A Conversation on Hope, Healing and Transformational Peace and Justice.
Rev. Michelle Walsh & Chaplain Clementina Chéry
Welcome to First Parish!
First Parish in Cambridge is a multi-faith, spirit-filled congregation devoted to love and justice. We are moving joyfully into a multiracial, multicultural, justice-making future. We embrace all ages, races, classes, abilities, sexual orientations, gender presentations, and ethnic and religious backgrounds. Honoring all the faith traditions of the world, we support each person’s path to wisdom and spiritual growth. Whoever you are, wherever you are on the journey of life, we welcome you into our hearts.
If you’re here for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in the pew and leave it in the collection plate. We’ll sign you up for our weekly e-mail announcements and monthly newsletter. All are welcome to join us in Helverson Parlor following the service for refreshments. Please take a “terra cotta ” mug so we can recognize and greet you.
For those attending with children, you are welcome to worship as a family or children ages 4 and under are welcome in our Nursery in the Parish House. An usher can direct you to Nursery staff. Registration is required. Activity boxes for older children are also available from the ushers. For more information, please speak to William Williamson, our Membership Coordinator.
Shared Offering
The Shared Offering recipient for the month of March is The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute. Co-founded in 1994 by Dr. Tina Chéry after the murder of her 15 year old son, Louis David Brown, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, is a center for healing, teaching, and learning. It provides vital crisis management to family members of homicide victims.” For more information, please visit: http://ldbpeaceinstitute.org/.
Welcome to Religious Education 2016-17!
Please join us today from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm in the Barn Room for our Spirit Play Basket Workday. We will be preparing story baskets for our preschool spring Spirit Play group, helping our youngest children to "learn about ourselves, others, and the mystery, and grow by exploring what is true and right in life."
Book Discussion after Worship in the Chapel
The Middle East Education Group will host a discussion on Sunday February 26 in the chapel led by Robin Brown of the book Scapegoats: How Islamophobia Helps Our Enemies and Threatens Our Freedoms by Arsalan Iftikhar . Dustcover quote from President Jimmy Carter: “Scapegoats is an important book that shows Islamophobia must be addressed urgently. Violence or hate speech against any community based on their faith is un-American and is against our founding principles”. Everyone is welcome, even if you have not read the book.
Next month: Photographic Exhibit March 2 - 28 at Harvard University’s Gutman Library Art Gallery, 6 Appian Way. Opening Reception on Thursday, March 2 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. “Palestinians in Cambridge: Stories from the Diaspora”. See bulletin board and March Meetinghouse News for more details.
First Parish is seeking two child care providers
First Parish is now seeking two child care providers for Sunday afternoons from12:00 pm – 2:00 pm. If you have a reliable babysitter over age 18 to recommend, please contact Mandy Neff()
The following covenant groups have openings.
3rd Monday of every month from 10:00 am to 11:30 am
**please note that the Monday group will have their first meeting on Monday, February 27 at 10:00 am
3rd Wednesday of every month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
3rd Thursday of every month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
A new group is forming beginning March 17th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on the 3rd Friday of every month.
All are welcome. Show up and try one out.
Introduction To Mysticism Group
Please note that the Introduction to Mysticism - Sufism classes that meet for the next 7 Wednesdays will meet at 10:30 am and6:30 pm in the Chapel.
New Bylaws -- Vote onMarch 19
Do you have questions about the new bylaws? Peggy Kraft and Linda West will be at a table at Social Hour onSunday February 26to answer questions. The new bylaws will be available for review on the website as well:http://firstparishcambridge.org/our-governance/. Please let us know if you have questions!
Parenting DiscussionGroup – March 5
First Parish friends and members raising children are invited to attend an open monthly discussion group led by Carrie Fisher. Each month’s discussion topic will be based loosely on a chapter from the book, Tending the Flame: the Art of Unitarian Universalist Parenting, by Michelle Richards.The reading is not mandatory-- please come to talk, laugh, think, commiserate, celebrate, and be together in fellowship on the journey ofparenting.
This month's topic, on Sunday, March 5 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm in the Chapel, will be about unexpected challenges of parenting with our first principle: The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person. We will explore how radical an idea this actually can be, and how to bring it home to our children.
Logistics: Families will have lunch on their own. Childcare will be provided in the Baldwin room at 12:15. Please f you have any questions or would like help finding the book.
Community Auction Dinner Spots Still Available
There are spots available in Flat Rate auction dinners - a great way to support First Parish, get to know more people and have a wonderful dinner. Contact Eileen Sullivan f you want to purchase any of these items. Cost is $15 for an individual or $40 for a family. Dinners include:
Italian Baked Pasta Dinner
Saturday, March 11that6:00 pm.
Pizza and Board Games
Saturday, April 1st at 6:00 pm
SaturdayBrunch - Saturday April 8th at11:00 am.
Safe Congregation
At First Parish we covenant to welcome all people to the table, to nourish and serve each other and to respect and honor the inherent worth and dignity of every person. To achieve these goals it is essential that we maintain a safe environment that protects children and adults from harm while fostering their spiritual growth. We encourage anyone who has witnessed or experienced verbal, sexual or physical abuse at First Parish to contact the appropriate team (adults and children respectively):
GBIO Task Force after Service Series –
March 26 (Noon to 1:00 PM): Climate Action
Guest Speaker: Evan Seitz
April 2 (Noon to 1:00 PM): Health Care
Guest Speaker: Paul Hattis
Each session includes a brief explanation of the issue and why it is a priority of the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (i.e., timing for action) followed by a story illustrating the importance of the issue to someone’s life. There is also time for participants to share their story about how the issue has touched them. Story telling is an effective GBIO technique for connecting people’s lives to issues that leads to engagement and action. The final few minutes will explain what action steps are next and how people can become involved. All are invited to attend these sessions, held in the Barn Room.
Events This Week
Monday, February 27
8:30 am Groovy Baby Music in the Chapel
5:30 pm Harvard Extension Drama in the Barn Rm
6:30 pm AA in the Parlor
6:30 pm Women Writing Together in the Gallery
6:30 pm Art Class in the Chapel
Tuesday, February 28
9:00 am Yoga in the Barn Rm
11:00 am Tuesday Meals
5:30 pm Harvard Extension Drama Class in Barn Rm
7:00 pm Buddhist Meditation Group in the Fuller Rm
7:00 pm Young Adult Group in the Nursery
Wednesday, March 1
9:30 am Yoga in the Barn Rm
10:30 am Introduction to Mysticism in the Chapel
5:00 pm Sanctuary Boston in the Barn Rm
6:00 pm Cambridge Forum in the Meetinghouse
6:30 pm Two Brattle in the Baldwin Rm
6:30 pm Introduction to Mysticism in the Chapel
Thursday, March 2
9:00 am Yoga in the Barn Rm
12:00 pm Yoga in the Barn Rm
5:30 pm Y2Y event in the Gallery
6:00 pm Yoga in the Barn Room
Friday, March 3
10:00 am Groovy Baby Music in the Chapel
1:00 pm Better Future Project in the Chapel
Saturday, March 4
8:00 am Cambridge Minyan in the Parlor and Chapel
8:30 am GSA in the Chapel
10:00 am Yoga in the Barn Room
4:30 pm Women’s Circle in the Barn Rm
5:00 pm Gr. 4-6 Potluck in the Parlor
Sunday, March 5
10:30 am Sunday Worship
12:00 pm Parenting Discussion Group in the Chapel
12:30 pm Soul Collage in the Barn Rm
3:30 pm UUMass Action BLM Group in the Parlor