List of Appendices
Appendix A: Swanton Rd. Mock Up Photographs
Appendix B: Hwy 1/ Swanton Rd. Mock Up Photographs
Appendix C: Waddell Creek Mock Up Photographs
Appendix D: Hwy 1 Emergency Call Boxes
Appendix E: Coastal Neighbors Community Meeting Flyer
Appendix F: Tadpole Cell Tower Mortality Study- Alfonso Balmori
Appendix G: Statement by Dr. Jonathan Samet, World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer
Appendix H: Santa Cruz Sentinel Article
Appendix I: Santa Cruz County Health Dept. Study: Health Risks Associated with Smart Meters
Appendix J: Letter from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine to the California Public Utilities Commission urging a halt to smart meter deployment.
Appendix A: Swanton Rd. Mock Up Photographs
Visual clutter obstructing view of special scenic area between Swanton Rd. and Highway 1
Infrastructure proposed to be placed on ocean side of Scenic Road
First view of Swanton Valley heading northbound on Swanton Rd.
Infrastructure proposed to be placed on ocean side of Scenic Road
Photo illustrating how radiation exposure to publicly accessible hillsides may exceed ground level radiation forecasts
Appendix B: Hwy 1/ Swanton Rd. Mock Up Photographs
Appendix C: Waddell Creek Mock Up Photographs
Waddell Creek Cell site is visible from wetlands- home to several endangered species
Appendix D: Hwy 1 Emergency Call Boxes
Call boxes at regular intervals provide emergency communication along remote stretches of coastline
Appendix E: Coastal Neighbors Community Meeting Flyer
Appendix G: Statement by Dr. Jonathan Samet, World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer
Dr. Jonathan Samet, UC California, was a member of the IARC working group. In a press conference following the IARC announcement that radio-frequency electromagnetic fields is a 2b carcinogen he states, " The designation for group 2b is radio frequency electromagnetic fields that is unspecified as to source, so the group 2b classification would have broad applicability to sources with this type of emissions."
Starts at 2:44-3:30
Appendix H: Santa Cruz Sentinel Article