AP Government & Politics - Chapters 1 & 2 Test - Review

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.Government is defined as the

a. / organization that brings problems to the attention of public officials. / d. / agency that implements policies that have been enacted by other institutions
b. / institutions through which public policies are made for society. / e. / executive branch and agencies
c. / body that is concerned with economic problems while leaving social problems to other institutions of society.

____2.The policymaking institutions of the American national government include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. / Congress / d. / political parties
b. / the Presidency / e. / the Senate
c. / the Supreme Court

____3.A public good is defined as

a. / a public policy that is good for the nation as a whole. / d. / a choice that government makes in response to a political issue
b. / something provided by the government that cannot be provided by the private sector. / e. / All of these
c. / something in which any member of society can share.

____4.______is a set of institutions that link together government, politics, and public policy.

a. / A policymaking system / d. / Government
b. / Democracy / e. / The bureaucracy
c. / A constellation

____5.A choice that government makes in response to some issue on its agenda is called

a. / public policy. / d. / selective selection.
b. / a law. / e. / stimulus-response.
c. / rational choice theory.

____6.______arise when people disagree about a problem or a public policy choice made

a. / Political issues / d. / Wars
b. / Social crises / e. / Revolutions
c. / Governments

____7.A political party is a key ______in America’s democratic system.

a. / linkage institution / d. / input
b. / stimulus-response / e. / output
c. / majoritarian inhibitor

____8.One type of linkage institution is

a. / an interest group. / d. / a legislature.
b. / a bureaucracy. / e. / All of these.
c. / a government.

____9.The effects a policy has on people and problems is called

a. / policy implementation. / d. / policy impacts.
b. / policy agendas. / e. / policy outputs.
c. / policy issues.

____10.A means of selecting policymakers and/or organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences is

a. / democracy. / d. / public administration
b. / government. / e. / All of these
c. / politics.

____11.Two of the most important principles of democratic theory are majority rule and

a. / minority rights. / d. / majority restraint
b. / the plurality vote / e. / judicial review
c. / Roberts’ Rules of Order.

____12.Pluralist theory contends that in the United States

a. / many groups vie for power with no one set of groups dominating. / d. / because most citizens fail to pay attention to serious issues, government has become an elite institution.
b. / society is governed solely by an upper-class elite / e. / the many members of Congress dominate a singular official such as the President.
c. / too many influential groups cripple government’s ability to govern.

____13.The most fundamental element of democratic theory is

a. / majority rule / d. / access to information
b. / equality / e. / power to the people!
c. / government efficiency

____14.Representation refers to

a. / the protection of minority rights in a pluralist system. / d. / all policy views being included in political debate.
b. / majority rule. / e. / electing office-holders in fair and free elections.
c. / the correspondence between the few leaders and the many followers in a democracy.

____15.A system in which many groups make themselves heard and felt somewhere in the policy process is

a. / pluralistic. / d. / bureaucratic.
b. / hyperpluralistic. / e. / direct democracy.
c. / elitist.

____16.At the center of all theories of elite domination of politics is

a. / big business / d. / the Trilateral Commission.
b. / the President. / e. / the nouveau riche.
c. / the Congress.

____17.The theory that sees wealth as the basis of power is the

a. / democratic theory / d. / hyperpluralist theory.
b. / elite and class theory / e. / Jeffersonian theory.
c. / pluralist theory

____18.Hyperpluralists believe that the dominant player in American politics is

a. / groups / d. / rich individuals.
b. / the President. / e. / the media.
c. / the government.

____19.PAC stands for

a. / Political Action Committee / d. / Policy Advisory Commission
b. / Party Affairs Council / e. / Paul Auger’s Crazy
c. / Partisan Assistance Contribution

____20.The Declaration of Independence argued that

a. / people should revolt when they suffer deep injustices. / d. / revolution is justifiable whenever peole become angry with their government.
b. / nations are indivisible and a people must never secede from their mother nation. / e. / the British parliament was to blame for the evils imposed upon the colonists.
c. / people should always work peacefully within the system to redress any grievances they have.

____21.The Articles of Confederation were adopted by

a. / the Continental Congress. / d. / the Continental Army under command of General George Washington.
b. / President George Washington. / e. / the British Parliament.
c. / a small, self-appointed committee of the nation’s political leaders.

____22.Shay’s Rebellion was

a. / a slave uprising in Virginia. / d. / an uprising by small merchants demanding credit.
b. / an uprising by Revolutionary War veterans demanding pensions. / e. / the most decisive battle of the Revolution, after which British troops were never again able to mount a major offensive against American troops.
c. / an uprising by farmers to prevent judges from foreclosing on farms.

____23.The ______, offered as one possible scheme at the Constitutional Convention, called for each state to be equally represented in Congress.

a. / New Jersey Plan / d. / Virginia Plan
b. / three-fifths compromise / e. / Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
c. / Connecticut Compromise

____24.According to the Constitution, each state was entitled to how many senators?

a. / Two / d. / One
b. / It depended on the state’s population. / e. / As many as it wanted to send.
c. / None

____25.The Federalist Papers were

a. / essays in support of ratification of the constitution. / d. / the notes that George Washington took at the Constitutinoal Convention
b. / the original name of the constitution written by the Constitutional Convention. / e. / newspapers which backed the Federalist Party in early U.S. elections.
c. / essays written that were critical of the constitution.

____26.Who issued The Declaration of Independence

a. / the Continental Congress / d. / the 13 colonial legislatures
b. / President George Washington / e. / General George Washington
c. / the Constitutional Convention of 1776

____27.Who issued The Declaration of Independence

a. / the Continental Congress / d. / the 13 colonial legislatures
b. / President George Washington / e. / General George Washington
c. / the Constitutional Convention of 1776