7th May 2017


Meeting opened:10.30am


  • Present: Tim Davis, Danni Stringer, Ailsa Enting-Hawke, Declan Brady, Rex Johnson, Sam O’Connell
  • Absent with apologies: Sean Davis (on leave), Marty Tonkin, Jade Tremaine

Next meeting: 10am, 4th June 2017 at Ailsa’s house

Meeting Items

Reviewing Actionable Items

  • Proposal for elite level trainings (interstate coach to come over and run a session): could be done in conjunction with Vanguard and their mixed high level trainings. Make this a selective event. Suggestion to get John Horan- technical skills coach (footwork)
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to tell Vanguard/Zig Theory/Outbreak to write proposal for elite level coach (Rex no longer in charge)
  • SASMA first aid course (wasn’t organised for February this year)
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim to organise SASMA first aid course in place of Rex
  • AFDA paid positions: Declan spoke to Woodie. They pay employees in a similar way to contractors, paid for a service. Not covered by insurance, don’t need to go through AFDA
  • Sam researched Sports and Rec and possibility of money for paid positions
  • Found that we need to be child safe compliant to apply for these grants. Need code of conduct for adults and youth, suitable volunteers, DCSI cleared child safe officer (Sam has a checklist)
  • Pass this onto the next board. They should aim to write a Child Safe Policy and organise an officer
  • Youth Nat’s coaches should have DCSI clearance  SAFDA will pay for this clearance
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim/Sam to discuss Child Safe Policy and need for an officer at planning meeting for new board
  • Rex will find an assistant or someone to take over the organisation of Big Splash (he already has enough to organise)

Club Affiliations

  • UniSA Ultimate and CREW Ultimate applied to affiliate with SAFDA. Both contain sufficient points to qualify for affiliation and have met the criteria.
  • Both approved for affiliation
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Danni to send reminder to other club presidents about affiliating prior to the end of league if they desire rebates

U18s Youth Nationals

  • SAFDA will (likely, once a proposal is completed and approved) fund coaches and team manager to attend the event. Will cover one car to drive over to Melbourne, DCSI clearance cost, accommodation, pending approval of the proposal.
  • Aim to have players fund the coaches in future
  • Boys’ team 95% locked in, girls’ team still in the works. Plan to train prior to start of league on Wednesday nights
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Rex to write plan and budget for Youth Nationals campaign and bring to next meeting

Winter Ball

  • Is there potential to sell alcohol at the Winter Ball- is this liquor licence more expensive?
  • Suggestion: wristbands for people drinking so we know numbers for alcohol purchase
  • ACTIONABLE ITEM: Jade to investigate cost of different liquor licence and bring information to the board to consider idea of selling alcohol at Winter Ball

Emma Victory’s grant application

  • Requesting $600 for flights to Sydney training camps for her Beach World’s campaign
  • States she will organise for a beach running coach to come over to SA and will help run beach leagues
  • SAFDA does not have the money to fund players for World’s campaigns as this sets a precedent for the future that SAFDA couldn’t sustain
  • Not approved money for her world’s campaign but willing to put money towards the beach running coach (if a suitable grant application was put forward). Would be good to open this up to all Beach World’s players and Beach Nationals players.

Jony Warren-White’s grant application

  • Requesting $600 for flights to Sydney training camps for his Beach World’s campaign
  • States he will run coaching sessions for beach national (2018) players over the summer of 2017/18
  • SAFDA does not have the money to fund players for World’s campaigns as this sets a precedent for the future that SAFDA couldn’t sustain
  • Suggestion that we don’t have the buy in for beach nationals at this stage, particularly at that time of year around the Nationals campaign
  • Not approved but interested in supporting coaching sessions (will tell him to let us know if this is something he is still keen to do)

Hot Weather

  • Policy: Wet bulb temperature over 30, cancelled 24 hours before. If 28-29, still monitoring and will update 7 hours prior to event: if prediction changes to over 30  cancelled. If going ahead, TD must check wet bulb just prior to event start to check wet bulb is still under 30. If not, will be cancelled.
  • Danni and Declan to check and edit storm/winds/rain section (needs to be catastrophic wind warning to cancel event)
  • Tournaments: wet bulb over 30 may only apply for a certain time/s of day  will be cancelled for this period
  • Applies to all athletic Ultimate events run in South Australia
  • Will be an interim policy (on trial and will be reviewed after each time it’s used)
  • ACTIONABLE ITEMS: Danni and Declan to update Extreme Weather Policy


  • Needs to be arranged prior to the end of this board’s term
  • ACTIONABLE ITEMS: Declan to organise audit

Portfolio Handover

  • Yearly reports, write a ‘how to do my job’ documentfor hand over meeting
  • ACTIONABLE ITEMS: Ailsa to write post about upcoming AGM and board nominations (ask people to let us know if interested)

Meeting closed: 12.45

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to tell Vanguard/Zig Theory/Outbreak to write proposal for elite level coach (Rex no longer in charge)

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim to organise SASMA first aid course in place of Rex

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim/Sam to discuss Child Safe Policy and need for an officer at planning meeting for new board

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Danni to send reminder to other club presidents about affiliating prior to the end of league if they desire rebates

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Rex to write plan and budget for Youth Nationals campaign and bring to next meeting

ACTIONABLE ITEM: Jade to investigate cost of different liquor licence and bring information to the board to consider idea of selling alcohol at Winter Ball

ACTIONABLE ITEMS: Danni and Declan to update Extreme Weather Policy

ACTIONABLE ITEMS: Declan to organise audit

ACTIONABLE ITEMS: Ailsa to write post about upcoming AGM and board nominations (ask people to let us know if interested)