Template for Head of Department (HoD) certification
For applications that include:
(i) Macquarie investigators from more than one department and/or
(ii) investigators from other universities or organisations,
please use the template to collect the approval(s) from the HoD(s) outside of the lead Macquarie department.
It would be sensible for your CI from each department or institution to complete the template by filling out the highlighted areas, and customising the initial text as needed, and then liaising with her/hisHoD to have the template confirmed by return email.
If your CI hasn’t already spoken with her/his HoD, now would be a good time to do so, or else s/he should include in the email the essential details of the project, the time and resource commitments from the department, and the return and benefits to the department. Attaching the draft application would be advisable too.
We strongly recommendthat your investigators should let their Research Office (or similar) know that they are involved in your proposal. That way, there won’t be any surprises for the collaborating institution(s), if and when the grant is funded.
Subject: Head of Departmentcertification for Macquarie-led grant application
As you will recall, I am involved in a grant application, led by NAME OF FIRST CI, under theFUNDING SCHEME. In order to meet the requirements of the funding body and allow Macquarie to submit our application, I would appreciate it if you would please confirm your support of my involvement in the application and the commitment of departmental resources as we previously discussed. Please use the template below as a basis for confirming your approval by replying to me.
As Head of DEPARTMENT NAME at INSTITUTION NAME, I acknowledge my support of NAME(S) OF INVESTIGATOR(S)'s participation in the application entitled "TITLE" and led byNAME OF LEAD CI of Macquarie University, which is being submitted to the SCHEME NAME scheme. I confirm that the time and other resource commitments made to the grant from our investigator/investigatorsareacceptable and can be met by the department, and that her/his/theiractivities on this project, if funded, can be facilitated by and accommodated within the department.