report must be written in a format that conforms to that given in the BME department’s MQP Tutorial document. Your team must also give an oral presentation at the BME department’s Project Presentation Day in D-term.

Grading policy


  • Outstanding/Excellent work.
  • Students take the lead on the project.
  • Students complete deliverables and the quality exceeds normal expectations.


  • Excellent/Good work.
  • Students complete what the advisors suggest be done for the project.
  • Students complete deliverables and the quality meets normal expectations.


  • Good/Average work.
  • Students complete most of what the advisors suggest be done for the project.
  • Students complete deliverables however the quality does not meet normal expectations.


  • Poor work.
  • Students do not complete what the advisors suggest be done for the project.
  • Students do not complete deliverables or the quality is far below normal expectations.

Academic integrity policy

In your Campus Planner and Resource Guide (p. 91-92 or there is a statement regarding Academic Honesty. You should read and understand this policy and the implications for any violation of that policy.

In this project, you are expected work to together as a team and freely share information and aid each other in writing and preparing presentations. All written sections, however, should have a primary author. Primary authorship should be indicated for each section in the table of contents.

For written and oral projects, copying text and figures from the Web or from the literature without proper citations will be treated as plagiarism. All statements that are not common knowledge must be referenced. All pictures, including modified versions, must be referenced unless they are created by a member of the team.

As required by WPI, any occurrences of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Department Chair and Dean of Student Life.