Malin Presbyterian Church 2017

Father, at this special time, as blessings all increase,

the angels gather round about with Christmas hope and peace.

Now help us Father, once again, to seek your star above,

As reaching out across the world, we share your Christmas love

We remind our readers that the United Appeal and World Development envelopes are available now, giving us a chance to show our Christmas love to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Congratulations to ...... Robert Smyth and Daphne on the occasion of their wedding

also to the other couples (not members) who chose to hold their wedding in Malin during the year. We pray for God’s richest blessings in their future together.

...... Liz and Kevin Loftus on the birth of a baby girl

...... . Those who did so well in their exams, may His loving arms be around them as they plan their future

Prayers and good wishes to...... Virginia Hanna after her hip operation

John Platt after surgery

All those who have been unwell during the summer


12 Noon Service conducted by Rev. Glendinning

7pm Service conducted by Rev. Glendinning

Praise led by First Garvagh Church Choir

Supper served in the Hall after the Service – everyone very welcome


12 Noon Service conducted by Rev Glendinning

Sunday Services Many thanks to those who provided a musical interlude during the church services in August – these items were enjoyed by visitors and members. We also thank our regular organists who make such a marvellous commitment each Sunday to worship.

Mid-week Meetings continue once a fortnight in the Manse at 8pm, with Paul’s letter to the Romans being the topic for this session

Church members were delighted with the gift from the Ferris family of a lovely wooden Cross which has been placed on the wall behind the pulpit. It was hand-made by Yvonne’s nephew Gavin Davis, using 3 different kinds of wood. This was indeed a fitting tribute to the Christian life and work of Yvonne.

Committee News

·  The new church leaflets are available now and were very popular with visitors over the summer.

·  A course on using a defibrillator was attended by Gavin Davis, Mervyn Davis, Giles Davis and Helen Stewart. The committee has agreed to allow the Malin Head machine to be situated outside the church.

·  Many thanks to the SOLAS (fas) group for keeping the grounds so tidy over the summer months.

·  The Presbytery Commission will be visiting the church in December to begin the consultation process. A structural survey of all the buildings must be carried out.

·  Some cracks have appeared in the Carndonagh Manse and these are being investigated.

·  After discussion it was agreed that it is not necessary for any graves to be built with bricks as the ground is sufficient without.


The committee wish to remind members to continue to use the FWO weekly envelopes even when they are unable to attend the Sunday service. Unfortunately both the amounts given in the envelopes and on the plate collection for the first 9 months of this year is less than the amounts for the same period last year.

The target for Malin’s contribution to the United Appeal this year has been set at 1496 euro

Many thanks to Helen for all her work as treasurer and to Keith for his help.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

Youth Fellowship continues to be held in Issy’s cottage.

Kids Club It was great to welcome back Rev. Gordon Best and his Team. This outreach is enjoyed so much by the young people, with around a hundred attending each night. On the last night an invitation was extended to family members who delighted in hearing the children sing, and enjoyed a talk by Rev. Best about the events of the week. The older children made a lovely banner which was donated to Malin/Carndonagh, and will have pride of place at the children’s club during the winter months.

The Kids Club starts up again in Malin on Sat. 28th October with a “Bright Party”.

The Christmas Party will be held on 16th December at 2pm.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best

Children’s Day The PCI Youth & Children’s Project “Journeys of Promise” was highlighted during the Service and a generous donation of 431 euro was forwarded to PCI - in Lebanon a school is being built for children living in the refugee camps, and the work of Open Doors in Syria includes the distribution of Bibles.

The young people took part in the Service through prayer, singing and reading the Bible – a lovely Service, followed by refreshments in the Hall afterwards.

PW In June the ladies enjoyed a visit to the Dungiven Presbyterian Church Flower festival. Each flower arrangement depicted a story from the Bible, and the covering leaflet was inspirational. Donations were in aid of building work inside the Hall. A lovely lunch was provided.

A good example has twice the value of good advice


Sun 22nd Oct Morning Service conducted by Rev Glendinning

7pm Harvest Service conducted by Rev. Glendinning

Sat 28th Oct 2pm Children’s Club

Sun 29th Oct Philip Leonard

Sun 5th Nov Rev. Glendinning

Sun 12th Nov Remembrance Sunday Rev. Abernethy

Wed 15th Nov PW

Sun 19th Nov Maurice Wray

Sat 25th Nov Kids Club

Sun 26th Nov Sammy Wasson

Sun 3rd Dec Rev. Glendinning

Sun 10th Dec. Rev. Abernethy

Tues 12th Dec 8pm Visitation of Presbytery Commission

Sat 16th Dec 2pm Children’s Christmas Party

Sun 17th Dec All-Age Christmas Service Rev. Glendinning

Sun 24th Dec Rev. Abernethy

Christmas Day Service in Moville at 10.30am