Training workshop “Increasing disaster resilience in urban settings”

11th PPRD South “prevention and preparedness”

workshop for staff-level officials

“Increasing disaster resilience in urban settings”

Lisbon, Portugal

15-16 October 2012


Day 1: Monday, 15October2012


08:30 - 09:00Registration of participants

09:00 - 09:15Openingaddress

Filipe Lobo D’Ávila, Secretary of State, Portugal

09:15 - 09:30Welcome speech

Arnaldo Cruz, Director General, National Authority for Civil Protection, Portugal

09:30 - 10:00Opening remarks by co-organisers incl. reference to the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

Pierluigi Soddu, PPRD South Executive Director

Paola Albrito, Head, UNISDR Regional Office for Europe

Workshop agenda and introduction of participants and workshop facilitators

10:00 - 10:30Coffee break

Block 1: Setting the scene: urban risk and disaster risk reduction

10:30 - 11:30Urban risk and disaster resilience in the urbanized world

Facilitated by Camillo Boano, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies and Disaster RiskReduction, University College of London (UK)

Followed by debate

11:30- 12:30Introduction to the World Disaster Reduction Campaign “My City is Getting Ready” and reminder of some basic principles of DRR “what are we talking about?”

Facilitated by LarsBernd,Regional Programme Officer, UNISDR - The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt)

Followed by Q&A

12:30 - 14:00Lunch

Block 2: Experiences from the Euro-Mediterranean region on addressing urban risk and building urban resilience

14:00 - 14:15Introduction

Facilitated by LarsBernd, UNISDR and Antonio Barbera, PPRD South

14:15- 14:45Good practice in addressing urban risk: Tevragh-Zeina (Nouakchott), Mauritania

Guest speaker: Mayor Fatimetou Mint Abdel Malick

14:45- 15:15Good practice in addressing urban risk: presentation by city official from an IPA

Partner Country(TBD by UNISDR Europe, Tirana Municipality?)

15:15 - 15:45Good practice of civil protection involvement in building urban resilience: presentation by civil protection authority from IPA (Albania TBC)

15:45 - 16:15Coffee breakand and walk around posters prepared by cities prior to workshop on their urban risk(TBD)

16:15 - 16:45Good practice of civil protection involvement in building urban resilience: presentation by civil protection authority from ENPI South (Algeria TBC)

16:45- 17:15Plenary discussions

Facilitated by Camillo Boano

17:15- 17:30Wrap-up on main learning points of Day 1

UNISDR Paola Albrito

19:00- 20:00Welcome cocktail (TBC)

Day 2: Tuesday, 16 October 2012

9:00 -9:15Introduction

Camillo Boano

Block 3: Building urban resilience:introduction to tools and methodologies

9:15- 09:45The Mayor’s Handbook: How to Make Cites More Resilient

How to implement the Ten Essentials for Making cities resilient

Presentation by Lars Bernd

09:45- 10:30Other tools and methodologies for building urban disaster resilience

Presentation by Camillo Boano

Followed by Q&A

10:30 - 11:00Coffee break

Block 4: Monitoring local progress in reinforcing urban disaster resilience

11:00- 11:45Implementation of HFA at the local level: introduction to the Local Government

Self-Assessment Tool on progress in implementing the Campaign’s10 Essentials

Facilitated by Lars Bernd

Mr. Khaled Abuasheh, Abuaisheh, Head of Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, Aqaba

Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), Jordan

Followed by Q&A

Block 5: Institutional challenges and practical concerns

11:45 - 12:30 Facilitated discussion on: challenges and opportunities at city/local level to advance DRR; how to strengthen national-local and local-local coordination on DRR, incl. between national disaster management authorities and cities; how governments, national disaster management authorities, UN, PPRD South and other sectors support local governments’ efforts and capacities?; concerns and prioritization

Facilitated by Camillo Boano


14:00- 14:45How to better support local action to create resilient communities through international Strategies: Plenary discussion on the post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction – Local Perspectives

Facilitated by Lars Bernd

14:45-15:15Way forward and conclusions of the workshop, “how to better address urban disaster resilience in the future, including in post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

Facilitated by Camillo Boano, PPRD South,Lars Bernd