Grade Level Instructional Plan
School Year: / Grade Level: / Date of Plan: / Date(s) of Revisions:Team Members:
Purpose: To coordinate support efforts within each class and across all classes for the grade level.
Directions:Use your universal screening data as a starting point for developing a grade level instructional plan. (See “Guidance for Analyzing DIBELS Benchmark Data” and “Guidance for Analyzing Grade Level Behavior Data”.)Use additional data as needed to inform your plan. Begin with setting common grade level goals. Then complete the tables on pages 2-4 to outline the supports that will be provided. Revisit this plan every 4-6 weeks as a grade level team.
Grade Level Goals for Reading and Behavior
(See “Guidance for Setting Grade Level Goals”)
Whole Group Core Reading
How will whole group reading instruction be provided? __ By class__By skill level__ Other:
If by skill level, how will students be grouped (e.g., by core program placement assessment, universal screening data, both)?
Complete a row in the table below for each group.
Core Reading:Whole Groups / Days/times / Curriculum/Materials / Instructor(s) / Differentiation Needs
Whole Group A:
Whole Group B:
Whole Group C:
Whole Group D:
Small Group Core Reading
How will small group reading instruction be provided? __By skill level within a class __By skill level across classes__ Other:
Use the DIBELS Next Instructional Grouping Recommendations in combination with other data to form your small groups.
Complete a row in the table below for each small group across the grade level.
Core Reading: Small Groups / Common Need[1] / Level of Support[2] / Small Group Instruction / Progress MonitoringDays/Times / Curriculum/ Resources / Instructor / Differentiation Needs / Y/N / Which Measure, Grade-level? / How Often? / By Whom?
Small Group A:
Small Group B:
Small Group C:
Small Group D:
Small Group E:
Small Group F:
Small Group G:
Small Group H:
Small Group I:
Small Group J:
Small Group K:
Grade Level Behavior Problem Solving
Organizing Your Precise Problem Statement (after working through “Guidance for Analyzing Grade Level Behavior Data” Document:
What is the problem behavior?How often is the problem behavior happening?
Where is the problem happening?
Who is engaged in the behavior?
When is the problem most likely to occur?
Why is the problem sustaining?
Using Data to Develop Solutions
Goal: ______
Solution Components / What are the action steps? / Who is responsible? / By when? / How will fidelity be measured? / Notes/UpdatesPrevention
Corrective Consequence
What data will we look at? / Who is responsible for gathering the data? / When/how often will data be gathered? / Where will data be shared? / Who will see the data?
Data Collection
[1] With which Big Idea of Reading does this group need the most support? (PA = Phonemic Awareness, P = Phonics, F = Fluency, V = Vocabulary, C = Comprehension)
[2]What level of support do they need? C = Core Support, S = Strategic Support, I = Intensive Support (Based on Universal Screening data)