Booking form

Please use a separate sheet per place required

About you

NameJob title

OrganisationTelephone number

Mailing address


Do you have any special dietary requirements?

Which course

Name of course

Course codeCourse date

Information to aid trainer

What do you hope to gain from this course?

What existing level of experience do you have?

Where did you find out about this training event?

Do you have mobility problems or any special learning needs?

Do you require any information in an accessible format? (e.g. large print, Braille, loop system)


To help us establish where funding for training courses is coming from, please tick the appropriate box:

I am self-funding My employer is funding training

Total amount due £ I enclose a cheque (made payable to Thrive)

I wish to pay by  Visa  Mastercard  Switch Issue number Security number 

Card number Start date /Expiry date /

Cardholder signature

 Please invoice my organisation – (address if different from above)

 I am/my organisation is a member of Thrive (please quote membership number)

 I am not/my organisation is not a member of Thrive (see over for membership)

Terms and conditions overleaf

Charges, terms and conditions


Thrive members£85Multiple bookings £5 discount per course

Nonmembers£120Multiple bookings £5 discount per course

Early booking discounts

If you would like to receive promotional information in the future about early booking discounts,

please supply us with your email address ______


Can be made by cheque, Visa, Mastercard or Switch

If preferred Thrive will invoice your organisation as detailed on the booking form.


Will be accepted on receipt of a completed booking form and will be on a first come, first served basis.

Registration and confirmation

Registration and travel details will be posted to you 10 days prior to the course.

For booking confirmation before this time, please provide a stamped addressed envelope.

Substitute delegate

Should a course delegate be unable to attend, Thrive will be pleased to accept a substitute.

Cancellation and charges

If a booking is cancelled in the seven days before the course date and a suitable delegate is not found, the course fee will be non-refundable. If no payment has been made, Thrive will invoice the full course fee.


Please note due to the diverse backgrounds of participants, courses are aimed at the common denominator.

Become a member of Thrive

I would like to join and receive membership discounts on this and future courses

 I would like to join as a standard member £25  I would like to join as an enhanced member £50

If you have any queries, would like to know availability or secure a place, please contact:

Susan Twigg

Senior Training and Education Administrator


The Geoffrey Udall Centre

Beech Hill



Telephone 0118 988 5688Fax 0118 988 5677Email