designed by Janet Widdicombe
How to Add an Event to the Programme
Events are organised by members. Members are asked to contribute to the diary by sharing activities with others – whether on a regular or occasional basis – to ensure a full and varied programme.
Our events diary can be accessed on-line at:
You can access the diary to view or organise events by entering an access code which changes every month. This month’s access code is:
Alternatively, fully paid-up members will be able to access the diary using their registered e-mail address and a password of their own choice. From early February, you should have the facility to add events using your own password. For now, use the access code above.
Publication Deadline
To have your event included in the programme sent to postal members, please try to add any events for March by:
Thursday 20 February
Events added after this date will be accessible on-line only and will have a limited circulation, so short-notice events should be used only as a ‘last resort’ when it is not practical to give more notice.
No Computer Access?
Phone our Events Co-ordinator, Anthony, and he will add your event to the programme.
Member’s Guide
A Member’s Guide will be circulated to all e-members, giving more detail on how to use Activity Exchange. It will also be available shortly on our club website. Postal members wanting a paper copy of the guide may request one from Sylvia, and it will be sent with your next newsletter. Copies will also be available at the Wednesday night teach-in sessions being held on 29 January, 12 February and 19 February (see diary details). If further guidance is needed, contact Anthony or Colin to help (contacts on back page).
Date / Event / Where / Book by / Contact / Tel22/01/14 / Get together and collection of newsletter. / Old Golf House Hotel 8pm / Sylvia
25/01/14 / Literary Evening / Sylvia’s, 209 Lane Top, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5SG, / 23 / Sylvia
26/1/14 / Walk / Mytholmroyd Community Centre car park, / 24 / Sylvia
27/01/14 / Light Lunch and Organ Recital / Huddersfield Town Hall / 26 / Anthony
29/01/14 / Wednesday Get-together and Activity Exchange Teach-In / Old Golf House Hotel 8pm / Roger Sykes
30/01/14. / Pub night
/ Rat n Ratchet / Nigel
30/01/14 / Swim n stroll / Brighouse pool, Huddersfield rd, Brighouse, HD6 1JK / Anthony
02.02.14. / Marsden Walk / Marsden Parish Church at 11 am / Sylvia
5.2.14 / Pub of the month / The Old Corn Mill Inn / Anthony
07/02/14 / Scrabble / 18 Wyverne Road, Golcar, Huddersfield, / David
8.2.14 / Pantomine / Penistone Cinema / Sylvia
09.02.14. / Pub Lunch and Short Walk / Sylvia
10/02/14 / Light Lunch and Organ Recital / Huddersfield Town Hall / Anthony
12/02/14 / Wednesday Get-together and Activity Exchange Teach-In / Old Golf House Hotel 8pm / Joan
13/02/14 / Swim n stroll / Brighouse pool, Huddersfield rd, Brighouse, HD6 1JK / Anthony
19/02/14 / Wednesday Get-together and Activity Exchange Teach-In
Deadline / Old Golf House Hotel 8pm / Joan
23.02.14 / Sunday lunch / TBA / Alison
23.02.14. / Walk / Kirkburton / Sylvia
24/02/14 / Light Lunch and Organ Recital / Huddersfield Town Hall / Anthony
26/2/14 / Get together and collection of newsletter. / Old Golf House Hotel 8pm / Sylvia
Chair Chat
It has arrived! After lots of planning and talking, Activity Exchange finally takes off this month for Halifax & Huddersfield IVC, and you will be able to add your own events for March onwards to the club diary on-line. This will be welcome news for many of you who have been wanting a more ‘instant’ way of circulating events to members. For others, there will be some slight apprehension as we adapt to the change, but there is plenty of support available, and as a last resort – or if you don’t have computer access – Anthony will still be available to add your event to the on-line diary. You will find some initial guidance in this newsletter, and a Member’s Guide will be circulated to e-members giving more detail (this will also be posted on our website). Paper copies will be available at the ‘Teach-In’ sessions to be run by Joan on several Wednesdays, or you can request a copy from me.
I hope you will give it a go. A number of other IVC clubs use Activity Exchange, and this will allow us to share certain events with other clubs, if the organiser chooses to do so. The system is secure, and your personal contact details will not be visible to other members unless you decide otherwise.
We shall continue to circulate the monthly newsletter in the usual way, by post or by e-mail for now, so it’s really important that you plan ahead and watch the publication deadline, so events can be circulated to all members as far as possible. Any other contributions for the newsletter (event reports, for example) can be sent to Julie in the usual way.
The New Year got off to a good start with a warm welcome and get-together at Nicola’s delightful cottage, with the last of the mulled wine, Christmas cake and roasted chestnuts going down well on an otherwise slightly ‘damp’ day.
We now look ahead to what’s in store for 2014, and already plans are in place for the AIVC Conference in Manchester in April, and our Annual Dinner at the Malt House in Rishworth. Once we’re through February, it won’t be long before the mornings get lighter, the days get longer, and Spring will be on the way. Hang on in there!
More about Activity Exchange
Adding an Event to the On-Line Diary (in 10 easy steps)
1. Go to
2. Click on the club index in the top right hand corner and click on Halifax and Huddersfield.
3. Click on ‘Activities’ link.
4. On the right of the screen, click on ‘Add Activity’.
5. Enter this month’s access code (printed inside front cover of newsletter – currently DHX6) and click ‘Go’.
6. Enter the information as prompted.
7. Make the event Private (details visible only to those with access code) or Public (details visible to the world at large). Most events will be Private to our club, with only the title visible to non-members visiting the website.
8. Tick to invite other selected IVC clubs if you wish (especially if in their area).
9. Tick ‘Tell People ….’ box only if adding an event at short notice - to avoid inundating members with e-mails (though members may opt out from receiving e-mails).
10. Click on ‘Add Activity’ and you are there – Bingo! You should receive an e-mail to confirm.
Once you are on the right screen, Activity Exchange will prompt you for the information above, making the process easy to follow.
The ‘Buddy’ System for Non-IT Members
A number of members do not have computer access and will therefore be unable to view events listed in the on-line diary. These members will have opted for postal membership and will receive a printed newsletter by post each month.
Whilst we hope event organisers will plan ahead and submit events in advance of the newsletter publication date, there may be some events added at short notice, for example films at the cinema,a which are not always listed in time for the publication deadline. If you are worried that you may miss such events without on-line access, we suggest you find someone you know in IVC who can keep a look-out for you and let you know of any short-notice events. Alternatively contact Sylvia (01484 309658) if you would like to have a ‘buddy’ assigned to you, perhaps someone with similar interests around events. They will be able to let you know about short-notice activities which may be of interest. Any willing buddies – please step forward!
There’s More….!
By next month we hope the on-line diary will be very much up and running. There’ll be more info in the March newsletter about logging on with your e-mail address and changing your profile. But you may have found that out for yourself by then through using the Member’s Guide or by taking advantage of one of Joan’s informal Wednesday Night demonstrations. There’s plenty of help available – so don’t be afraid to ask! Anthony, Colin and Joan (see back page for contacts) are all happy to help.
Wednesday Night Survey – Final Call!
If you haven’t completed your survey form yet, please try to do so by the end of January. We’d like to hear the views of all members – those who want Wednesday nights to continue as they are, and those with other ideas. Please forward completed forms to Sylvia by hand, by post or by e-mail.
Calling All Cyclists –
Special CTC Rates for IVC Members
If you read the recent ‘AIVC Events’ you will have seen that by joining the IVC ‘Bicycle User Group’ (BUG), you can get hugely discounted membership rates with the Cycle Touring Club (CTC) – with a reduction from £41 to £16. This will give you – amongst other things – third party insurance and regular newsletters. And the reduction will cover the cost of your IVC membership subscription. How’s that for a good deal! For further info, go to:
Christmas Card Charity Appeal
It was decided to donate the £41.00 given in lieu of Christmas cards to the Nerve Centre, which supports people with neurological conditions.
Wednesday 22/01/14
Get together and collection of newsletter. From 8pm. Host is Sylvia. Old Golf House hotel, Outlane, Huddersfield.
Saturday 25/1/14 Literary Evening
An evening for all booklovers – not just the cultural elite! Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, biography – whatever your taste, share it with us by saying a few words or reading a short passage or two. Please be fairly brief to allow others a turn – and avoid the dreaded guillotine! Meet at Sylvia’s at 7:30. Light refreshments available. Bring your favourite tipple if you wish to indulge whilst mulling. Phone Sylvia by 23 January. Numbers limited.
Sunday 26/1/14 Walk and Pub Lunch
Meet 11 am in Mytholmroyd Community Centre car park, Caldene Avenue, for a walk up to the Hare & Hounds at Chiserley for a pub lunch (dogs welcome) and back, total distance around 5 miles. Phone Sylvia by 24 January so we know numbers for lunch.
Monday 27/01/14 Light lunch and organ recital
Meet 12 noon at Choosys, King street, Huddersfield, for a light snack lunch, followed by a concert of fine organ music, performed by the renowned Dr Gordon Stewart. He has performed all over the world, and has played in some prestigious venues. We usually go for a post concert coffee afterwards.
Contact Anthony by 26/01/14.
Wednesday 29/01/14 Get together and Activity Exchange Teach-In Old Golf House hotel . Bar meals available. Joan will be available tonight with PCto demonstrate how the new Activity Exchange diary works, and how to upload an event. Please take advantage by coming along, and be one of the first to get on board with the new technology! From 8pm. Host is Roger Sykes
Thurs 30/01/14 Swim ‘n' stroll
A regular event. Meet at 10 am at the Brighouse pool for a half hour swim, followed by a gentle stroll at the nearby Well home park, and finishing off with a coffee. Tel Anthony.
Thursday 30/01/14 Pub night
At the Rat n Ratchet, Huddersfield. Real ales and good atmosphere.
Meet from 8.30 pm. Tel Nigel by 22/01/14 for directions.
Sunday 02.02.14. Marsden Walk – Amended
A walk in the Wessenden Valley, 4 miles max, calling at Puleside Working Men’s Club for a sandwich and a pint. Working men, non-working men and ladies all welcome! Bring your own packed lunch – no cooked lunch available. Meet outside Marsden Parish Church at
11 am. Could be muddy or rough-going in places. Phone Sylvia by 31 Jan
Wednesday 05/02/14 Pub of the month
The Old Corn Mill Inn, Dewsbury Road, Brighouse, HD6 2AS
Join us for a cosy meal, at this popular eatery, at 7.30pm, or join us from 9pm for a drink.
Tel Anthony by 04/12/14 if eating.
Friday 07/02/14
Scrabble will continue at David Smiths home, Meet at 8pm for a friendly game or two.
Existing and new players are very welcome, light refreshments are provided.
Please phone David by 06/02/14.
Sat 08/02/14 Pantomime: Dick Whittington
It’s panto time at the Penistone Paramount, courtesy of Penistone Theatre Group. Starts 7 pm at the Penistone Paramount, Shrewsbury Road (near church). I believe a camel is involved – makes a change from the pantomime horse! Tickets £8, £5 concessions. Book with Sylvia by 26 January. Sheffield members invited.
Sunday 09.02.14. Pub Lunch and Short Walk
Experience Sunday lunch at the King’s Arms in the attractive village of Heath, near Wakefield (WF1 5SL) – cosy, gas-lit pub run by Ossett Brewery. Single course £9.95, two courses £12.95, with veggie options. Take A638 Doncaster road from Wakefield. On leaving built-up area, fork left at traffic lights onto A655 (Normanton) and immediately left again signed Heath village. After lunch, a 2/3 mile drive to Walton Colliery nature park for an hour’s stroll around the paths and lakes of the nature reserve – opportunities for train-spotting and bird-spotting! Meet 12:00 for lunch or 1:30 at pub to drive to Walton. Phone Sylvia by 7 February.
Monday 10/02/14
Light lunch and organ and piano recital
Join us for a light lunch at Choosys, king street, Huddersfield, followed by a concert at Huddersfield town hall, with the renowned Dr Gordon Stewart, and piano virtuoso George King, who has played all over the world in such places as Carnegie hall in New York, as well as Ronnie Scott's in London.
The programme includes Montague Philips empire march, kart-Elbert's valse mignonette, gar donuts Mozart changes, and Harold Britton's variations on Gershwin's I got rhythm.
For further details and to book for this exciting concert phone Anthony. Admission £5, or concessions £3.50