Minutes of STOKE Climsland parish council

held on Monday 17th JULY 2017 commencing at 7.30 Pm in the Old School



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SC 17/07/1 Apologies for absence: S Bruna, S Cazaly.

SC 17/07/2 Declarations of Interest: N Cooper in PA17/04499

SC 17/07/3 Public Session: Mr Jones stated that he has bought N Alston Farm with intention of developing the property to provide 4 residences. This will probably include 2 small extensions. The property has been empty for over a year. He intends to put in a planning application in the near future. It was noted that this property is a historical building and it would be advisable to contact the conservation officer and historic buildings officer about the plans. Mr Jones noted this and said that it was in hand. There was some discussion about the possibility of providing affordable housing but the property was not suitable.

SC17/07/4 Minutes. The minutes for the 31st May will be brought to the next meeting. The date on the minutes for 19th June was amended. It needs to be noted that the car park on the far end of the Village Green belongs to the Parish Council and not Cornwall Council. It was proposed by P Barriball and seconded by J Coumbe that the minutes were accepted. All agreed.

SC 17/07/5 Matters Arising

1. Local Government Boundary Review Consultation: There was a discussion about the number of Councillors needed in the County, with widely divergent ideas. It was noted that this was a cost cutting exercise and that work would then be passed to the Town and Parish Councils. The backroom services have been drastically cut resulting in a greater work load for these employees. It was not clear if the increase in housing had been taken into account. Nor was it clear where the boundaries would be. The Parish Council felt they had not been given enough information to make a decision about the numbers of Councillors required. It was decided that the Parish Councillors would do further research and send their ideas to the Clerk prior to the deadline date.

2. Grass Cutting in the Parish: The clerk has contacted Mr Pethick and he has now cut the grass on the Village green, Downgate playground, Luckett Car park and the embankment. He has been reminded that the grass needs cutting on the 3rd August prior to the show.

3. Grass cutting at Kyl Cober Parc Junction; Two residents have request permission to develop a wild garden on the triangle at the junction of Kyl Cober and Stoke Road. They have stated that they will also keep the remaining grass cut. The venture will be sponsored by Mr Wilton and he requests that he can put up a sign in the garden. It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by P Barriball that this should be allowed and reviewed after the first year. All agreed.

SC17/07/6 Planning

Cornwall Council list of Application;

PA17/04238: Mr Richard Choroszewski, Higher Sherwell Farm Sevenstones Callington PL17 8HU; Certificate of existing lawful use of buildings and car parks by freight forwarding business. The clerk has spoken to the planning officer and forwarded pictures of the new development. The planning officer has contacted the applicant about these but as yet there has been no reply. The clerk was asked to reaffirm that the Parish Council does not support this application until there is more information.

PA17/00012/NDP: South Hill Parish Council, Plan Proposal received for the designated South Hill Parish Neighbourhood Area | South Hill Cornwall.

PA17/04499: Mr Wayne Stephens, Sennen Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall PL17 8HL: Creation of roadside parking bay.

PA17/05535: Ms Rebecca Hernandez, Land North West Of Park Hill Cottage Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall: Erection of 4 bedroom dwelling with detached double garage/carport and retention of existing temporary access track during construction.

PA17/04323: Westcountry Rivers Trust, Rain Charm House Kyl Cober Parc Stoke Climsland Callington PL17 8PH: Installation of a portable one storey shed behind offices for equipment storage.

PA17/05855: Mr Richard Davies, Count House Luckett Callington Cornwall PL17 8NH: Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely re-coppicing of two semi-mature willows growing out of the stone wall bordering the roadside.

PA17/05861: Mr And Mrs Richard and Mary Tanner, Cider Barn Norton Barton Farm Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall PL17 8QF: Convert the existing cider barn to ancillary living accommodation for the family associated to the dwelling.


Refusals, Approvals and Appeals:

PA17/01181: Mr and Mrs Cooper, Land South Of Greenacres Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall PL17 8HL: Erection of a dwelling. Awaiting decision

PA17/03933: Mr And Mrs Brian Gilbert, Three Corners Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall PL17 8HJ; Construction of two affordable dwellings, vehicular access, garden amenity areas and provision of septic tank. Awaiting decision

PA17/04718: Mr Guy, South West Lumberjacks: for Rose Cottage Luckett Callington Cornwall PL17 8NJ, Removal of 2 self seeded trees to prevent future disruption/overhang to the bank over the road and Rose Cottage. The Ash (T1) growing on the corner of the bank nearest the road has an approximate DBH of 200mm and the Oak (T2) that sticks out the ground cover a little further behind the cottage has an approximate DBH of 100mm. Agreed not to make TPO.

SC17/07/7 Items for Report and Discussion

1.  Report from Cllr Burden. Cllr Burden was unable to attend.

2.  Donation of the Treffinic Grant: There was a discussion about where this donation should go. It was felt that children’s groups or charities should take priority. It was decided to advertise in the Old School News in September to find out if there are any groups requiring some money.

3.  Questions to put to Scott Mann when he attends next month: The clerk has received an email stating that Scott Mann will not be able to attend next month. M Howlett stated that Mr Mann wanted and open meeting to look at the major issues in the parish.

SC 17/07/8 Highways and Maintenance:


SC 17/07/9 Correspondence:

Three letters regarding planning application PA17/05535.

SC 17/07/10 Finance:

Payment for installation of Broadband equipment and cupboard in the Parish Hall: BT £193.20 inc VAT; Cabinet and lock £138.00 inc VAT: On going cost: BT £37.08 per calendar month/ £444.96 inc VAT per annum. It was proposed by J Forbes and seconded by C Vulliamy that the full cost of £776.16 should be paid. All agreed.

It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by J Forbes that the clerks wages should be paid. All agreed.

Cash Flow for this year. It was proposed by P Barriball and seconded by S Ross that this is accepted. All agreed.

A letter requesting payment of the agreed donation to Luckett Cllub towards the installation of the disabled toilets was accepted. A cheque for £9000 was written.

Payments: Cheques to a total of £424.00 were written for clerk’s wages and postage

Receipts: Allotments £80

SC 17/07/11 Items for Agenda for next meeting:

·  Lettering on Millenium stone to be repainted

·  Response to Boundary Commission

·  Date for Scott Mann visit

SC 17/07/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting

7.30pm in Parish Hall on 21st August 2017

Clerk: Mrs Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY

Tel: 01579 370819


website: www.stokeclimslandparish.org