Table W1 (online)
Coefficients for Response mapping model by EQ-5D dimension and response level†

OHS question: response level / Mobility / Self-care / Usual Activities / Pain / Discomfort / Anxiety / Depression
1 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 3
Description of pain: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Description of pain: 1 / 0.270 / -12.538 * / 0.069 / 0.684 / 0.228 / 0.022 / -1.345 * / -2.340 * / -0.085 / -0.229
Description of pain: 2 / 0.239 / 17.937 * / 0.495 * / 0.505 / 0.009 / 0.028 / -0.793 * / -3.260 * / 0.089 / 0.680
Description of pain: 3 / 0.506 / 6.363 / 1.047 * / -15.188 * / -0.186 / -0.387 / 0.197 / -3.440 * / 0.178 / -0.629
Description of pain: 4 / 0.406 / 10.411 / 1.086 * / 1.337 / 0.034 / -0.236 / 1.561 * / -1.837 * / -0.071 / 0.223
Night pain: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Night pain: 1 / 0.258 / 0.327 / -0.145 / -0.382 / 0.244 / 0.198 / -0.051 / -0.320 / 0.029 / -0.311
Night pain: 2 / -0.206 / -26.334 * / 0.108 / -1.002 / 0.185 / -0.149 / -0.182 / -0.627 * / 0.224 / 0.009
Night pain: 3 / 0.034 / -13.243 * / 0.305 / -15.313 * / 0.684 * / 0.520 / -0.161 / -1.508 * / 0.170 / 0.464
Night pain: 4 / -0.120 / -13.476 * / 0.216 / 0.674 / 0.560 / 0.560 / 0.533 / -0.645 * / -0.242 / -0.235
Sudden pain: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Sudden pain: 1 / -0.957 * / -0.789 / 0.488 * / 0.914 / -0.003 / -0.097 / -0.234 / -0.259 / -0.124 / -0.143
Sudden pain: 2 / -0.539 / -14.095 * / 0.182 / -0.360 / -0.232 / -0.009 / -0.458 / -0.622 * / 0.129 / -0.061
Sudden pain: 3 / -0.742 * / -4.900 / 0.325 / 0.875 / -0.673 / -1.205 * / 0.124 / -0.327 / -0.030 / -1.749 *
Sudden pain: 4 / -0.716 * / -29.959 * / 0.158 / -0.366 / -0.374 / -0.038 / 0.422 / -0.597 * / -0.180 / -0.728
Limping: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Limping: 1 / 0.516 * / 2.308 / -0.075 / -0.149 / 0.198 / -0.212 / 0.304 / -0.533 * / -0.055 / 0.214
Limping: 2 / 0.651 * / 16.388 * / 0.013 / 0.072 / 0.104 / -0.544 / 0.364 / -0.610 / -0.145 / -0.218
Limping: 3 / 1.026 * / 10.119 * / -0.099 / -2.124 / 0.534 * / -0.336 / 0.567 * / -0.373 / 0.132 / -0.156
Limping: 4 / 1.538 * / 32.265 * / -0.004 / -0.460 / 0.710 * / 0.129 / 0.637 * / -0.009 / -0.415 / -0.162
Walking duration: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Walking duration: 1 / -0.750 / 0.442 / -0.126 / 0.931 / -0.150 / 0.299 / 0.090 / -0.527 * / 0.344 / 0.560
Walking duration: 2 / -0.662 * / -13.361 * / 0.013 / -0.285 / -0.232 / 0.219 / 0.092 / -0.416 * / 0.419 * / 0.467
Walking duration: 3 / -0.136 / -1.323 / -0.340 / -0.066 / -0.051 / -0.468 / 0.018 / -0.548 * / 0.123 / 0.276
Walking duration: 4 / 0.365 / 17.524 * / -0.095 / -0.786 / 0.042 / -0.199 / 0.339 / -0.822 * / 0.061 / 0.339
Climbing stairs: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Climbing stairs: 1 / -0.672 / -0.926 / 0.233 / 0.403 / -0.762 / -0.390 / -0.198 / 0.175 / 0.204 / -0.123
Climbing stairs: 2 / -0.373 / -17.256 * / 0.229 / -0.964 / -0.488 / -0.690 * / -0.616 / -0.161 / 0.051 / -0.792 *
Climbing stairs: 3 / 0.380 / -11.117 / -0.058 / -1.480 / -0.003 / -0.505 / -0.824 / -0.688 / -0.111 / -1.233 *
Climbing stairs: 4 / 0.819 * / -10.422 * / -0.248 / -1.547 / 0.398 / -0.677 / -0.488 / -0.588 / -0.328 / -1.123
Socks and stockings: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Socks and stockings: 1 / 0.393 / -1.460 / -0.350 / -1.374 * / 0.082 / -0.452 * / 0.133 / -0.327 / -0.365 * / -0.130
Socks and stockings: 2 / 0.035 / -28.254 * / -0.928 * / -1.029 / -0.009 / -0.376 / -0.171 / -0.331 / -0.169 / -0.032
Socks and stockings: 3 / 0.261 / -2.077 / -1.628 * / -2.364 * / 0.047 / -0.305 / -0.042 / -0.184 / -0.033 / 0.188
Socks and stockings: 4 / 0.735 * / 7.397 / -2.580 * / -1.118 / 0.256 / -0.395 / 0.302 / -0.776 / -0.418 / 0.365
Pain from standing up from chair: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Pain from standing up from chair: 1 / 0.718 / -2.117 / -0.462 / -1.770 * / 0.780 / -0.400 / -0.721 / -0.562 / -0.407 / -0.856 *
Pain from standing up from chair: 2 / 0.445 / -14.710 * / -0.341 / 0.553 / 0.788 / -0.367 / -0.817 / -1.111 * / -0.497 / -0.597
Pain from standing up from chair: 3 / 0.494 / -16.799 * / -0.409 / 0.931 / 0.496 / -0.616 / -0.754 / -1.445 * / -0.537 / -1.324 *
Pain from standing up from chair: 4 / 0.400 / -32.046 * / -0.329 / 1.235 / 0.305 / -0.443 / -0.269 / -0.887 / -0.494 / -1.629 *
Car and public transport: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Car and public transport: 1 / 0.152 / 1.356 / -0.135 / -0.339 / -0.768 / 0.095 / -1.893 / 0.104 / 0.096 / -0.289
Car and public transport: 2 / -0.209 / -13.786 * / -0.204 / -1.925 * / -1.223 / 0.113 / -1.579 / -0.100 / -0.021 / -0.683
Car and public transport: 3 / 0.101 / -23.704 * / -0.454 / -3.295 / -0.657 / -0.754 / -1.963 * / 0.280 / -0.255 / -0.293
Car and public transport: 4 / 0.327 / -18.237 * / -0.475 / -2.200 / -0.146 / -0.018 / -1.783 / 0.725 / -0.170 / 0.137
Washing and drying: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Washing and drying: 1 / -1.340 * / 0.904 / 1.034 * / -1.894 * / -0.543 / 0.504 / -0.121 / 0.353 / -0.040 / 0.154
Washing and drying: 2 / -0.988 / -28.771 * / -0.150 / -3.159 * / -0.174 / 0.098 / -0.269 / 0.421 / -0.039 / 0.065
Washing and drying: 3 / -1.000 / -12.552 * / -1.161 * / -4.903 * / 0.012 / 0.157 / -0.019 / 0.498 / -0.232 / -0.598
Washing and drying: 4 / -1.079 / -13.849 * / -2.183 * / -2.858 * / 0.299 / 0.028 / 0.020 / 0.350 / -0.216 / 0.180
House shopping: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
House shopping: 1 / 0.255 / -32.816 * / -0.090 / -0.433 / 0.005 / -0.634 * / 0.497 / 0.558 * / -0.221 / -0.303
House shopping: 2 / 0.443 / -12.410 * / -0.304 * / -1.662 / -0.199 / -1.030 * / 0.137 / 0.139 / -0.262 / -0.441
House shopping: 3 / 0.840 * / 1.661 / -0.652 * / -0.897 / 0.026 / -0.913 * / 0.419 / 0.005 / -0.752 * / -0.774
House shopping: 4 / 1.659 * / -16.399 * / -1.031 * / -3.012 * / 0.888 * / -1.109 * / 0.594 * / -0.153 / -1.025 * / -1.123 *
Pain interfering work: 0 / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case / Base case
Pain interfering work: 1 / -0.369 / 0.363 / -0.280 / -1.262 / -0.157 / -1.401 * / 0.455 / -0.476 * / 0.172 / -0.361
Pain interfering work: 2 / 0.450 / 11.253 * / -0.206 / -1.594 / -0.282 / -2.270 * / -0.070 / -1.153 * / -0.206 / -0.796
Pain interfering work: 3 / 0.807 / -4.422 / -0.295 / 0.956 / 0.865 / -2.383 * / 0.617 / -1.392 * / -0.326 / -1.192
Pain interfering work: 4 / 1.312 * / -0.642 / -0.717 * / -0.148 / 2.174 * / -1.717 * / 1.365 * / -0.455 / -0.631 * / -2.172 *
Constant / -3.041 * / -2.543 / 2.470 * / 2.995 * / -2.602 * / 1.637 * / -0.213 / 3.175 * / 0.769 / 0.485

†Of the three response levels for each EQ-5D dimension (one, two or three), one was automatically removed by Stata to become the base level; coefficients are given for the remaining two with respect to the base case.

* Statistically significant at 0.05 level