/ Massachusetts Communications
Supervisors Association
“Developing Dispatchers & Dispatch Centers”
Meeting Minutes November 18, 2015
Rutland Public Library
Presentation by Greg Lynskey, Director S Worcester RECC on the Webster Mill Fire
Introductions: 23 attendees representing 20 agencies.
State 911 presentation by Mona Wallace. State commission meeting canceled until December 8.
Next Gen: still working on the project. They have found issues with the new system and the vendors are working to correct them. Pilot is scheduled for rollout in December. Don’t know if will happen. Test center is not ready at this time. They will have 20 work station available and training will take place during the day and evening, seven days a week, once it is up and running. If you have training planned now get at least 8 hours done and the state will stay in touch about the rest of it. The state will not accept anything that is substandard. It must be perfect and the vendors are aware of it. New facility will be in Middleboro with 2 classrooms. The logins will change with the new system. Non-compliant personnel have been removed from the system.
Texting: Marketing firm has been hired. Four TV commercials have been done with Brad Stevens and Walter McCarthy. Public education material is ready and waiting. Once Next gen and texting are a go they will be released. Two centers, Essex and State police will handle the initial startup and act as a relay operator. Once a center is text capable they will transfer the text as they do now with wireless.
Retirement: Senate Bill 1442 has been modified and is now Senate Bill 2046. It is more inclusive for all dispatchers. It has come out of committee with a favorable rating and has been referred to the State 911 Commission, and is in Ways and Means and scheduled to come out in January 2017.
Grants: They are out and the new Development grant is due out in January.
Training: March 16 in Bolton at the International. Leadership in Critical Incidents. Retired Boston Deputy Chief Dan Linsky and Dick Donahue, Transit Police.
Cost for this will be $150 per person for non-member agencies and $125 for member agencies.
Motion made and seconded to accept this fee structure. Unanimous vote to accept.
Feb 5th Dealing with Difficult Callers.
February, 4 day Fire Services class in Natick
March 23, 24, 25 Denise Amber Lee in Natick. Information on their web site shortly.
Web Site: Credit to Don and Erin on the development of the site. Last minute technical issues hopefully will be up and running next week.
Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance of $15,298.87; five membership checks to be deposited.
Alpha Sales Group is working with Paula to finalize their membership.
Motion to accept, Barbara Boiteau, seconded Erin Hastings. Unanimous vote to accept.
Secretary’s Report: October Minutes are available. Motion to accept Dave Squires, Seconded Tracy Eldridge. Unanimous vote to accept.
Committee Reports: 911 and NEARC, No report. SIEC: Meeting rescheduled. No report.
Old Business: None
New Business: Request from Mass Blue Book for an updated list of PSAPs. Secretary will work on it. Alpha Sales will e-mail what he has received to Ed.
Next Meeting in Natick, Presentation on BAPRN.
Future meetings: January – Gardner, February open, March - Training Seminar, April- Tracy’s Gala Event for Telecommunicator Week, May – Sturbridge, June – Annual Meeting in Newburyport.
Motion to adjourn.
Respectively Submitted
Edward P. Merriam
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