Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth: 2nd November 1955
Position: Professor
Organisation: Department of Life Sciences
Dibrugarh University
Assam: 786 004
Ph 9450 33479 (M)
Education (Post-Graduation onwards & Professional Career)
Sl No. / InstitutionPlace / Degree
Awarded / Year / Field of Study
1. / Jawaharlal Nehru University (Imphal Centre) / Master of Science / 1977 / Life Sciences (Spl. in Fishery Science)
2. / North Eastern Hill University, Shillong / Doctor of Philosophy / 1982 / Zoology (Fish Biology)
Research Publications: 77
Books Published: 05
Thrust Area of Research: Hydrobiology in relation to fisheries and aquatic fauna. For the last 20yrs I have been working on river dolphin, ecology and fisheries of the Brahmaputra River including floodplain lakes and livelihood of fisher folk
No. of PhD: Awarded: 16; Presently working :06
Position and Employment (Starting with the most recent employment)
Sl No. / InstitutionPlace / Position / From (Date) / To (date)
1. / Dibrugarh University / Professor in Life Sciences / 2005 / To date
2. / Dibrugarh University / Reader in Life Sciences / 1996 / 2005
3. / Dibrugarh University / Lecturer (Selection grade) / 1995 / 1996
4. / Dibrugarh University / Lecturer (Sr. scale) / 1990 / 1995
5. / Sibsagar College, Assam / Lecturer / 1982 / 1990
Project Completed/Undertaken: 6
Sl No / Project Title / Funding Agency / Amount(Rs in lacs) / Period / Status
1 / Observations on the growth and production potential of ‘shoot carps’ or fast growing fry of cultivated carps / DST, New Delhi / 0.6 / 1985-89 / Completed
2 / Ecology of chars or river islands of Brahmaputra River with special reference to fisheries / MoEF, New Delhi / 6.3 / 1994-98 / Completed
3 / Germplsm Inventory, Evaluation and Gene Banking of Freshwater Fishes / ICAR-NATP / 22.76 / 1999-02 / Completed
4 / Strategy and approach for comprehensive development of fisheries involving community based programme with special reference to NE Region / NBFGR (ICAR) / 10.0 / 2005-07 / Completed
5 / Studies of the impact of farm and industrial effluent on the commercially important threatened freshwater fishes in north eastern India / DST, New Delhi / 13.68 / 2005-08 / Completed
6 / Inventorization of fish and aquatic mega-fauna of Dibru-Saikhowa National Park / MoEF, New Delhi / 7.2 / 2008-11 / Completed
Academic Distinctions/Awards, Medals, Scholarships/Fellowships:
· Awarded Merit Scholarship in 1971
· Young Scientist Award in 1985
· Fellow of Inland Fisheries Society of India, Barrackpore in 1997
· Fellow of Academy of Environmental Biology, Lucknow in 2010
Membership of the Professional bodies: 10
Any other matter
· Associated with International Hydrological Program (IHP-V) from 1996 – 2001
· Associated with EU funded Brahmatwinn project (2006-2007).
· Acted as a member in an Advisory Body for EIA study on an Oil India Project (Impact on Seismic Survey on Fish and Dolphin of the Brahmaputra Basin) constituted by Ministry of Environ. & Forests, Govt of India (2008-10)
· Acted as a member in an Advisory Body for an NHPC Project (Impact Assessment on Lower Subansiri Hydroelectric Power Project) constituted by Govt. of Assam (2007-10)
· Associated with several professional bodies related to environment and fisheries
· Acted as member QRT for DCFR, Bhimtal. Uttarakhand.
· Paper reviewer of six National and International Research Journals
· PhD examiner, UG and PG Board member of several Universities.
List of important publications (last 15 years)
1. S.P. Biswas (1996): Global water scarcity : Issues and implications with special reference to India. Verh. Internat. Varein. Limnol. Stuttgart., 26 : 115-121.
2. S. P. Biswas and J. Phukon 91996): On some aspects of the biology of an ornamental fish, Erethistes pussilus from the Brahmaputra Basin. J. Freshwater Biol. 8 (1):27-32.
3. S.P. Biswas, A. Baruah, and R.S.L. Mohan (1997): Current status of River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in the River Brahmaputra. Internatl. J. Ecol.Environ. Sci., 23: 357-361.
4. S.P. Biswas, D. Baruah and A. Hazarika (2000): An experimental study of soil conservation using herbaceous plants in Majuli Island, Assam, India. The Environmentalist, 20: 19-27.
5. S.P. Biswas and S. Boruah (2000): Fisheries ecology of the North-Eastern Himalaya with special reference to the Brahmaputra River. Ecol. Eng.,16:39-50.
6. S.P. Biswas and S. Boruah (2000): Ecology of the River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in the Upper Brahmaputra. Hydrobiologia, 430: 97-111.
7. S.P. Biswas, A. Baruah and S. Boruah. (2001): Conservation status of fish resources in the Brahmaputra basin. Tropical Zoology. 2 &3:125-131.
8. S. Boruah and S.P. Biswas (2001): Resatoration of Riverine Ecosystem : A Case Study in the Upper Brahmaputra Basin. In: Ecohydrology (eds. V. Subrahmanian and AL. Ramanathan), UNESCO-IHP Publications, p.17-26.
9. S. Boruah and S.P. Biswas (2002): Ecohydrology and Fisheries of the Upper Brahmaputra Basin. The Environmentalist, 22(2): 119-131 (2002)
10. S. Boruah and S.P. Biswas (2002): Application of ecohydrology in the Brahmaputra River. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 2(1-4): 79-87.
11. S. Boruah and S.P. Biswas (2002):Influence of water quality on the ecology of the River Brahmaputra. In: Recent Trends in Hydrogeochemistry – Case studies from surface and sub-surface waters of selected countries. (eds. AL. Ramanathan and R. Ramesh) Capital Publishing House, New Delhi; p. 83-88.
12. S. P. Biswas (2003): Strategy for conservation of ornamental fishes in the North Eastern Himalaya Region. In: Participatory Approach for fish Biodiversity conservation in North East India (Eds. P. C. Mahanta and L. K. Tyagi) NBFGR. Lucknow. p.181-192.
13. M. Choudhury and S. P. Biswas (2003): Maturity and spawning habit of an ornamental snakehead fish Channa barca (Hamilton). J. Ecophysiol. Occup. Hlth. 3:149-152.
14. G. Hatikakaty and S. P. Biswas (2004): Length weight relationship of Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) from a pond in Upper Assam, India. J. Environ. & Ecoplan, 8(1): 229-236.
15. M. Choudhury and S. P. Biswas (2004): Prospects of rearing of a threatened murrel, Channa barca (Hamilton). J. Inland Fish Soc. India, 36(2):36-41.
16. M. Choudhury and S. P. Biswas (2004): Ecology and Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Wetlands in Upper Assam. In. Management of Freshwater Ecosystems (ed. L.L. Sharma et al), p. 73-82.
17. A. Wakid and S. P. Biswas (2005): Status and diversity of fish fauna in Dibru-Saikhowa National Park, Assam. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.102(1): 50-55.
18. J. N. Das and S. P. Biswas (2005): Present status, diversity and habitate ecology of ornamental fishes in the flood plain lakes of Upper Assam. Bull. Life Sci., 11: 32-40.
19. M. Choudhary and S. P. Biswas (2005): Habitat degradation of flood plain lakes of Assam- A great threat to fishery industry in the state. Indian Farming, 55(6): 14-21
20. S. P. Biswas (2005): Diversity of ornamental fishes in the wetlands of Assam. In: Nat. Symp. On “Re-assessment of Fish Genetic Resources in India and Need to Evolve Sustainable Methodology for conservation” (Eds. P.C. Mahanta & A.K. Singh), NBFGR, Lucknow, p. 26-28.
21. J.N. Das and S.P. Biswas (2006): Diversity of Indigenous Ornamental Fishes in the Rivers of Upper Assam: Biodiversity Conservation and Future Concern (Eds P.J. Handique and M.C. Kalita), NEBA, Gauhati University, Guwahati, p. 76-83.
22. J.N. Das, S.P. Biswas & T. Saikia (2006): Degradation of riverine and wetland habitats in Upper Assam and their restoration In. Sustain Fish (eds. B.M. Kurup & K. Ravindran. School of Industrial Fisheries. Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin-682016; p. 528-535.
23. S. P. Biswas, Th. P. Singha and B. K. Dutta (2007): Status of Endangered River Dolphin (Platenista gangetica) in North East India. In.Biodiversity Conservation – the Post Bio Scenario in India, (eds. B.K. Dutta et al), Assam University, Silchar, p. 46-51.
24. S.P. Biswas, J.N. Das,U.K. Sarkar & W.S. Lakra (2007): Ornamental Fishes of North East India- An Atlas. NBFGR (ICAR) Publication, Lucknow, p.111.
25. S.P. Biswas and S. Boruah (2007): Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards on the Hydrobiology of the Brahmaputra River System. In. Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards on Fish and Fisheries (ed. Umesh C. Goswami). Narendra Publishing House, Delhi. p. 233-244.
26. I. Rahman, I. Gogoi and S. P. Biswas (2007): Effects of Pogostemon parviflorus on reproduction of Helopeltis theivora feeding on different tea varieties. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India, 77(B)283-287.
27. S. P. Biswas and M. Choudhury (2008): Ecology and Ichthyofaunal diversity of wetlands in upper Assam. In L. L. Sharma et al. (eds) Management of Freshwater Ecosystem. Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, Rajasthan
28. J. N. Das and S.P. Biswas (2008): A Handbook of Ornamental Fishes of the Brahmaputra Basin. EBH Publishers (India), Guwahati. p.109.
29. A. Sharma and S. P. Biswas (2008): Texural and chemical studies of riverine sediment of the Tungabhadra basin in Chitrdurga District, Karnataka receiving Domestic Sewage from Harihar region. Bull. Life Sci., 14:48-55.
30. A. Sharma, S. P. Biswas, S. Boruah, J. Das and A. Bhattacharjya (2008): Dynamics of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in floodplain wetlands of Upper Brahmaputra valley, Assam, North East India. Proc. on Natl. Sem. on wetland and livelihood, 133-143.
31. S. Boruah, P. Ganguly, S. P. Biswas and A. Sharma (2008): Land use land cover changes: Its impact on the wetland Ecosystem of Maguri beel, Assam, India. In. conservation and Restoration (Eds. V. K. Choubey et al.) In national Institute of Hydrology Roorkee, Uttarkhand. p. 605-616
32. M. Gohain and S.P. Biswas (2009): Fecundity of some fish species of the Brahmaputra Basin. Geobios. 36:157-160.
33. S. Dakua, A. Santosh Kumar Singh, P. Choudhury and S.P.Biswas (2009): A Preliminary Investigation on the Fish and Fisheries of Maijan Beel in Upper Assam. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan. 16 (1): 262-270.
34. S. P. Biswas and J. N. Das (2009): Current status and diversity of ornamental fishes in flood plain wetlands of Upper Brahmaputra basin. In. Wetlands of North-East India: Ecology, Aquatic Bioresoprces and Conservation (ed.) L. Kosygyn. Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, p 114-123.
35. S. P. Biswas and J. N. Das (2009): Fish tales and the mystique of the river dolphin In.Inredible Dibru Saikhowa National Park (ed.K.K. Dwivedi).Dibru-Saikhowa Conservation Society, Tinsukia. p. 64-69.
36. A. Santosh Kumar Singh, S. Dakua and S.P. Biswas (2009): Physico-chemical parameters and fish enumeration of Maijan Beel (wetland) of Upper Assam. Geobios 36:184-188.
37. S. P. Biswas (2010): Prospects of rearing Labeo pungusia (Ham) in the highlands of North Eastern India. In: Coldwater fisheries management. Mahanta, P. C. & Sarma, D. (eds). DCFR, Bhimtal. p.83-90.
38. S. Boruah and S. P. Biswas (2010): An eco-hydrological approach to habitat restoration of the Brahmaputra river: Bank stabilization by phytoremediation. 4th Aqua Conference, 8-10 December, India Habitat Centre, Delhi.p.79-87.
39. A. G. Choudhury, S. K S. Abujam, S. P. Biswas and A. Gupta (2011): Investigation on certain limnological parameters of Namdapha River in Arunachal Pradesh. Geobios, 38(1): 91-95.
40. H. Phukon and S. P. Biswas (2011): Study on habitat ecology and fish diversity of a wetland in Upper Assam. Geobios, 38(1):45-48
41. A. SantoshKumar Singh and S. P. Biswas (2011): Studies on the reproductive biology of spiny eel, Macrognathus aral (Bloch & Schneider) from upper Assam The Journal of Enviromental Biology (in press).
42. S. K S. Abujam, S. Dakua, B. Bakalial, A. K. Saikia, S. P. Biswas, P. Choudhury (2011): Diversity of plankton in Maijan beel, Upper Assam. Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Science (in press).